Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Arceus, Charmeleon, Ivysaur added.

Nice job on Charmeleon and Ivysaur! I really like the background behind Charmeleon.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Arceus, Charmeleon, Ivysaur added.

Charmeleon is nothing short of amazing. Ivysaur is excellent as well!

Also, I think I will keep my Swampert avatar for now. If you ever get around to a Scizor or Gengar avatar, or something else that blows my mind, then I'll definitely use it.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. All Types of Arceus added.

Xous said:
Light Venusaur said:
Xous said:
Light Venusaur said:
Xous: When I update my LJ page...may I use your pics...please?

LJ page? I have no clue what that is. In addition, I'd need to know which pictures you'd want to use.
LJ is Live Journal.
I'm wanting to use:
Both Min's
Arceus (no plate)
Lions (Shinx & evo's)*
*=When you get around to doing them.

Ah, okay. I'll allow you to use those, then, for your Live Journal.

Arigato Xous-kun
[english: Thank You Xous]
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Arceus, Charmeleon, Ivysaur added.

Wow Xous awesome Ivysaur, you really did a great job on the shading, looks great! Well done!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Arceus, Charmeleon, Ivysaur added.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
Ivysaur and Charmeleon look good. Charmeleon is better. He looks awesome.


And to BeepBop, CCloud and MoneyKing63: Thank you. :3

And to Light Venusaur: No problem.

Updated the first post with a render (is that what they're called?) of the Advent of Arceus Set's Lv.X and an avatar of it.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render added.

There is only one Ivysaur pic better than your's:
And that's only because Silver Ivysaur is funny.

You're really good at rendering, by the way.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render added.

I'll be using the Leafeon one. Thanx.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render added.

I'd like to suggest a Meganium avatar.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render added.

Good job on the Ivysaur, I love it ;)
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render added.

Using Dragon Arceus for now, thanks.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render/Avi added.

I am going to use eevee.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render/Avi added.

And I shall suggest a shiny Lugia avvy.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render/Avi added.

Hey, Xous. Are you planning on trying to make every Pokemon avatar? (You might not, and this is just a suggestion, not a demand).
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render added.

Rotom479 said:
There is only one Ivysaur pic better than your's:
And that's only because Silver Ivysaur is funny.

You're really good at rendering, by the way.

xD Thanks. I rarely render, but I guess I take my time with it when I do, so it turns out at least clean-looking. xP Now, if I could get ahold of the scans WPM has before he resizes them (when they're massive) I'd get some really nice renders done... But I can't see that happening. It'd be really time-consuming, anyways. :(

And to Nugget_, Brawler, Bippa201, mariomaniac, and eevee: Okay.

And to MylesPrower: xD I remember you suggesting that before (or was it someone else?), but I guess I forgot to bump it up on the to-do list. I'll see if I can try and get some sketches of it done with my next batch of Pokémon.

And to Soul Seeker: Thanks.

And to Mr. Random: I'll try and make a shiny version of the Lugia artwork I've got done, I guess. I still need to finish my Shiftry artwork, so I'll do those two together, since they should both take very little time.

And to Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Yeah, I plan on making all 493 Pokémon and making avatars for them, but by the time I get near that number, there will probably be even more to do. xP
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render/Avi added.

I will use the mew avatar
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render/Avi added.

If you don't mind im gonna try and make my own banner using the empoleon infernape and torterra and maybe a few others... Thanks in advance.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Arceus Lv.X Render/Avi added.

Mew of the great flame said:
I will use the mew avatar


And to valk: >_>; Um... You have to ask permission to use the artwork. There's no "thanks in advance" when it comes to asking, now is there?

I'll grant you permission to use them, but if you don't ask to use the artwork next time, I'm going to have to say no.
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