Art of the Week #2: Results: congrats to Silver_Cyh and Nekoban Ryo!


Now with 400% more Neo!
Because everyone seemed to enjoy it, I think it's a good idea to bring back lilsparks' AotW. And from now on, depending on activity, this might be either weekly or biweekly (every other week).

Again, there are no themes this week. Submissions can be of anything -- not just Pokémon fanart! This contest encourages everyone to compete and put their best foot forward, not to win, but to have fun. Graphic Design and Digital Art are both accepted in this contest.

Deadline: Wednesday, July 6th

  1. Art submission.
    You can submit your own work into this contest, or others can submit work on your behalf. In such a situation, the original artist will be contacted for approval.
  2. You may have up to three pieces of artwork submitted each week.
    This includes work you submit for yourself, and work others submit for you.
  3. Constructive comments only.
    We all want this to be a fun event, so if you have something to say, make sure it's for the benefit of the artist.
  4. Allowable art.
    Signatures, pictures, wallpapers, and drawings are all allowed. There's not much of a limit, so let's see what you can do!

How will this competition work?
  1. Entries will be collected...
    For a fun, competitive contest, we need entries! Not only will there be more competition with more entries, but it will also be another way to showcase the artistic talent of PokéBeach members!
  2. ...and pooled together for a community vote
    Voting community-style will give every artist an opportunity to win.

Past Winners
  1. safariblade

Anticipated SignUps/Entries:

  1. [*]lilsparks101
    [*]Nekoban Ryo

Good luck to all!
RE: Art of the Week #2

1. Is this and LilSparks' one the same?

2. Are premade ones accepted?
RE: Art of the Week #2

@FatalAeroX it's not mine, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. I would have put one up later today, but it all works out.

@CMP: Very nice organization, I might have added SafariBlades winning image though. You can count on me to submit something.
RE: Art of the Week #2

@FatalAeroX: This is heavily based on lilsparks' Art of the Week #1. I want to turn it into a competition held every 2 weeks (1 week on, 1 week off). For purposes of this week, go ahead and submit a premade piece. If you have multiple entries, though, try and make at least one new piece!

@lilsparks: Sorry about kinda hijacking your thread, lilsparks -- hope you don't mind! I thought it was a fantastic idea that needed to continue. If you want to continue to run the AotW in the future, let me know. :) As for adding safariblade's picture, it was something I thought of after I posted the thread. I'll add it. I look forward to seeing your submission!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Okay.. I'm in then... =D
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Awesome. Can't wait to see all your stuff, guys!

@Silver_Cyh: Nope, it can be art of anything. It doesn't have to be Pokémon-related. :)
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I think anything is fine..

EDIT: Ninja'd -.-
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I guess I'll throw this in as an entry for kicks, it's some stock art from my current ongoing art project on DA

^ That's full res btw. I dont normally make a habit of uploading at full res. For the project, it'll be scaled down to 56.25% of its full size.

My sister thinks the shadow ball looks like sperms trying to fertilise an egg >_>
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I may enter this one. It just depends. What is the mature level on this? Would a picture of a girl in a night gown be too much skin?
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I would like to join...(and post mine in on time this time...)
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

@Yakkov: I trust you to use your judgment. I don't think it'd be too much skin, as long as it's otherwise appropriate.

@aggiegyn: You're in! :)
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Eh, why not? I guess I'll submit my new PokeBall pic:

RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Awesome. Thanks guys!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I'll be entering an alternate picture for this. Its just not Pokemon related.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

here is a magnezone i barfed out on iscribble


i do not know how to colour properly i just make it up as i go along hngth

hopefully i get pity votes U n U