Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

bacon said:
The last 8 updates have been simply excellent. Really, I can't fault them at all. What amazes me the most though is how quickly you manage to do these and yet still keep such a high quality, and that your dedication has never seemed to burn out ever since this thread was opened.

...may this be the best thread in Pokebeach history? It's definitely a top contender.

xD Thanks.

And to Starforce Lv.X: Thank you.

And to The Legendary Arcanine: Thanks, and no problem. :3

And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Hm... I've never really thought about what I'll do after all 493 are done. By the time I get close, though, Generation 5 will probably be around, so I'll have even more to do. xD
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

The new updates look great. =D

I'm particularly fond of the celebi, though. Something about it just really clicks with your style. =]

Awesome as usual. =p
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Don't forget all the Shinies, Xous. :p

This latest update looks great.

dmaster out.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

I really like Celebi's pose. Plus Politoad is nice too.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Celebi wins this round. Hands DOWN.

10/10 for Celebi.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Hey, Xous!

Just posting to notify you that I will be using your gorgeous Ariados avatar. Thanks for making it, it looks excellent! :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Hey Xous, I want about 10 avatars for another site. I will use it in avatar changer or whatever it is called.

I will take:
Metagross Shiny
Manectric (new)
Shiny Milotic

Your Permission?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Treecko v.2, Celebi v.2, Politoed v.2 added.

Staraptor said:
The new updates look great. =D

I'm particularly fond of the celebi, though. Something about it just really clicks with your style. =]

Awesome as usual. =p


And to dmaster: Yeah... Shinies are going to be annoying. xP

And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Thanks. :3

And to PokeChamp: Okay, and thanks.

And to Radcliffe Snape: Hm... Sure, that'd be fine. I'll just need to know the name of the site.

Added two rivals and a fire chicken to the first post - Zangoose, Blaziken, and Seviper.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose and Seviper added.

As usual, the new ones are great. Only two complaints for the last 25 Pokemon. They are Farfetch'd which is a bit wobbly and Mamoswine, whose snout is a bit squashed.

If possible, could I take the SMetagross, ShayminSky, Rampardos, Kabutops, Leafeon and Celebi for a banner. Thank you.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose and Seviper added.

grasspokemonmaster said:
As usual, the new ones are great. Only two complaints for the last 25 Pokemon. They are Farfetch'd which is a bit wobbly and Mamoswine, whose snout is a bit squashed.

If possible, could I take the SMetagross, ShayminSky, Rampardos, Kabutops, Leafeon and Celebi for a banner. Thank you.

Sure, that'd be fine.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose, Seviper, and Blaziken added.

Seviper and Zangoose are good. Good body work. Same with Blaziken, but for some reason, his face. It's... starting at me... *shivers* Yeah, but his look is a little creepy.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose, Seviper, and Blaziken added.

The body work for all three are good. But like Gliscor said, Blaziken's stare is a little creepy...
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose, Seviper, and Blaziken added.

It is mind-blowing how you can crank these out in like 1 day and I have no idea you have been even working on them. :O

I can't keep up with the cards!!!

Spinda is getting a very goofy card treatment :]
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose, Seviper, and Blaziken added.

Thanks! The site is (gtsplus.net)

Ummmm.... can I remove Combusken and add Blaziken. Please. That's my Favourite Pokemon!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose, Seviper, and Blaziken added.

I just gotta use the Scizor avatar. That's the one I've been waiting for this whole time. :p

Thanks, I forgot I wanted it. xD
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Zangoose, Seviper, and Blaziken added.

Gliscor said:
Seviper and Zangoose are good. Good body work. Same with Blaziken, but for some reason, his face. It's... starting at me... *shivers* Yeah, but his look is a little creepy.


And to Radcliffe Snape: Sure, that's fine.

And to CCloud: Okay.

Added Tauros and Spinda to the first post. Next up will probably be the v.2's of the golden and silver birds of the Johto region.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Spinda and Tauros added.

Seviper: Well done! Nice pose! :) 4/5
Zangoose: Great, except for one thing. I'm not a fan of his facial expression. I would've made him more serious, because he's one of the most PWN-looking Pokemon ever. Nonetheless, good job. 3.5/5
Blaziken: >.< What happened? The pose is weird, and he's not...one of your best. I would've made him do a Blaze Kick, his signature move, and had his mouth open rather than closed. 2/5
Spinda: HERE we go! AMAZING! Love the pose, he's dizzy. :p Very cute. 4.5/5!
Tauros: O.O VERY nice! He's serious, ready to ram an oncoming truck, and just a beast. Couldn't be better. 5/5.

Awesome work!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Spinda and Tauros added.

Spinda and Tauros are awesome. Great work Xous as always.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Spinda and Tauros added.

Spinda's body work looks funny. Good one Xous.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Spinda and Tauros added.

I'm going to use the Dusknoir Avatar, thanks!
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