Avatar: The Legend of Korra

This has to be the smallest gap between seasons in the entire series. That's amazing.

Supposedly Book 4 will be titled "Balance" and focus on the role of the Avatar and if it is even necessary (as all of the past villains have tried to undermine).

This is going to be the last season of Avatar ever, so I'm a little sad, but I believe that Bryke can make it a worthy finale.
Wow, already? That's unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Between that, Doctor Who, and Gravity Falls, I don't know how I'm going to have time for all the shows this fall! Thank goodness that VCRs are a thing.

I wonder if there will be a new main villain(s) for this season, but given that it's the last season, I could see there being no main villain at all, just to shake things up a bit. Korra's rehabilitation, both physical and mental is going to be pretty emotional, I can already tell. But I'm sure no matter what happens though, that Bryan and Mike will give us a fitting end to such a monumental series. Until then... we just have to wait, I guess!
TwistedTurtwig said:
Wow, already? That's unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Between that, Doctor Who, and Gravity Falls, I don't know how I'm going to have time for all the shows this fall! Thank goodness that VCRs are a thing.

I wonder if there will be a new main villain(s) for this season, but given that it's the last season, I could see there being no main villain at all, just to shake things up a bit. Korra's rehabilitation, both physical and mental is going to be pretty emotional, I can already tell. But I'm sure no matter what happens though, that Bryan and Mike will give us a fitting end to such a monumental series. Until then... we just have to wait, I guess!

I do believe that it was confirmed in an interview that Book 4 will feature another new villain, carrying on the trend.

A lot of people don't like that Legend of Korra has been entirely 1-off villains, but I honestly don't mind it. It's pretty cool to see the different sorts of threats that the Avatar faces throughout his/her lifetime.
Auride said:
TwistedTurtwig said:
Wow, already? That's unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Between that, Doctor Who, and Gravity Falls, I don't know how I'm going to have time for all the shows this fall! Thank goodness that VCRs are a thing.

I wonder if there will be a new main villain(s) for this season, but given that it's the last season, I could see there being no main villain at all, just to shake things up a bit. Korra's rehabilitation, both physical and mental is going to be pretty emotional, I can already tell. But I'm sure no matter what happens though, that Bryan and Mike will give us a fitting end to such a monumental series. Until then... we just have to wait, I guess!

I do believe that it was confirmed in an interview that Book 4 will feature another new villain, carrying on the trend.

A lot of people don't like that Legend of Korra has been entirely 1-off villains, but I honestly don't mind it. It's pretty cool to see the different sorts of threats that the Avatar faces throughout his/her lifetime.
Ah, ok. I wasn't all that crazy about the single-season villain thing at first, but it's grown on me, and I think they'll be able to pull it off again well for Book 4.
Card Slinger J said:
Why is it that the production for Korra feels rushed compared to Avatar?

I think it feels rushed not because it actually is, but because it's going by a good bit faster. The team making the show has a lot more experience with its style, and the seasons are a lot shorter. That, and LoK is not as substantial in terms of showtime as ATLAB. The former's seasons are a lot more focused down. It lacks the sidestories and filler episodes which really served to develop the characters and world in The Last Arbender. Every episode in Legend of Korra advances the plot almost the entire way through, with comic relief being relegated to brief skits in between important events. It's a more bare-bones formula.

As a result, I find that the character development in Legend of Korra is far more subtle, and communicated through the characters' decisions rather than their words and narratives. With Aang, there was a very clear change from his initial childish attitude (though it was not lost, merely added to) to the mature. understanding character he ended as. The most notable way Korra develops (or at least how she has thus-far) in her actions at times of crisis. In season 1 she was eager to put herself in the face of danger (even challenging Amon to a face-off at one point) due to her overconfidence. By season 3, she is more considerate of the people around her, which we see when she decides to surrender herself to Zaheer in exchange for the air-benders. A younger Korra would have tried to fight the Red Lotus (which is what I legitimately conjectured, if you look earlier in this thread).

Sorry if this feels a bit over-analyzed. I just wanted to convey my point of view on the differences between the two series.
Well, that was certainly an unexpected release date. Talk about having a quick turnaround, but it shouldn't have been that surprising I guess. Nick just wants to get the show over and done with anyway.

dmaster out.
I'm looking forward to this so much :D

I can't believe we've got (I think) 2 seasons of Korra between the OR/AS announcement and the release.

What if Korra used earthbending to move the planets back into alignment to simulate harmonic convergence and use it to re-connect to her past lives :O
For those excited for the new season, here's a preview that was recently released:


And for non-Americans (sorry), someone has taken the liberty of reuploading it (with some anaylsis) here:

Very interesting!
Seems there so one interested in discussing the show between seasons :(. Oh well.

Today, Nick released yet another trailer for book 4, this time revealing much more about the new season:

So the most shocking information we got here was that there is going to be a 3 year time-skip between Books 3 and 4. Now when the last trailer came out I was almost sure this wasn't gonna happen, but it seems that Book 4 will just start with some transitional material to set up for the skip before moving along to it.

So for those who were theorizing that Kuvira was shady, this trailer basically confirms that. She's featured as apparently leading some earthbender army for some reason or another. One clip shows Bolin in the garb of this army, but that's out of context.

We also see what the Air Nomad special task force is like. They seem to go about using wing-suits (gone are the gliders?), jumping from their bison into action.

There's a lot of show of a new sort of mecha-tank, this time more streamlined. Probably one of the tools at use by Kuvira's army.

We see what I can only guess is Zuko's daughter sitting besides him, Tenzin, and the President of the United Republic during one scene.

