Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

Like... You want to use the full body art for it? I'm not sure if you want to use the avatar for a forum (is there a forum for Azure?) or use the full body art...
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

That's a lot of Arceus... and there's still like, 6 or something left. :F

Great job on these ones. I like the blue and purple ones. [is {W} and {P}, or Ice and {P}?]
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

xD Thanks. Hm... I think there's more than 6 left.

The blue one is Water, and the purple one is Dragon.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

Purple is Dragon?

How on Earth do you tell Dragon, Psychic, Poison, and Ghost apart then? 0.o
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

Well, Dragon has a grayish green face/underbelly (the part where the lines run across) and its eyes are the same as Normal Arceus'. Psychic is exactly the same as Normal Arceus, except its plate, wheel, and hooves are a pinkish red. Poison has purple hooves, wheel, and plate, but its eyes are pinkish purple with a gray face/underbelly. Ghost has red gems and eyes with yellow pupils, a purple face/underbelly, and purple plate/hooves/wheel.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

I love all of the Arceus. They are just wonderful! I don't know... but can I stick Dragon and Fighting Arceus into my sig? It may seem random... but I just wanna have it. EDIT: Actually, can I stick in the Bug Arceus too? I'm planning to take out my banner now...

To those who think I'm starting to like Arceus because of above request and current avy: Once a Gliscor fan, always a Gliscor fan.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

Well, you'd have to stick them all onto the same image, because of the 2-image limit to the signatures, right? Though, if you want, yes, that'd be fine. (Since I do allow using them in one's signature as long as one asks.)
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

The Arceus ones you added are, as always, impressive. Can't wait to see all of the finished forms!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

Xous said:
Well, you'd have to stick them all onto the same image, because of the 2-image limit to the signatures, right? Though, if you want, yes, that'd be fine. (Since I do allow using them in one's signature as long as one asks.)

Eww.. that rule again. I guess I'll be using the Fighceus. I love naming things:}
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

I really like the new arceus. I like the angle shown, and the dragon and dark have great backgrounds.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Some Types of Arceus added.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
The Arceus ones you added are, as always, impressive. Can't wait to see all of the finished forms!


And to Gliscor: Okay.

And to Juliacoolo: Thank you.

Updated the first post with the remaining Arceus Types, including ???-Type. I did them all on this computer (about 10x faster than my computer) and it still took a few hours, so... I can't imagine how long it would have taken me had I done them all on my computer.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

This is *BEEP* cool!
It looks awsome!

I'll be using the dark Arceus.

RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

Wait, so are you taking requests again now? If so, could you please make a Blaziken one?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

xD No, I'm still not taking requests. Like I said, I'll put it in the topic if I start taking requests again. However, you can always post saying a Pokémon you'd like to see done, and hope I get to it. Though, if I see a Pokémon is wanted, I try and bump it up on the to-do list over other, less popular Pokémon.

Anyways, I hope to work on some old sketches tonight. I really need to get a lot of old work done, but I have no clue what to work on first. I really need to just lay out all of my work and prioritize everything.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

^ what if i say that i would like a fakemon of mine done and everyone else agrees? lol
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

Well, in that case, I'd have to think about it, I guess. xP Anyways, yeah, signing off for now to work on more artwork... I'm not sure what yet, though. So... half expect an update tomorrow.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

Xous said:
Well, in that case, I'd have to think about it, I guess. xP Anyways, yeah, signing off for now to work on more artwork... I'm not sure what yet, though.
good luck with the art
EDIT: V LV, you just missed him, he JUST logged off XD
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

Xous: When I update my LJ page....may I use your pics...plz?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

Xous said:
xD No, I'm still not taking requests. Like I said, I'll put it in the topic if I start taking requests again. However, you can always post saying a Pokémon you'd like to see done, and hope I get to it. Though, if I see a Pokémon is wanted, I try and bump it up on the to-do list over other, less popular Pokémon.

Anyways, I hope to work on some old sketches tonight. I really need to get a lot of old work done, but I have no clue what to work on first. I really need to just lay out all of my work and prioritize everything.

Oh sorry I just didn't see anything saying you WEREN'T taking requests lol. But yeah I'll still hope for Blaziken.
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