Artistic Inquiries Thread - Ask Anything Related to Art!

RE: Art Questions Thread

I made my own art tutorial, the image is very tall, and when I upload it to Picasa, it is smaller than it is supposed to be and I can't zoom in! Can someone please tell me how to zoom in on it in Picasa!?!?!?
RE: Art Questions Thread

Never used picasa, so dunno. Did you check to see if picasa has a limit on upload size? Photobucket for example has an upper limit on the size of what non-subscribers can upload, if the pic's resolution exceeds that, it is automatically downscaled.
RE: Art Questions Thread

This is probably a dumb question,but how do you color on the computer? *Coughi'msodumbwhenitcomestoartCough*
RE: Art Questions Thread

Here is how to color an image in GIMP that has been drawn by hand and uploaded to a computer.

1. First, I used the Paint Bucket tool to color the background white.

2. Next, I added a new layer by going to Layer> New Layer and then clicking the Transparency bubble in the New Layer window to make the layer transparent. Then I pressed the Page Up button on the keyboard to make sure I was on the right layer.

3. Next, I outlined the pic on the new layer. I find that if you don't have a tablet, the best way to get good outlines is to zoom in on the pic and then outline. I used the Circle(7) brush with the scale set at 50%. This gives you a good line to outline with. (BE SURE TO USE THE PAINTBRUSH TOOL WHEN DOING THIS!!!)

4. After I finished outlining, I switched to the lower layer be pressing the Page Down button on the keyboard. Then, I erased all of the remaining pencil lines so all that is showing is the black outline on the top layer. I then chose my colors, and colored the image with the Paintbrush tool on the bottom layer. If I did everything right, the colors should go underneath the black outline.

5. Next, I picked a slightly darker version of each of the colors I used and added shadows.

6. Then I did the same as the last step, except I picked a lighter color and added highlights.

RE: Art Questions Thread

Is their anyone who will do a fakemon for me? Its just one, if you willl, will you please pm me and I will give you the details and etc. Thank You so much for your time!
RE: Art Questions Thread

ramsey1993 said:
Is their anyone who will do a fakemon for me? Its just one, if you willl, will you please pm me and I will give you the details and etc. Thank You so much for your time!

I can, but it would have to be tomorrow. You can PM me today, though.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Umbreon/Espeon said:
This is probably a dumb question,but how do you color on the computer? *Coughi'msodumbwhenitcomestoartCough*

Artists and illustrators doing "2D" illustration art employ raster graphics editors, that's basically programs like gimp, photoshop and even paint. (compare with Vector art programs, which make use of geometrical primitives and are more design-oriented than illustration-oriented)

A raster graphic represents images as bitmaps: the art is made of pixels, each pixel is a certain colour (and in some cases, transparency factors in too). The computer represents the data about the colour of each individual pixel using bits (just like all digital data stored in bits), this defines the concept of colour depth

To "colour" on the computer, the familiar cursor is used (try it in MS Paint!). The cursor is controlled usually by mouse or touchpad, but a tablet can be used for finer control. Put simply you "draw" by applying pressure or by clicking, which simulates a brush making contact with the drawing surface.

The fundamental aspects of digital illustration are the brush values:
- Speed
- Direction
- Pressure

Speed and pressure are especially important because they are controllable by many programs, in order to affect certain properties of the brush, like size or opacity or hardness. The most obvious example is the "default" setting in programs like photoshop where a brush appears more opaque if you apply more pressure. This is also why tablets are preferred, not only because they feel more natural but because mice and touchpads lack pressure control.

Colouring in mainstream art circles these days either employs directly painting the colours, or via selections. The latter is more complicated, and involves the Magic Wand tool to "select" the regions you want to colour, then fill it with the colour. It can get tricky if the lineart is complicated. Normally what I do is select the outside, then perform a selection inversion, and then contract the selection by a pixel or two. It's still rarely perfect, especially if the lineart is very thin, or if there are sharp edges in the lineart.
RE: Art Questions Thread

I'm on DA, and I'm trying to submit a piece of artwork. However I don't know how to give it a preview. Help me please!
RE: Art Questions Thread

Whenever you upload something that needs a preview (for example, like a GIF or a PSD), then once the GIF or PSD is done loading, below it should be something that asks you to choose a preview. Hit choose, and then choose a PNG, JPEG, or a GIF file that is smaller than 150x150 px.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Ok, done that but now it's asking me to choose a file for my deviation, and I have no idea how to give it one.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Could you explain this a little more? I could probably help if you were more detailed.
RE: Art Questions Thread

This is the message copy and pasted from the site:
Sorry, 2 errors prevented this deviation from being submitted. Please correct any errors indicated below and try again.

* Please choose a file for this deviation by uploading it and clicking on the thumbnail of the uploaded file to select it.
* Please choose a deviation category.
RE: Art Questions Thread

When uploading a deviantation, you have to choose "Upload File", and choose one of your files. From there, you might have to wait for the file to upload all way the way, since the larger the file, the longer it'll take for it to upload. In order to select that file, it should auto-select if you only upload one file. If not, then just click on it after it's done uploading, and the file should have a blue background.

When choosing a category, it's below the deviantation title. This is used when people want to filter their searches.
RE: Art Questions Thread

^What he said. The category is quite well-hidden, but once you get into the habit of uploading, you remember it. There are many categories, so make sure that you pick a fitting one! Hope this helps!
RE: Art Questions Thread

The category is quite well-hidden

How is the category well hidden? It's right below the Deviantation title, and it's very hard to miss.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Well, I've missed it twice before, but I only joined dA quite recently. I think I might have phrased it wrong.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Gliscor said:
The category is quite well-hidden

How is the category well hidden? It's right below the Deviantation title, and it's very hard to miss.

It's not well hidden, just inconspicuous. Initially when I started out I didn't realise picking a category was mandatory either, and would occasionally forget.

IMO the mandatory fields like mature content and category should be lumped together and given red asterisks.

Question to guys with Photoshop: Does allocating too much RAM to it cause slowdowns? I seem to have less lag now that I allocated about 4 gigs of RAM to it instead of 5 gigs.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Is permission necessary to make an art thread here? Also, Paddy185, the Walking With series were brilliant. Props on the userpic. :D