Any Ideas What Other Cards Will be Reprinted?

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I personally am hoping for Night Maintenance, Warp Point, Bebe's, Roseanne's, and Windstorm. Crystal Beach would be a perk.
...heck, we need Crystal Beach in the format right now, since DCE just came back. And while they're at it, reprint Scramble =D
I am pretty sure Warp Point will be reprinted. We have had that card since the beginning of the TCG, in Base Set with a Weedle and Magnamite on it (talk about random Pokemon).
im glad that they are going back to slow games. i have been keeping up with my pokemon TCG on the gameboy so im already used to slower games (i havnt beat it yet....i guess that what i get for going with bulbasaur as my starter deck :() this next rotation will be tragic for SP decks and a sigh of relief for non SP decks.

WE NEED BEBE. its the only thing that keeps my decks moving as fast as they do.....aaaaaand that isnt saying to much. i hope they keep some of the lv x's like leafeon (has to be one of my favorite cards) and electivire....i want to use an electivire x ampharos prime combo with electivire TR but it was rotated out so i cant.
@Grizzly; Why re print Houndoom then if they just printed it? :p

If they reprint claydol, I'd be happy, yet disappointed in a way. Although claydol will bring a whole new metagame, the season will just be too fast and easier.
I think they might reprint Kyogre Groudon legend just because they show up on the packs.
I hope they reprint BTS. It would be nice if they reprinted some level x's and premier ball.
I'm sure it will be something awful that no one will want, like another Raichu line and a Bebe's, or like Butterfree GE... Also @ PikachewTofu the card you are talking about is base set switch, I know this because I ran two in my Kingdra I ran for Nats... The original Warp Point was in Gym Challenge I believe, it had an Oddish on it. Oh and as an after thought, I could see the Pixies from LA being reprinted which would be totally cash.
Team Rocket set, actually. You were only a little off, Vulpix, but very close. Only the MD printing of Warp Point changed the picture from the original.

I'd really like to see either Bebe's or Celio's reprinted, as we won't be able to survive with just Collector forever.
Wait, didn't I already post in this topic...? edit: yes, yes I did...
Im interested in a reprint for: Boost Energy, Night Maintenence, googleeanes, Double Rainbow Energy, Skarmory ex (minus the "ex" part), Island Hermit, Castaway, Wally's Training and Strange Cave.

Lots of good old cards...
I think they should reprint Entei, Raikou and Suicune from Secret Wonders, so the special holographic versions that came in the shiny tins would be legal again.
I agree with Cypher on the Entei/Raikou/Suicune. Some other ideas (with apologies to anybody who mentioned some of these already)

-Special Dark/Metal/Rainbow/DCE
-Warp Point/Switch
-BTS/Conductive Quarry/Stark Mountain/Dawn/Moonlight Stadium (stadiums as a WHOLE were lacking in HS block)
-Some version of Darkrai and Cresselia (let's call some MORE legends lol. The shiny set is not enough :)
^THAT. Because I hate adding a damage counter on my Pokemon for just attaching Energy. And I have a RH Multi Energy I pulled, so... :D
Warp point ofc.
BTS,Roseanne's, Gardevoir D Ex ( With big changes ofcourse),ALL TGI'S including Cyrus (I gonna laugh if they do this).
Whats the point of having TGI's reprinted? Soon, SP will be rotated, but if they're (the TGI'S) reprinted, the TGI's will be useless, because the SP's will be rotated.
Multi energy.
Yes, because Double Colorless Energy is totally useless.
Seriously, it's 1 damage counter. Are you really that scared of Crobat G that you're afraid to run Rainbow Energy?
^Crobat is run very heavily here. And because every damage counter could be loss or win, and I know I'll never run Rainbow because of that one counter (unless I wanted to run Ursaring all of a sudden).
You don't need to run 4 Rainbow Energy in a deck. In fact, you will rarely need more than 2 if you choose to run it at all. In my deck, which uses 3 different basic energy types (never mind the 2 Spec Metals and 3 DCE), I run 1 Rainbow Energy just in case of emergencies, if I can't draw into an Energy or Cyrus with my draw/search power. I've only used it once so far.

It's like running Azelf. You don't always need it - but it's nice to have it in case you do.
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