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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Atmo's trade list

Hey, me again. Do you have any RH Trainers? If so, please list them. Thanks!
RE: Atmo's trade list

I have a few. They are:

Mysterious Shard
Moonlight Stadium
Night Pokemon Center
Night Maintenance
Snowpoint Temple

I'll list all RH cards I have too. In case there's a demand for them.

Also, I revamped my whole front page, separating the cards by their series starting with Diamond and Pearl and working down to Base Set. It should be easier to see what cards you might need now!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Well, I need RH DP Machop and Machoke. And I need your RH Night Maintenance. So lmk!
RE: Atmo's trade list

I found my RH Snowpoint Temple as well. But I only have night maintenance. You can offer for it if you'd like. I don't know how much that will get me in a trade though. :p
RE: Atmo's trade list

I will trade an RH Kabutops for 1 RH Snowpoint and 1 RH Night Maintenance. Lmk. =]
RE: Atmo's trade list

Sorry, I'm quite happy with the "normal" MD Kabutops you gave me and have no need for another. My main goal here is to get a complete "roster" of all 300+ pokemon in card form in my binder. However, I have HUGE gaps and can PM you with the full list of pokemon I still need. Would that work?
RE: Atmo's trade list

That would work out just fine for me. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I just need your RH Night Maintenance, and your RH Snowpoint. So lmk what you need?
RE: Atmo's trade list


Wants section has been completely revamped! it now has all of my wants from the whole diamond and pearl series.

I also am adding a new card available for trade.

CRYSTAL GUARDIANS CHARIZARD is now up for grabs. I usually keep all my charizard pulls as "trophies" since back when I first collected, Charizard was a very sought-after card. But this Charizard is far too difficult to effectively use in one of my decks. And since I doubt I will ever use this card, I'm offering it for trade. Act now and receive free CG Charmander and Charmeleon cards as well! (since after I get rid of Charizard, those will be useless to me)

Also. I am VERY desperate for a Kabutops ex. Anyone care to cut me a deal for one? As much as it pains me to do so, I may have to part with my Rayquaza ex to obtain it. Though I would rather not.
RE: Atmo's trade list


As always, I bought 3 packs today. Some stuff I don't need though, and am offering them:
-DP Purugly
-SW Weavile

Also, while I thought for sure I'd have pulled one by now,I STILL don't have a Loudred. I finished a trade the other day for an Exploud, a REALLY good card. But without a Loudred, I have no way to use it. I have more than plenty uncommons I can trade for any Loudred at all. Anyone care to assist?
RE: Atmo's trade list

You have quite a bit of stuff I want. Mind if I PM you the whole list and have you choose from it what you want to give me? Since I don't know how many would equal Charizard's value.
RE: Atmo's trade list

Mamoswine LA
Regice LA

For your:
Jumpluff SW
Weavile SW
Infernape MD

LMK, thanks.
RE: Atmo's trade list

Exactly. And andro, I like the trade, but aren't we still in the middle of another trade? or did my cards reach you yet? I sent them out i think 2 weeks ago. I'll gladly do this trade once our current one is finished. Sound good?
RE: Atmo's trade list

Yeah, I received your cards today! I will be leaving you a ref and sending shortly.
I will LYK when I send your cards.
Thanks for the trade.

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