Ballad of the Snow Clan - Fire, Water, Ice - The first Ballad

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yeah, now that i think about it...

i shouldn't have been such an idiot. i never know what to do. argh...
"hey i got here late and i was here to look after ze.."looks over at zekas body"NNNNNOOOOOO" dargon runs over to zekas body to see her dead"WHO DID THIS!" dargon shouts full of anger
Magmortar rushes to Dargon's side. He spoke calmly, "It was a casualty of war. I don't know who did it."
tilledrex said:
"hey i got here late and i was here to look after ze.."looks over at zekas body"NNNNNOOOOOO" dargon runs over to zekas body to see her dead"WHO DID THIS!" dargon shouts full of anger

zeka killed herself to save a gyarados that saved him that was involved in the war aquarider started. our friend's death is aquarider's fault.

man, i should be more independent...

ok aquarider i now admit you're a wreck. give up to us. give up NOW.
OoC: Sorry I haven't been on for ages, my internets been off for a few days.

"You dare disagree with me? If you do you will find yourself an outcast. So, do you disagree?"
I wanna join!! OK
Name: Blaze
Moves: BlazeKick, Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower, Protect
BackStory: Was always the outsider of his group. Denied anything that was not in his liking. Sworn to be the protecter of all Pokemon in the world battling against enemies and friends to do what is right.
Looks: A shiny ruby colour different from others. Has strong muscles that can carry objects 3 times its own weight.
*Warrior Please!*
"Actually those Pokemon had the chance to be taken to a safe place. See?"
*A Quagsire moves out from somewhere*
"See? How in the world could you blame me for making our people fight? They had a chance all their own."
uhhh... that quagsire just got here... seriously though, it's dumb to just blow pokemon up because they walk NEAR the water. it's huge, you could've spared SOME water.
blargh257 said:
zeka killed herself to save a gyarados that saved him that was involved in the war aquarider started. our friend's death is aquarider's fault.

man, i should be more independent...

ok aquarider i now admit you're a wreck. give up to us. give up NOW.
"well at least she died trying to return a favour" dargon walks over to a tree and burns it to a crisp"O.K i feel a lot better now and they wouldnt of taken any water aquarider they where doing something theve been doing for millions of years"
a bright light is blinding i wake to see war leaveings.
i try to stand i'm very badly cut in all places i don't know how long i was out but i'm back it's like a mirical. I wish to find my clan but i need to regain health. i take one step and collapse. i won't be able to make it and to think i just came back.i stand again and take a step i sopporting myself with a tree. if i can find some help i might be able to surive but there is no one here. i am hungery, thirsty and in pain. i take another step and try to get to a near by lake (it could be a marrige this thirst is so overwelming the lake might not even be there) i make it to the lake and drink deeply (thank dialga) i need to find food and quick, but it hopless there is no food and no people. my body is in pain. i sit down next to the lake, my eyelids are heavy but i don't want to sleep just incase i can get back up.
(sorry i havnt been on for ages)
Dargon prepares to fly off but then he turns to AquaRider "Find Zekas body and give her a decent burial" dargon then flys off flames a dark blue instead of a red
(can his flames change colour depending on his mood)
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