Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Gyarados v.2, Walrein added.

I absoltely love Walrein's body stance. It's very good. Same with Gyarados and Combusken, but Walrein is one of the best. Great job! And three new pieces of work in one day, isn't it?

*Gliscor waits patiently for Gliscor v.2*
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Gyarados v.2, Walrein added.

I love all three of your new avvies. Dmaster will like his Gyarados. :p
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Gyarados v.2, Walrein added.

Mr. Random said:
I love all three of your new avvies. Dmaster will like his Gyarados. :p

Indeed I do. :D

I love how part of the body is in the picture. Supremely nice work, Xous.

dmaster out.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Gyarados v.2, Walrein added.

Gliscor said:
I absoltely love Walrein's body stance. It's very good. Same with Gyarados and Combusken, but Walrein is one of the best. Great job! And three new pieces of work in one day, isn't it?

*Gliscor waits patiently for Gliscor v.2*

Thanks. The past two days I've gotten two done each day... Lack of food was probably the cause of that.

And to Mr. Random: Thanks.

And to dmaster: Thank you. Did you get that PM I sent you?

Added Dusknoir v.2 and Scizor to the first post.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Dusknoir is your new awesome. Great body work. Scizor has fantastic work too, but Dusknoir just shines thanks to his hand.

*Gliscor continues to wait patiently for Gliscor v.2*

EDIT: As I wait for Gliscor v.2, I'm getting bored of Lanturn. I'll be using the normal Gliscor.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

I like the Dusknoir. It's really good. Scizor, Gyarados and Walrein are too bad either.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

I will be using the Scizor one now. Thanks! :]
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Gliscor said:
Dusknoir is your new awesome. Great body work. Scizor has fantastic work too, but Dusknoir just shines thanks to his hand.

*Gliscor continues to wait patiently for Gliscor v.2*

EDIT: As I wait for Gliscor v.2, I'm getting bored of Lanturn. I'll be using the normal Gliscor.

Thanks, and okay.

And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Thanks.

And to TofU: Okay, I've marked it off and removed the mark from Happiny. Would you rather have a staff version instead?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Sure, I'll take the Staff version if you don't mind. ^.^
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

What's the difference between the regular version and the staff version anyway?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

HAPPINY IS MINE!!!11!!1!1!!

Thanks Brandon for chaging so I can finally use it :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Yeah I got the PM. I'll reply as soon as I get on a real computer.

Scizor is awesome.

dmaster out.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Scizor is boss. Gyarados I don't really like but I guess d master does and that's all that matters?

Xous I made a card out of that Mewtwo, just as I said I was gonna. I might have to change the Scizor art on that random Scizor I made to yours because it owns that much.

The new Gardevoir anywhere near your queue, Xous? Don't forget about Blaziken :eek:
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Combusken: NICE job with the pose. It looks great! 4/5
Gyarados: This guy looks pretty cool. (Personally, no Gyarados is better than Sugimori's, but your close.) 3.5/5
Walrein: Looks a little too happy...:p It's fine. 3.5/5
Dusknoir: This is why I live. AWESOME pose, (just like the Stormfront one), and it's just perfect. Amazing. 5/5
Scizor: This is why I was born. This Scizor looks so serious, and the pose is just...PWNage. Better than the Dusknoir. One of your best works by a mile.

Don't be afraid to do another Espeon, by the way. :p

Keep up the good work!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

TofU said:
Sure, I'll take the Staff version if you don't mind. ^.^

Okay. I should have it to you by tomorrow.

And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Well, other than a visual difference, there's really no difference between the two. It's just that rule that states avatars being used by the staff can't be used by normal members makes me have to make two different versions so that certain Pokémon don't get taken.

And to captain_umbreon and Brawler: Okay.

And to dmaster: Okay, and thanks.

And to PMJ: xD I'm actually not too fond of my Scizor, but... I'm really glad others like it so much. :3

And to EspeonROX: Thanks.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.


XP Take your time. I can wait a few days.

All of your newest ones are amazing. Scizor being the best! :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

I'm going to use Dusknoir. I can wait for the staff version if you want.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Dusknoir v.2, Scizor added.

Bob Franklin said:

XP Take your time. I can wait a few days.

All of your newest ones are amazing. Scizor being the best! :D


And to Mudkip: I'll be sending you the Staff version shortly.

Added Mamoswine and Lopunny to the first post.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

I like both Lopunny and Mamoswine. They're both pretty good, Xous.
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