Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

This is another change! Third in 1 week! Shining Suicune, Thanks.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

Here we go! THIS is what I'm talking about: fantastic artwork! Suicune looks professional. You've done an amazing job! :D
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

Xous, I'm using Amphy now. Thanks.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

May I use Suicune and Wailord for a banner?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

Craig III said:
Using the new Suicune.


And to Light Venusaur and EspeonROX: Thanks.

And to piplup234 and Azul: Okay.

And to pokenerd: Sure, that'd be fine.

I will be updating the first post with three Pokémon today, but I have to wait until my little brother gets back from school with my flash drive (which I use to transfer my files from my computer to this one) - he said he had to use it for a project or something, so hopefully he remembers to bring it back home... :/
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

Hey, Xous!

I recently decided having no avatar makes me rather bland, so I'm going to be using Tyranitar. Thanks!

Oh, and I think the new Infernape is much better than the older one! A great improvement of your style overall!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

Using the Christmas Delibird avatar. Thanks!

I'd love to see a Squirtle avatar. Any chance you could get around to making one? xD
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Infernape v.2, Ampharos, Suicune v.2 added.

PokeChamp said:
Hey, Xous!

I recently decided having no avatar makes me rather bland, so I'm going to be using Tyranitar. Thanks!

Oh, and I think the new Infernape is much better than the older one! A great improvement of your style overall!

Okay, and thanks.

And to INFERNAPE: Okay.

And I'm not sure when I'll be getting around to Squirtle.

Added Milotic v.2 to the first post. I have two more to add, but they have to wait.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

Suicune is fantastic. I love it.

For Milotic, the red thing (is it the eyebrows?) that is going off of Milotic's head looks quite odd. Looks like a hand, or something. Still, Milotic is very good.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

That new dusknoir avatar is great! If nobody is using it, may I use it myself?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

I'm using this http://i678.photobucket.com/albums/vv149/Xous54/EeveeAvatarXous1.png anyways I could never do this in my life! Keep up the good work!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

Xous: twilightvixen a member of SPPF has asked me to do a Pixel over of the Eevee.
Do I have your permission to do it?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

Yeah, while Milotic has an interesting pose, I don't think the eyebrows (or whatever they are) match too well with it. I think the problem is that Milotic's body has a kind of smooth and fluid motion to it, whereas the eyebrows have a more jagged and sharp motion, and the two don't really go together.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

I really like the new Suicune and Milotic. Keep up the great work, Xous!
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

hi this is twilightvixen from serebii.net and id like the permisson to use these full bodys pics to ask for someone to pixel over them the list is
cerebi v.2
glaceon v.2
mew v.2
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

Gliscor said:
Suicune is fantastic. I love it.

For Milotic, the red thing (is it the eyebrows?) that is going off of Milotic's head looks quite odd. Looks like a hand, or something. Still, Milotic is very good.


And to Shadowlugia and hipoke: Okay.

And to Light Venusaur and vixenmel: Sure, that's fine.

And to bacon and Shining Raikou: Thanks.

Along with the other two I still need to wait to add to the first post, I have two more to add, but my brother needed to borrow my flash drive again, so they'll have to wait until he gets home from school. :/
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

Nice work with milotic =)
btw have you made a hitmontop,lee,chan?
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

adam44 said:
Nice work with milotic =)
btw have you made a hitmontop,lee,chan?


No, not yet. Though I have been thinking about possible poses for artwork of them, so I should be working on at least Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan in the near future.
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

ok =) "whisper: make hitmontop instead" hehe, nah just kidding, make the one you want =)

EDIT: It says in the first post "kyogre v.3" but i can just find 2 kyogre made by you, did you type wrong? If not can you give me links to v.1 and v.2 thanks =)
RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Milotic v.2 added.

adam44 said:
ok =) "whisper: make hitmontop instead" hehe, nah just kidding, make the one you want =)

EDIT: It says in the first post "kyogre v.3" but i can just find 2 kyogre made by you, did you type wrong? If not can you give me links to v.1 and v.2 thanks =)

Version 1 was never posted in the thread (it was used on the prototype Administrator userbar), and version 2 is listed in the second section of avatars and art (and was made into the avatar you're using), though it may be listed as Kyogre v.1, or something.

Edit: Yeah, it's just listed under "Kyogre". Here's the link: http://i678.photobucket.com/albums/vv149/Xous54/KyogreFINALXousB.png
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