Writing And the Winner is...!

RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Here are how the current votes stand:

PMJ: 37
Fridge: 27.5
Dictatour Dauntless: 23

Looking very close ^_^
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Everybody's voting for PMJ, just like he said. This is really coming down a favorites contest. And every time that happens; the votes get fixed, people get upset, and chaos ensues.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

1. Dictator Dauntless
2. PMJ
3. Fridge
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

I suggest the voting process be a poll so it's easier to keep track of the votes.


So, do we have to vote for three people?
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Maybe there's too many options for a poll. You can only have 10 IIRC or something. We would need two threads. x_x

dmaster out.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Just a question, am I allowed to post my story seperately or would that disrupt the voting? I would like to get some opinions on it incase I want to make it better (Not that I would change my entry or anything)
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Yes, you have to vote three people.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

My vote:

1. Lou Cypher
2. PMJ
3. 42Chocolate

^ This is what I think... Lou Cypher's story was impressive. :]
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

My votes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are...

1. LuckyLuigi7
2. Fridge
3. 42Chocolate

Good luck to everyone! =)
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

The votes are as stands:

PMJ: 41
Fridge: 30.5
Dauntless: 26.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!


Don't be dumb guys, you can't do half a vote. It's one or the other.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Okay, who was the one to slip a half-vote? (How is that even possible?)
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Meh, let it stand for now. I dont think it'll have a huge impact in the end.

But yah, I think the names DO matter, like how PMJ is hugely in the lead and im scraping a bunch of points too (I dont think I should be as high as I am, tho maybe I underestimate myself). So while this is a good start of a montly contest, next time its gonna need that improvement. Glad we all agree.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Actually, Lou, your story takes the cake in my opinion. I wouldn't be suprised if you one this thing. It was my favorite out of everyone of them, well everyone I read. I feel bad I couldn't read everyone fully but could only scan through some of them, but still, yours was very good. I'm very impressed. :]

- Luigi
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Unless a swarm of voters come in at the last second, I am going to be so bold as to say I've got this one won.

Also (I was gonna say this before but forgot), poll voting won't work because:

1. Guests can vote infinity times
2. It can't be clear who you want for second or third place
3. I can make it look like any story literally has 2893572935872352 votes when clearly that will never be the case, ever, even if every person on the planet voted once; this is clearly an exaggeration but the point is I can alter the poll to my liking
4. polls are stupid

The previously suggested... suggestion... is a good one. I'm pretty sure that bacon of all people is not silly enough to be swayed by a color or a name, and even if he is, it's only one vote. One vote isn't gonna be enough to make anyone win.
RE: Short Story Competition- Voting!

Oh yar, PMJ. You claimed no-one names their kids after plantes? *cough* Venus Williams *cough*