And at the very end of the trailer, we hear Korra say, "I can't believe it, Toph?". Her appearance in this scene makes me think that she goes through some sort of arduous trial at some point during this season. On the whole I get the feeling she's on some sort of nomadic journey of self-discovery or something of that nature.

Thoughts? Opinions? So far this looks to be an incredibly interesting premise for the final season. I'm very excited to see just what's going on.
Yo just saw the trailer and this new season looks promising. I think it could shape up to be better than the last. I mean, to me it looks like someone is straight trying to start a war or something with the metal clan. So need Much excited.
Well I've officially made more than half of the posts on this page. But here: My thoughts on the season premier!

I would like to begin by saying that I really do wish they'd premiered with 2 or 3 episodes, like they've done in the past. Just 1 episode almost feels too sparse to introduce the story, but perhaps it's all part of the plan.

Clearly, the primary focus of this episode was to introduce our new (presumably) villain: Kuvira, the Great Uniter. As far as I can tell, she's basically taken the mob boss strategy and put it to a national scale. She traps people by forcefully pulling people out of trouble and into her debt. She helps people on the surface, but everyone suspects her to be sinister in intention. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she hired those bandits to pressure the governor to surrender to her contract.

And she's an expert in combat too (can't have a villain who isn't scary on their own, I guess). We haven't really been shown this sort of metal-bending technique up until now. I can already see the finale battle being epic.

Only at the very end do we get so much as a glimpse of what's become of Korra. For some reason or another, she's deceived her own father and disappeared, presumably as a means of re-training herself after 3 years of debilitation.

All we can do now is wait the next episode, which I can only presume is going to focus on Korra herself, and what she's been through since Book 3. See you guys next week!
This season is off to a promising start, but then again, so was season 1... I can only hope LoK continues the trend of each season being better than the previous.
I won't stop until more people start posting! Then I'll post even more!
Auride said:
All we can do now is wait the next episode, which I can only presume is going to focus on Korra herself, and what she's been through since Book 3. See you guys next week!
You gotta admit, I was spot on here!

So this was the flashback episode we were all expecting. We do, in fact, find out all about what's happened to Korra in the interim between Books 3 and 4. Korra struggles through physical recovery, aided and encouraged endlessly by Katara. Yet she remains traumatized and pessimistic, discouraged by repeated failure.

This episode is one of the best looks we've ever gotten at Korra's personality. Normally outgoing and over-confident, she's beaten down by her sudden weakness. And she's plagued by memories of the past, as well as (apparently) her lost Avatar spirit.

The climax of the episode was probably the fight between Korra and her spirit in the swamp, but I think it's almost overshadowed by the long-awaited reveal of Toph...with the close and credits. Oh how Bryke know how to make a cliffhanger.
So anyone else got some thoughts to share on this very interesting episode?
I thought it was pretty good. Freakin IGN gave it a 10/10 which I don't think it needed but whatever.

It was nice to really focus on what happened over the three years instead of just giving one-liners to explain it like Young Justice did (which needs to come back please). My only problem was, why the hell was Toph so short. In flashbacks and whatnot it looked like she was about the size of all the other adults like Aang and Sokka, but she just seemed extra short. Now I understand that she is butt-old but that doesn't mean you should become the height of a twelve year-old.

Overall good episode, though I hope they don't spend too much time on Korra going on her GoT-style Bran spirit quest thing recovering and a little more on Kuvira whoopin' people.
Momaster12 said:
My only problem was, why the hell was Toph so short. In flashbacks and whatnot it looked like she was about the size of all the other adults like Aang and Sokka, but she just seemed extra short. Now I understand that she is butt-old but that doesn't mean you should become the height of a twelve year-old.

As best as I can tell from the single brief scene that Korra and Toph are in the same frame, Toph appears to be at roughly the same height as Katara, if a tiny bit shorter. Which makes perfect sense, considering she wasn't all that tall either in TLAB or the flashbacks of Season 1 (she was taller than, but not quite as tall as Aang or Sokka).

Do keep in mind that she's hunched over when we see her. I've attempted to estimate her height standing straight up in the above comparisons.
Has anyone noticed the most recent pop culture easter eggs from the last episode of Book 4?

Toph seeked refuge in a place very similar to Dagobah in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi where Korra is in the exact same situation Luke Skywalker was in when he sought out Yoda or in Korra's case Toph. Another pop culture reference in this episode was during Korra's flashback of walking through the harsh cold weather to enter the Spirit World or in this case the Fortress of Solitude from the Richard Donner Superman films when Kal-El tries to regain his lost powers.
Man, this last episode was extremely good IMO. Lots of great nods to the original Last Airbender series (and that was kind of obvious just from the name of the episode itself). It honestly does deserve that 10/10 tbh. I feel like it's one of the better Korra episodes.

dmaster out.
Episode 3 was great! I can't wait to see what Varrick is up to with that spirit vine.

Also, Toph is too short. =P
Just watched episodes 2 and 3 last night. My thoughts...

Korra Alone: Best. Episode. EVER! This just might be my favorite episode of all LoK, next to the Book 1 finale. I'll admit, I am a sucker for flashback episodes and this did not disappoint. I loved that we got to see bits of Korra's recovery process over time and it really gave a big look into her psyche and how she was still emotionally scarred from the poison. Also, that picture of Aang in that guy's shack was an absolutely hilarious little reference!

The Coronation: Obvious Star Wars reference is obvious. The whole episode I was waiting for Toph to say "That is why you fail." This episode set a lot of things up, like Kuvira's reign, a conflict between Mako and Bolin, and the Jinora, Ikki and Meelo search party. This is gonna be good.