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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Unless you're interested in my DF Rayquaza EX or one of my tin Lv Xs, I dont think I have anything you'd want. Remember...If it's not on my list, then I don't have it.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
Unless you're interested in my DF Rayquaza EX or one of my tin Lv Xs, I don't think I have anything you'd want. Remember...If it's not on my list, then I don't have it.

Are you able to buy (despite what your thread says, at some point you invest $20/$275 in cardboard).
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I dont like to buy through the secondhand market though.

Not to mention I was quite horrorstruck when I realized what I spent on PT. I will not be making that mistake ever again
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
I don't like to buy through the secondhand market though.

Not to mention I was quite horrorstruck when I realized what I spent on PT. I will not be making that mistake ever again

I think you'd be okay buying from an eBay Powerseller, but okay, your call.

It would at least be an assured card. ;)
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Sorry, I just dont like paying $20.00 for a single card. Packs cost much less and come with more.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I Have:
Magmortar Lv X

I'm Interested In:
x1 Blissy PL
x1 Pachiricu GE

That's not enough for a pack Lv.X, I'm interested in the Blastoise PL from your RH system, but seince it's not in your PL list so I'm guessing your not trading it.

I'd add in a holo/ex from my trade list if you add in Blastoise PL and do this trade with me :D
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Yeah I cant trade the Blastoise as I would have zero if I did. I also can't give up my Pachi anymore sadly. But I'm about to add a lot of new wants, so you might be able to work with them!


As a hater of lists asking only for Lv X, EX, star, and other cards that nobody has, I realized mine drifted into the same calamity. Therefore I am launching an all-new goal to add more wants.

I have a high interest in completing each expansion, sans the Lv Xs because obtaining them is impossible. But I have added a whole new wants category as a means to finally complete my collections! Take a look!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Out of your new wants I have 3 Typhlosion MT (2 RH) 2 Rampardos MT, and I could prob. find 1 Azelf MT.
I don't need the Blissy anymore, what do you want for Blastoise?

LMK Please! :D
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

No no no no no I said TYRANITAR, not Typhlosion!

The only thing I will accept for my RH PT Blastoise is the holo PT Blastoise. I need that card for my collection.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Do you have anything newer than DP? Thats all I'm after
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Updated list!

Now with rising rivals.

I dont have much to offer from them, but I want a whole lot. and I have a lot of PT
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

interested in this:

Vulpix (PT) *SH6*

I have alot of your RR wants and would be willing to trade a few for them, I am also interested in your RH exchange as well

cml and let me know if we can work something out, please
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

Hi, I have:

- MT Magmortar
- MT Rampardos
- MT Sudowoodo
- SW Ampharos
- SW Weavile
- GE Darkrai #3 (might go out in another trade, depending on who finalizes first)
- GE Houndoom
- MD Cresselia
- MD Phione #12
- MD Plusle

Interested in your:

Rayquaza ex (DF)

-Golem 4 x2


-Toxicroak G
-Kricketune x2
-Torterra x2
-Gyrados G x3
-Shaymin #38
-Dialga #6 (RH)
-Dugtrio X3
-Blissey X2
-Infernape x3
-Giratina #28 x2
-Giratina #27
-Dialga #23 x2
-Lickilicky x2
-Slaking x2
-Manectric (RH)
-Palkia G

Please leave me an offer, thanks.

PS, I'm located in Canada
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

qnetykz I will CYL and PM you with everything I want and we can work it out from there. Please let me know which of m,y RHs you want and what holo counterparts you have to exchange for them

Lilbandit, you have quite a bit of cards I'm after. And I'm willing to part with any of those PT cards you listed. Let me know which of them you really want and we can turn this into a trade.

I just PMed you, qnetykz. Go ahead and pick from the list and we can figure something out.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

How about this then:

Blaziken (PT)
Kricketune (PT) x2
Torterra (PT) x2
Dialga #6 (PT) RH
Toxicroak G (PT)
Slaking (PT)
Shaymin #38 (PT)

- MT Magmortar
- MT Rampardos
- MT Sudowoodo
- SW Ampharos
- SW Weavile
- GE Darkrai #3
- GE Houndoom
- MD Cresselia
- MD Phione #12
- MD Plusle
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

I shall send the PM. but I like that trade!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

How about my Gastrodon West Sea RR and Nidoking RR for your Palkia G?
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

CML for MT Ninetales, PT Blissey x2, PT Toxicroak G, and both your secret rares.
I have quite a few of your wants.

Just letting you know that I live in Canada.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and shinies! Looking for Dialga G Lv X (Atmo's list)

darksoulSP, Im in a pending deal for Gastrodon West sea and Nidoking, but I will keep you posted.

nabby, Toxicroak G is no longer available I'm afraid. But the others still are. Is that ok?
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