Ballad of the Snow Clan - Fire, Water, Ice - The first Ballad

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You should be part of the Snow Clan if you want to, Kai. There's not enough people for you to not be.
(Kay then, I'll be the shaman, I'll still make up scenarios though)

Name: Madame Frost
Age: (human years) 80
Moves: Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Destiny Bond
Species: Froslass
Backstory: No-One knows her past, she is a mystery to everyone. She can forsee events to come using her crystal ball!
Looks: Wears a Purple robe and 6 pieces of jewelery
Name: Snowing
Age: 17
Moves: Powder Snow, Double Team, Leer, Bite,
Species: Snorunt
Backstory: A very charismatic gentleman, Snowing has lived a very carefree life. However, he manipulated hundreds in order to become rich.
Looks: A Snorunt. With a mustache. Is it real? maybe?
(Finaly! The First Ballad is at Hand! here are the first scenarios...)

Snow Clan: Water supplies are low and Food supplies, Do you want to find Water or Food?

Fire Clan: The caravan has stopped, everyone is setting up for the night, but they still need food! Should you go out for Food or ignore the clan's requests?

Water Clan: Gyrados Migration! The Gyrados are going to go through the city, should you stop them to avoid damage to buildings or not?

(Note: If there is a D in brackets before the clan name, that means player's characters CAN die, be careful if this is the case...)

Madame Frost gasped loudly looking into her crystal ball...
Magmortar weighs the options. They were moving, and so they needed speed, but hunger was vital; it could tear a city to the ground. He though for a moment longer, then decided. He walked out of his tent and announced, "Okay. We are foraging for food. Scouts, try to find a source!"
The Snow Clan Chief is asleep, So I will go hunt for food. However, could also be looking for water. The others might be looking for food aswell... or possibly water. I am having a hard time making up my mind.
Madame Frost appeared, "Hold on Snowing, I am tempoary Chieftan In situations like this, go look for food..."

(Remember, Shamans are in command when Chieftans are away or offline)
Madame Frost appeared, "Hold on Snowing, I am tempoary Chieftan In situations like this, go look for food..."

(Remember, Shamans are in command when Chieftans are away or offline)

Ahh...Thank you Madame Frost, for holding my place, Snowing, get some food supplies, I'll sneak in the water clan and steal some water supplies...(Can we do that?)
Madame Frost simply nodded and hovered over to Glacerion(?) and whispered into his ear, "I recieved a prophercy!"
Magmortar said to Arcanine, "I will accompany you. Let's go!" He, and Arcanine, headed off into the forest to try and find some food.

(Okay, the fire clan go into the nearby woods to find food, there are three kinds of trees, Oran Berry trees, Pecha Berry trees and Cheri Berry trees, you can only pick 2 of the 3 kinds of trees to collect fruit from...)
*Goes swimming*
"Now, to make Soup I need 5 oz of seaweed, half a pound of shredded kelp, and one pearl from a Spoink."
*Sends his slave to get a pearl*
*Falls in the Soup*
"Hmm.... Maybe I shouldn't try making Soup in future."
*Picks fruit that are underwater*
"What.... A spy from the Snow Clan? Outrageous!"
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