Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

\o/ Mamoswine has finally been made! I'll be using it now.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

Mamo and Lopunny are both good. Nothing much but good.

*Gliscor still continues to wait patiently for Gliscor v.2 even though he doubts Xous will make one*
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

Wait. Mamoswine???

It's like Xous is doing all the Ice-types first cause he knows how great they are! \o/

/me secretly requests another Arty
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I like both Lopunny and Mamoswine. They're both pretty good, Xous.


And to TofU: I'm glad you like the Staff version of the avatar.

And to Gliscor: Gliscor will be getting a v.2, simply because the artwork for it is so old. In fact, most of my older artwork will be getting v.2's - this is because I've looked back on some of them (Celebi, Torterra, Empoleon, Lucario, and Politoed are examples) and I don't think they look so great, especially now that I've got a better grip on the Sugimori style. Just continue to have patience, and it will pay off, I hope.

And to PMJ: xP Mamoswine was done simply because I was really inspired to draw it. I can't really explain it, but some days I feel like drawing certain Pokémon more than others. Anyways, Articuno won't be getting new art anytime soon, though I do hope to make a better one in the future.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

You keep those inspirations coming and I will keep making cards out of them :>
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

I'm gonna use Lopunny, for it is almost cutely awesome as Zyflair (because she's the most cutely awesome according to her user title)
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

Xous said:
And to Gliscor: Gliscor will be getting a v.2, simply because the artwork for it is so old. In fact, most of my older artwork will be getting v.2's - this is because I've looked back on some of them (Celebi, Torterra, Empoleon, Lucario, and Politoed are examples) and I don't think they look so great, especially now that I've got a better grip on the Sugimori style. Just continue to have patience, and it will pay off, I hope.

This quote made my day. THANK YOU XOUS<3
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

Going to stick with Dusknoir for a while.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

woah woah woah

v.2 for gliscor, *Ifx stands by to possibly take when finished*

RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Mamoswine and Lopunny added.

Bob Franklin said:
I'm using the Scizor since it's free! :D


And to squirtli and Brawler: Okay.

It's an explosion of green Pokémon! Version 2's of Celebi, Politoed, and Treecko have been added to the first post! (I kid you not, I literally just sketched these guys and got them all done within two hours. It was crazy inspiration, I tell you.)
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Xous, I'll be using Dusknoir now. Thanks.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Treeko and Politoed are excellent. Great body work, and a fantastic backround for the avy's. But for Celebi, her body works just strikes me for a Pokemon like Celebi. Nice job for all three^_^

EDIT: Can InfinityFang use Scizor and Staraptor for a banner? He asked me to ask you.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Azul said:
Xous, I'll be using Dusknoir now. Thanks.


And to Gliscor: Thank you. And yeah, that's fine.

And to Flame Claw: Sure.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

The last 8 updates have been simply excellent. Really, I can't fault them at all. What amazes me the most though is how quickly you manage to do these and yet still keep such a high quality, and that your dedication has never seemed to burn out ever since this thread was opened.

...may this be the best thread in Pokebeach history? It's definitely a top contender.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Nice work I love the Politoed Celebi just reminds me of SPPF.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Hey man, can I just first of all let you know I think you've put a heck of a lot of work into this, and have done the community a great service. *Salute*

Also, I'm gonna use the Arcanine one if that's okay. Thanks! :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

I'd like to see if you're going to make non-Pokemon avatars after you finish all 493. I'd love to see some non-Pokemon avvies!
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