Ballad of the Snow Clan - Fire, Water, Ice - The first Ballad

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Age: (human years)15
Moves: [ahhh forgot the first time] Ice beam, Hydro Pump, Steel wing, Surf.
Species: Empleon
Backstory:As a Piplup he wanted to be caught and trained so much that he actuly went inside a pokeball. Sadly, this pokeball ws old and no one ownd it. Due to the circumstases he was able to get out and be his own trainer.
*I would like to be shamen.*
welcome to the team commoncandy!

and kaiserchu can we have some fighting between the tribes?
(Well, judging the tribes current locations I can safely say...)
Snow clan can fight Water clan whenever
Water clan can fight Snow clan whenever
Fire clan can't fight any clans until caravan reaches the Snowy North (but are constantly fighting Wild Pokemon)
Planing for an epic battle between all 3 clans to end the first ballad.

(Any questions?)
ok good that should give us warriors something to do.

wait it's not US yet.

is ANYONE out there?(anyone interested)
name: dargon
moves:fly,flamethrower,fire blast,steel wing
backstory:he grew up in peace and quite till the eruption it instantly killed the rest of his family and will protect all those younger than him (his age is 38) with unbelivible ferocity he hopes to try and put the world back in order
looks:is black with stripes of red
hi kaiserchu its me tilledrex:D can you some how tell me how to get that sprite on where your evil pikachu is as i want a sceptile their
(!! Edit your post and get my name of it!! I dont want my real name known! And this isn't really the thread to ask...Srry, PM me instead!)
oh thx for telling me any way kaiserchu that means you have to call me tilledrex and i cant PM until i make 10 posts this is my 3rd
Age: (human years)18
Moves:Flamethrower, Fire Fang, ExtremeSpeed, Fire Blast
Backstory: Was raised in the fire clan by a strong warrior and found the fire stone recently to evolve, then now being on his own. He is training a lot to get stronger
Looks: (if unique)normal Arcanine

*would like to be warrior*
Name: Glacieron
Age: (human years) 21
Moves: Night Slash, Ice Punch, Thief, Nasty Plot
Species: Weavile
Backstory: Was born in a blue/green egg in the middle of a snowy city as a Sneasel, finding a razor fang at night, it evolved into a Weavile, it then persuaded Warriors nearby to join the Snow Clan, a new clan to counter the Water Clan that is taking nearby water supply.
Looks: (if unique) Instead of yellow gem on forehead, it's a red gem, and has an X on it's forehead

(I'd like to be Chief)
(You're Both In! Horray! A Snow Clan Member at Last!!)

Edit: (There are a few spots left in Fire Clan and Water Clan, Snow Clan has alot of free space!)
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