Ballad of the Snow Clan - Fire, Water, Ice - The first Ballad

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*Goes swimming*
"Now, to make Soup I need 5 oz of seaweed, half a pound of shredded kelp, and one pearl from a Spoink."
*Sends his slave to get a pearl*
*Falls in the Soup*
"Hmm.... Maybe I shouldn't try making Soup in future."
*Picks fruit that are underwater*
"What.... A spy from the Snow Clan? Outrageous!"

"Hmph, we shall battle then. If I win, the ice clan will take your water supply, if you win, then we help you from the Gyarados"
Shoyru1444 said:
Magmortar turns to Arcanine. He says, "I'll pick the Oran Berry trees. How about you?"
Arcanine replies, "I'll Pick the Pecha Berries, meet back here when done."
(Two Luxrays jump in front of Magmortar and Arcanine, they look angry!)

(Chieftan fight! Glacerion vs Aquaserp!)
"I'll take one of them quickly, you worry about the other." Arcanine said to Magmortar. Arcanine then uses ExtremeSpeed to injure one of them.
Magmortar aims his barrel-like arm. He lets loose a jet of fire at the one at point-blank range.
Magmortar screams in agony. His hatred turned his flames white. He launched an anger-fueled Flamethrower at the Luxray in his face, or, rather, attempts to...
Magmortar nods, then swivels his blade to his warrior's battle. He growls to the Luxray, "Run... while you still can."
then dargon falls from the sky using fly and trys to nail the other luxaray in the back
(Task sucess! Mag however has recieved a wound to the leg, he lost the ability to run...)

Fire Clan Doctor: Chieftan Mag! Come here for a sec!
dargon goes to the last tree and picks some more berries and takes them bake to camp (can i be the cook of the fire clan)
Ooc: I specifically said I was "jogging". Anyways...

Magmortar half walks, half limps over to the doctor. He says, "I got a Thunder wound. Can you heal it?"
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