Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Theres always....

no no..., the super nova Is a super anti nova, making it very cold...
2000000 years in the future,
" hey bob whats this strange block of ice?" " I have no idea, say Isnt that a Pikachu inside it?" " whoa it is, say these are worth like,loads!" " yah lets get him out and turn him into an Uberchu, then he's worth even more!"
and so uberchu lives on

I make Uberchu watch high school musical 1, 2 and three and He has no sofa to hide behind!

nuff said...
Uberchu closes his eyes.

I send all the Alloys from Cruel brawl to kill Uberchu.
How do you get the Alloys out of the video game?

I have Uberchu fight Link, Meta Knight, Marth, Ike, and Roy all at once in a sword fight. Link, Meta Knight, Marth, Ike, and Roy are all on one team. Uberchu is on his own team.
Uberchu is an Uber pokemon, just one discharge brings em all down.

I make Uberchu eat a pony and an elephant and a sack of potatoes all at once without chewing!
Did you know Uberchu is an ex ninja, He dodges them all in fast, slick, kung-foo ninja moves.

I make Uberchu wet himself in front of all his freinds
All of his freinda are imaginary

I lock him in a chest for 1000 years
He get's out the day afterwords, not a year on him.

I shoot him. Witha sniper rifle.
Ganon (or Gannondorf) isn't home.

I shoot him. With a sniper rifle. And there aren't any blank rounds, I checked beforehand.
Ha I Ninja'd you!


The Blaziken's accept him, and he begins life anew as a Blaziken.

Dr4g0n said:
I shoot him. With a sniper rifle. And there aren't any blank rounds, I checked beforehand.
Darn, I hoped no one would notice.

You missed, Smooth. Also I said he died of humiliation.

I make Uberchu dance the Chicken Dance in front of Arceus. Arceus hates the Chicken Dance and guess what. JUDGEMENT! KO.
Uberchu slaps you

I lead Ubercchu to the top of Ganon's tower and tell him that there's cake in the next room. Ganon's in that room. :O
Pfft, you think that ganon can handle Uberchu?

I make Uberchu read 1000000000 ( thatsa billion) copies of frank the chicken ( some childrens book about a chicken called frank.
frank goes to the park
He eats a sanwich
Frank goes home)
and each copie Uberchu has to read 10 times
That's Uberchu's favourite story.

He falls in love with Wimpikarp and they live happily ever after.
Yay! They live happily ever after! Besides, Wimpakarp evolved into Bullydos and then they live happily ever after, only Uberchu is now protected by Bullydos.

I shoot Bullydos and Uberchu in the neck with a sniper, Bullydos first so I saw him die, and I didn't miss Uberchu.
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