Ballad of the Snow Clan - Fire, Water, Ice - The first Ballad

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Madame Frost smacks spirit, "Dont help Aquaserp!"

(Gyrados are really mad!)

The Lanturns are devoured by the Gyradoses and the Red Alpha roars at Aquaserp!
dargon flys over the gyrados battle and sees aquarider dragging zeka to safety then the red gyrados chardes at them dargon attemps to hit the gyrados with a fire blast quickly followed by a flamethrower
Magmortar heard cries of war in the distance. *Must be war with the Gyrados...*. He'd be rushing over there, would his leg permit it.
getting dark
life was shourt for zeka
too shourt
zeka totodile 1997-2010
Magmortar nods in acceptance at Charizard. He gets on his back and the two fly towards the battle zone.
dargon lands and tackles aquaserp to the ground and shouts "LISTEN" he gets up and looks at madam frost
"come back here aquaserp and listen to what shes got to say"shouts dargon pointing at madam frost
Madame Frost spoke aloud, "Pokemon died today, their deaths could've been avoided, but someone..." She looked at Aquarider, "...Had to order the extinction of the Gyrados herd, we always stayed out of their way before your Water Clan took our lake!"
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