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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Yes, but I sent you mine and then you ducked out. and plus you soon admitted to lying to me about what happened to that Shiny Kabutops. It's a trust issue here.
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

So, you aren't interested?
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
depends on what ya got. Look through my wants and see if theres anything there that you have.

if you have any PT cards, let me know and I'll PM you that list

Well, I have bought ONE SINGLE PACK of PLatinum, and I got a holo Rampardos.
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Well what do you know. I NEED that Rampardos.

Juliacoolio, I will CYL I guess. Are you willing to part with a Lv X for a shiny? they have the same box ratio after all
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Do you have any Pt trainers?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

I have a LOT of PT Trainers. What ones are you looking for?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo- Yes, but nothing too fancy.

I updated my deck wants. I REALLY need them.
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

nothing too fancy eh? So is Garchomp Lv X doable?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

I need Cyrus' conspiracies, poketurns, Power sprays, and energy gains
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

I may have an extra Power Spray or 2
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Alright I'll give you a raikou for 2 powersprays if you have them
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Sounds good to me. I'll check and PM you.

Juliacoolio, I'll post an offer in your thread.

and UPDATE!!!!!!

Nothing too fancy, just 2 new haves:

-PT Ninetales
-MT Alakazam
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Sounds good to me. I'll check and PM you. <---Was that at me?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Alright I'll do that. PM me to finalize
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

I will when I get home and can check my cards. I know I have at least 1 power spray I can give you and I believe I pulled another trainer card you wanted in a pack yesterday. Would 2 different ones work for you as long as they're both ones you listed as wants?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Oh, hey, sorry Lord Atmo. I'm trading that Rampardos already. I THINK I'm, trading it to Lyte. Oh, but I do have some Kabutops cards that I can trade you. I have a non-holo Base Set one and one from.....um.....MD or LA?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Do you have any basic dark energy or special dark energy?
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

I may have a few. I'm sorry for the delays too, man. I have been very busy with school and the like and I don't often get requests for my non-rares. (My trainers are all in a massive stack crammed into one of my tins)

But you'll have a definitive answer before Friday. I promise!
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