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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

If it's not listed under my haves, then I don't have it. So no...No Lv Xs (I swear that's all anyone ever wants these days >_< )
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

H: Clefable DP
Aerodactyl MD

W: Money or Espeons! (Or Togekiss GE holos...)
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I don't buy. It's stated so in the rules.

Togekiss is under my wants too. So I definitely don't have any.

Espeon however. I may still have my old Neo 2 non holo one. I'll have to check...

Look guys I'm sorry if I seem so short and grumpy. But all of my haves are CLEARLY stated. If it's not there, I don't have it. So don't ask for it!
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I have Chomp X CML.
RE: Looking for Shining Kabutops, Garchomp Lv X, and many more! (Atmo's list)

I have a lot of Blastoise variants you may like. Team Rocket holo Dark Blastoise and Chrystal Guardians Blastoise to name a few. I also have Dark Wortortle
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)


Now with Platinum!

New haves:

-Shiny Vulpix
-Shiny Voltorb
-Shiny Lotad
-PT Skymin
-PT Blissey
-PT Dugtrio
-PT Beautifly
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

CML for Scizor SF x2. From your wants I have Clefable DP, Moltrez MD and Aerodactyl MD. LMK. thanks.
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Once I make sure I still have 2 extra Scizor, I'll get back to you on that. I probably do though. I pulled so many of them....

All of your haves I am interested in too. So It's gonna be tough deciding. :p
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)


More Platinum cards added!

-Giratina (Dragonbreath)
-Another Beautifly
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

You can add in 2 beautifly pt to the trade I wanted from above.
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

CML for your shinies.
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

I'm in need of your Shiny Lotad.

From your wants I have:
Clefable - DP [Have RH if you're interested]
[RH] Aggron - MT
Aerodactyl - MD

Please CML for anything I can add to my side.
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Well, I'm in a probable deal for Aerodactyl and Clefable there. But that Aggron is a must-have for me. However, you have a good few cards in PT that I want. I'll PM you the list.

Lyte, I can do that. If it turns out I DO have 2 Scizor, do you want to throw in another card for both of them as well?
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

Lyte, I can do that. If it turns out I DO have 2 Scizor, do you want to throw in another card for both of them as well?

Just list the cards you want from me and we'll go from there.
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

What would you want for:

Fossil Dragonite
Promo Smeargle
Any RH from the older series(EG Neo, Base, etc.)
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

depends on what ya got. Look through my wants and see if theres anything there that you have.

if you have any PT cards, let me know and i'll PM you that list
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

i'm somewhat hesitant to do a deal with you, man. last time we confirmed a trade, you lost the card and kept trying to force some random mew card at me that i didnt want. i dont know if i can trust you.
RE: Have Platinum, Shiny Vulpix, and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)

We did not exchange adresses.
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