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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Atmo's trade list

I have the Slaking you want. I kind of want a Rhyperior or a Fire Heatran but if you dont have those i'll trade it for your 2 item finders
RE: Atmo's trade list


I opened 2 new LA packs. Seems I don't need either rare that I pulled. So here they are for an offer:

-LA Yanmega (I have both normal and RH whichever you prefer)
-Yet another LA Ditto
-Rayquaza EX (Make a nice offer for this one...)
RE: Atmo's trade list


Apparently this is some sort of secret-rare "treasure card", but I seemed to be lucky enough to pull it this morning. But as a player, the card is useless in battle. Same exact card as base set Charmeleon in a sense.

But that doesn't mean I'm not aware of how valuable this card is. So the offers had best be good!
RE: Atmo's trade list

Will you be willing to part with any of your Lv Xs? I'd love to have that Gardevoir Lv X if so. Otherwise, I see a few cards there I can gladly cough up the Charmeleon for.
RE: Atmo's trade list

got armaldo, regice, crodaunt, gliscor lv.x and zone lv.x, but i'm really only looking 4 stormfront box or great encounters box
RE: Atmo's trade list

Box? you mean a whole box of packs? If it's not listed in my haves, then...I don't have it

Sorry, man.
RE: Atmo's trade list


I went on a Stormfront buying frenzy. And as a result, I have a lot of new cards to offer up. All of them Stormfront:

-Dusknoir (holo)
-Shiny Voltorb (good offers only!)
RE: Atmo's trade list

I'm not interested in Charmeleon anymore, but I like that Shiny Voltorb.
RE: Atmo's trade list

Oh? I'm interested in trading it! What can ya give me for it? I don't know if it's worth a Lv X, but i'm still interested in thnat gardy, but plenty of other stuff too if not.
RE: Atmo's trade list

I can trade the Gardevoir Lv.X for it. You can either take the bent one or the mint one. If you take the mint one, I'd like a bit more. Do you have any Rosanne's, Bebe's, Rare Candy, etc?
RE: Atmo's trade list

how bent is the bent one exactly? But I do have a bebe's search card if you want it. As i can fully understand the value of a Lv X. and would prefer the mint one. My Voltorb is also mint
RE: Atmo's trade list

Could you CMWL? I have these:

Kricketune MT
Glaceon MD #20, #5 RH
Roserade SW
Torterra DP
Mismagius DP
RE: Atmo's trade list

I no longer need that Roserade, but I still need everything else. Especially Glaceon! Kricketune and Mismagious are my second biggest wants of that list. torterra not as much (in the event my cards dont equal the values of what you're offering)

I have a lot of those base set cards you want. And a few neo cards. None of them are shadowless unless I say otherwise:

-Squirtle X2
-Item Finder (As well as a base set 2 card. I have one of each.)
-Full Heal (A bit of wear along the sides, but barely noticeable.)
-Pluspower X3
-Revive X2
-Pokemon Center X3
-You listed Pokemon Breeder twice. Did you mean Pokemon TRADER? I have one of those. My Pokemon Breeder is Base Set 2 sadly.
-Genesis Skarmory. First Edition!
-Discovery Corsola. First Edition!
-MT Bronzor
-MT Finneon X2

That any good? Also, I haven't even gone through my old base set pokemon to see if any are shadowless First Edition. I know I have a few. If I find any, they're yours. Sound good?
RE: Atmo's trade list

Collector Don said:
Which Glaceon do you need? The #20 or the #5 RH?

I'll take either one. It's just to finish my roster of cards.

shaymin707 said:
Have:alot of your holo wantz

Want: SF dusk

LMK thanx

I would LOVE that Ludicolo!
RE: Atmo's trade list

OK, how about this?

Kricketune MT
Glaceon MD #20
Torterra DP
Mismagius DP

Your MINT:
Skarmory NG 1st Edition
Corsola ND 1st Edition
Bronzor MT
Finneon MT
Pokemon Breeder
Pokemon Center
Item Finder
Full Heal
RE: Atmo's trade list

Sounds awesome to me! I don't know if all of those old trainers are totally mint, but i don't notice anything wrong with them without looking really close. I will PM you to Finalize!
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