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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

can i get a pic of the mew promo?
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

What mew promo? the one I'm offering? I gotta find one...
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

You can't take one?
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

if you consider my offer, please PM me to lmk
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

Sorry about that. PM sent.
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

CML for:
scizor x2 SF
Pachirisu GE (H or RH ?)
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I've got Alakazam MT, Feraligatr MT Unown T MT, Lugia SW, Vaporeon MD, Aerodactyl MD, Foretress La and Vespiquen SF. I need Weavile SW, Crobat MT, Scizor SF and Mareep RH SW.
Thanks and LMK!
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I will have to wait for my other trades to conclude before I can get back to you on that. Many cards are heading my way and I can't remember which of those I still need :p
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I have Moltrase I owuld like a infernape or a heatran!! CML for anything else!!

RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

Your Weavile SW for my Alakazam MT? or CML.
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I'll trade any two of these:

SW Lugia
SW Suicune RH
SF Mamoswine
SF Vespiquen

SF Infernape
SF Abomasnow
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

Hello Hello. I have these from your wants:

Mysterious Treasures:
-Unown T

Secret Wonders:

Great Encounters:

Majestic Dawn:

Legends Awakened:


I'm interested in the following:

-Heatran x2

Rattata (Secret Wonders)
Gligar (Legends Awakened)

CML for more of my wants. Also, do you have any DP Gengars?
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

Whoa crazy bombardments of offers here!

Ok let's deal with everyone single file now!

chimchar, I may be getting Moltres from someone else soon so I'll have to wait on that one

Lyte, If TofU decides he doesn't want my Weavile, I will accept your offer. I will PM you when that gets settled!

amisheskimoninja, I can't offer an Infernape any,ore. sorry I shou;dve deleted it. But I can still give you my Abomasnow and I want that Lugia majorly!

George2FRESH, All 4 of those cards are as good as yours. Which of the list do you wish to part with for them? I am especially interested in Suicune, Gengar, Mismagius, and Vespiquen!
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

Do you have any DP Gengars for trade? The cards I asked from you are really teeny, teeny, teeny tiny wants. I just pulled them out because I'm doing anything with the cards you want either, so I thought I'd help you out.
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I only have 1 that I can't afford to part with. If I had a second, it would be yours. sorry
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

You all have been PMed with updates on all offers. They should all be good news! :D
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

Made a few updates here and there. Everyone loves m SF Steelix that I pull. So I added another!
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I have a bunch of your needs in my list, do you have Any LVxs?
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