Avatar: The Legend of Korra

A less exciting episode than the previous one, but it was needed for the sake of setting up the plot for the rest of the season.

In a less than unexpected twist, Kuvira is refusing to hand power back to Wu. She has amassed an army, gained control of resources, and won the hearts of the people.

At the same time, we get to see Toph in action, and she's definitely the same as always. At the end of the day what we find out is that Korra is still poisoned, and she has to bend it out herself.

Overall, I'm pretty interested to see what goes on next. I can only assume that the Air Bender task-force is going to find Korra in 1 or 2 episodes, and she'll probably be spending that time trying to heal herself. Whether she fails or succeeds by then is beyond me. Meanwhile, Kuvira's going to certainly focus her efforts on Zaofu with whatever weapon Varrick is developing. I've seen people theorize that it's some sort of spirit wilds bomb, but who knows.

Once again, I'm excited for next week!
Auride said:
A less exciting episode than the previous one, but it was needed for the sake of setting up the plot for the rest of the season.

In a less than unexpected twist, Kuvira is refusing to hand power back to Wu. She has amassed an army, gained control of resources, and won the hearts of the people.

At the same time, we get to see Toph in action, and she's definitely the same as always. At the end of the day what we find out is that Korra is still poisoned, and she has to bend it out herself.

Overall, I'm pretty interested to see what goes on next. I can only assume that the Air Bender task-force is going to find Korra in 1 or 2 episodes, and she'll probably be spending that time trying to heal herself. Whether she fails or succeeds by then is beyond me. Meanwhile, Kuvira's going to certainly focus her efforts on Zaofu with whatever weapon Varrick is developing. I've seen people theorize that it's some sort of spirit wilds bomb, but who knows.

Once again, I'm excited for next week!

Yeah, I thought that this episode was alright - better to have them setup the plot sooner rather than later. In addition...
I was so glad to see Toph again! I feel like she's become a little more blunt/rude, though it could just be having lived her life - I feel kinda sad that she decided to settle in the swamp all by herself, but if it's what she wants then that's ok. I wish we saw more of Korra and Toph - Wu just screams placeholder for me. He doesn't really contribute much to the overall story (as of this moment), and I don't really think he will later on in the series.
Overall, I can't wait to see the next episode - makes Friday a day to look forward to!
A great episode overall. I really enjoyed that Ikki finally got some more character development. Apparently she's got middle-child syndrome, although that gets somewhat resolved by the end of things. The guard skit was too good.

On the other side of things, we get yet more affirmation that Toph is the same as always, if a little bit wiser. This whole episode was full of throwbacks to The Last Air Bender, between Tophs recollections about the old adventures, or Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora getting trapped in the swamp, or the sequence with the Banyon Grove Tree, and I really enjoyed it all.

The end of the episode signifies the end of this season's exposition. Korra's finally back in action, and Kuvira has initiated a greater conflict. Now, we wait for the rising action.

This season keeps getting better and better...
What happened Auride, you missed last week's review? lol

I really liked today's episode. I loved Verrick especially for some reason. And the entire fight with Kuvira, including Air Support was awesome. It was just a really nice episode.
And it took you all week to notice!

Just kidding. I was rather busy, and I wasn't able to find the time for it. I'll write one this time, as soon as I re-watch the episode tomorrow. All I'll say now is that I really liked this episode, even a bit more than Chapter 5.
Alright. I'm back.

Kuvira demonstrates her political adeptness by allowing Suyin to throw the first punch. In catching the assassination team red-handed she instantly places herself on a moral high-ground to both her army and the world leaders.

Varrick then proceeds to demonstrate his own eccentric creativity by both managing to convince Bataar to let him have Bolin as his assistant. This is the beginning of the repeated motif of Varrick subtly outsmarting him throughout the episode.

Korra's fight with Kuvira was actually pretty good in my mind. We see once again just how physically strong Kuvira is, and how out-of-it Korra is. Every punch Korra throws Kuvira sees a mile away. We know that this season won't end in a big fight, but I'm sure they'll become far more evenly matched before the finale. The one most important part of this battle is how it ends. Korra can't kill Kuvira because she sees herself in her. She can't kill herself. Her final victory thus cannot be wrought by force alone. She'll have to beat Kuvira by other means.

The final scene tells shows us the purpose of all of the scenes of Varrick outsmarting Bataar: in his overconfidence, he will certainly botch any attempts to recreate the sprit-vine weapon, and will as a result put everyone in danger. I feel like this will be the key element in the finale, but who knows. Zhu Li must once again be doubted for her loyalty to Kuvira. She's probably going to be the secondary savior in all of this, as she's the only one who can stand in the way of Bataar's progress.

An action episode filled with foreshadowing. What more can I ask for?
The finale is out so time to revive this thread.
I thought it was pretty cool overall. Korrasami is implied, but things are still vague enough that it could go either way. I don't really care either way, but I would've liked it better if it had more development. That and Kuvira's realization that she was in the wrong felt forced to me, but it's to be expected given that this season only had 13 episodes. I would've liked to have seen more of various side characters but mainly Kya and Izumi(I think that's Zuko's daughter's name. I'm not even sure of that because she only got like 4 lines of dialogue. Speaking of whom, is her mother Mei?) throughout the show, but at least we got to see Korra, Lin, and Varrick get developed. TLOK was a fun ride and I hope something avatar related gets picked up again by a company like CN or Netflix that hopefully won't shit on it like Dickelodeon.
Alright. I abandoned this thread due to lack of personal time, but I feel obligated to at least write something for the series finale of my favorite show.
This was a fantastic finale. Even with all of the various nitpicks others have pointed out (I see them too), it still stands as a fantastic closure to the series.

The episodes themselves were incredibly epic. The constant struggle between a giant machine of unimaginable power, and a force of individually weak, but incredibly versatile and mobile benders made for some incredible action scenes. Every little play, every strategy to slow the machine was calculated and at no point did the tension drop. The stress on every character shed a lot of light on their personalities. Many of our protagonists were forced closer together: Varrick and Zhu Li, Mako and Bolin, Su and Lin, Asami and Hiroshi. Any existing divisions were settled in the moment.

And in every moment you could see Kuvira getting more and more desperate to succeed. She became visibly frustrated, showing the true drive before her usually cold resolve. Her slow fall to blind rage paralleled Azula's in a way.

Along with all the the other various points of character development (such as Wu's), this episode did so much story-wise. But it was still so much more than that. The animation throughout the episode was more than amazing. Looking back, every scene was beautiful. The motions were smooth, detailed, and well choreographed. This was the epitome of Avatar's art-style.

Honestly, I couldn't have asked for more. Even though I'm sad that Avatar is over once more, I'm glad it ended this way. To all of you who have enjoyed The Legend of Korra, I bid you farewell for now.