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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Kabutops ex
for your
Dialga #5
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Sounds good to me! Those cards weren't gonna move anyway! I'll PM you to finalize!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

PM sent. Thanks much! after my failed trade with H.D.V.B. on the Kabutops EX, it's good to know that this time I'm trading with someone with a good rep!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)


I realized I still need 1 more card from DP. Medicham. So that has been added. I also still need SW Gastrodon East Sea

Also, I need a number of commons and uncommons as well. But I won't give much for them obviously. But they are:

-MT Spinarak
-GE Arbok
-MT Quilava
-LA Lanturn (Either one)
-MT Lairon
-DP Seedot
-LA Starmie

I could use help with any of these. I will trade 1 non-holo rare for 2 uncommons. And Spinarak and Seedot can just be throw-ins since they're worth...well they're worth nothing to most players :p

As for haves, I added some as well. They are:

-MT Ninetales
-LA Forretress
-SW Suicune (RH)
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I have:

Meganium MT
Typhlosion MT
Lugia SW
Dialga #6 PT
Empoleon PT


Shiny Voltorb
Suicune SW RH
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Typhlosion AND Meganium? GAH! YES! DEAL! I will PM you to finalize! THANKS!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Here's a unique little addition for ya! The RH-for-H exchange program!

(Wait. WHAAAAAT????)
Simple. I have RHs of cards that are normally holo...And I like holo more than RH. So I'm implementing this system. All cards listed are RH and I will trade them for their holo counterparts. Since it's technically the same card, there's no difference in value and all trades are 1 for 1. Got it?

See the list on page 1 and help me out!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

CML for any OLD eeveelution you may have. (not from DP sets, but any other)
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I have the original 3. Vaporeon is holo and first edition, jolteon and flareon are non holo. Interested?

I am VERY interested in your MT Honchkrow as it is a big gap in my collection. Perhaps we can work something out.

Also, do you have Giratina #9 from Platinum?
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I am seriously Interested:
My : Honchkrow And ? (if you want anything else)

Your : Vaporeon Flareon and Jolteon.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I forgot I also have a non holo Neo 2 Espeon. I will CYL later and see what else I would like. I also need to get more envelopes so the trade may take a bit.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

CML for
RAYQUAZA EX (Dragon Frontiers)
and any other EXs you have. I'm from Canada, BTW
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Canada should be fine. It's the overseas places I'm hesitant to trade to :p

Well your dialga G Lv X looks quite nice but I would surely need to cough up more for it. Want anything else?

I noticed some cards in your wants that I have:

-Cresselia GE
-Darkrai MD
-Manaphy MD
-Mewtwo MD
-Magmortar SW (I have the holo from the theme deck if that's what you mean)

so I could trade you those as well. I have a few other DP-on holos I have for trade if you want them. See, I'm VERY desperate for Dialga G Lv X and will give up a lot to obtain one.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

4-3-2 Kingdra Line (do you have more Kingdra I would like to do 4-3-4)
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I dont have ANY kingdra. you sure you got the right list there, skippy?
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
I don't have ANY kingdra. you sure you got the right list there, skippy?

sorry I miss read I saw Kingler and thought Kingdra...lol
NVM then...
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
I forgot I also have a non holo Neo 2 Espeon. I will CYL later and see what else I would like. I also need to get more envelopes so the trade may take a bit.

Ok, PM me and we can work out a deal
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
Canada should be fine. It's the overseas places I'm hesitant to trade to :p

Well your dialga G Lv X looks quite nice but I would surely need to cough up more for it. Want anything else?

I noticed some cards in your wants that I have:

-Cresselia GE
-Darkrai MD
-Manaphy MD
-Mewtwo MD
-Magmortar SW (I have the holo from the theme deck if that's what you mean)

so I could trade you those as well. I have a few other DP-on holos I have for trade if you want them. See, I'm VERY desperate for Dialga G Lv X and will give up a lot to obtain one.
Anything else you want? Tell me how many holos/Rares/Uncommons you can trade and we might be able to work something out.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I'll trade ANYTHING you want from my list and several RHs for that Dialga G Lv X. 10 holos? 5 RHs? all? you name it, it's yours. Yes I am desperate

Maybe I'm ripping myself off? I really don't care. :p
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