Beartic and the ultimate amnesia

The fact that Beartic is a stage 1 makes him the supreme victor in your little comparison. Krookorok also is weak to key pokemon such as Blastoise, Kingdra Prime and Beartic, whereas as Beartic only struggles against Scizor and Steelix. In addition to this, Krookorok doesn't hit both Reshiram and Donphan for weakness, like his ice-type brother. With the release of Beartic, pokemon like Donphan, and Krookorok for that matter, will see harshly reduced play. it is the ultimate counter ro Reshiboar and Donphan, making it top tier without any doubt.
green_monkey said:
- Beartric might be stage one, but it can't be Rare-Candy-ied, unlike Krookodile; plus Krokorok can use Torment as well (for only {C})

If Beartic is stage one, and you can't play candy the first turn you put it down anyways, why would you EVER want to candy a stage 1?
mr.619 said:
green_monkey said:
- Beartric might be stage one, but it can't be Rare-Candy-ied, unlike Krookodile; plus Krokorok can use Torment as well (for only {C})

If Beartic is stage one, and you can't play candy the first turn you put it down anyways, why would you EVER want to candy a stage 1?

lol. what do you even mean? he was saying you cant candy beartic becuase hes stage one. where krookodile can be candied t2 and attack for one less energy. and on the off chance you cant candy to krookodile, he still has the option to tomrent by evolving to his stage one krokorok.
oh god...if this deck works out we have no counters...bisharp is a dark type....NOOOOOOOOOO. the only thing i can think of is like....steelix but it fails to fire...:headbang
This+Kingdra is excellent. But there are SOME things that can handle it. Steelix, Zekrom, Reshiram, Crobat, too name a few. Good, but not game breaking.
Well, back in the day I used to Rare Candy Baltoy straight to Claydol to get out of some nasty situations. That was just an example. I think the replying post cleared it up for me, thanks!
I have playtested a lot with Beartic and saying it struggles againt Zekrom is absolutely false! Simply collecting a second oddish to ensure an early lock by using Twins, makes Zekrom one of Bearplume's easier matchups. Reshiboar does stand a chance if you run a Kingdra-tech however, but sadly that won't be popular due to all the catcher-hype.

To summarize, the only decks I see that can easily take down Bearplume include:
- Scizor/w Dodrio
(- Mewgar)
- Mewpluff, Mewbat
I think every one needs to remember that beartic will run 4 dce so you can easily tech in the abundant abusers like zoroark and cinccino to even up its matchups. Remember that against Reshiboar if can ko 3 of his Reshirams before losing while having the vilelock still going strong you have won! They cant revive back koed reshirams and nobody runs any supporters that can get basics back from the discard.

Yeah but running those abundant users would sacrifice consistency to bring up Vileplume Turn 3.

Donchamp's win condition against Beartic is pretty simple too.

Get two Machamp Primes out and a three damaged bench sitters.

Vileplume also locks your own trainers so getting your second or third Beartic is also going to be hard unless you have some other draw-power.
But getting out 2 Machamp without the access to rare candy will not be easy! I even run my Bearplume-list with a 1-1 Xatu-tech to counter this especial trick of constant Fighting tag. IMO, there shouldn't be too many techs included though, seeing as getting out Vileplume t2 should be your main priority.
Typhlosion Prime and Machamp Prime are also going to enjoy discarding Beartic's DCEs and that's basically game once you do. Look, Reshiboar can't even ensure a T2-T3 Emboar and how will vileplume ensure it unless you run 4 of them and that's going to be crazy. Beartic is decent at least but it's not going to be BDIF
I didn't read most of the posts before this so sorry if it's been said, but I think you guys should think back to Magnezone/Electivire before. Sure it was a lot harder to setup but it did more damage and had special metal energy and Claydol/Uxie to set it up. However, it also prevented retreating and the use of Poke-Powers/Bodies on the defending Pokemon. Even so, it faded into a Tier 2 or lower deck after Battle Roads. I don't think this card will impact the format as much as you guys are predicting.
Probably not. I mean, it's not like people will run around using heavy retreat decks still, with catcher around anyway. It's just that people will run Switch/low retreat pokemon anyway. It'll be decent, not great.
Excactly how do you propose that a Typlosion will be able to continuosly remove Beartic's DCE? After one attack, it gets paralyzed remember! And setting up multiple Typhlosion without Candy is too hard...Thus I maintain that Bearplume will be top tier, although it does struggle in certain matchups.
ATS said:
Bearplume will be top tier, although it does struggle in certain matchups.
Atleast Tier 2 if nothing else, it indeed does struggle against decks with cheap retreat cost like ZPSmega.
Let's see the matchups Bearplume can struggle against

-Lost Remover techs
-Machamp Prime's First Attack can demolish Beartic cold
-Anything that can one-shot beartic

BearPlume is a bit overhyped because once you lock your own trainers, you're slowing yourself down as well giving you a weaker recovery when your Beartic does get a KO.

Also, don't make the assumption that all of that will be set up Turn 2-3.

For this combo to work, you need

-Cubchoo, Beartic, Water, DCE, Oddish, Candy/Gloom, Vileplume. Seven different cards. At least Magneboar had draw that's why it was able to set up in Turn 3-4 even with two stage twos.

With the Typhloram.. Umm, you would hit the Reshiram then I just retreat to the Typh and end your lock for one turn while you'll struggle to draw into energy, I can easily recover mine through Afterburner.
beartic still has the option of being up and going t2. the deck would most likely not run many trainers outside rare candy and communication. machamp prime needs just as much energy to attack as beartic and is a stage 2 so is slowed if you do have your vileplume up so good luck getting multiple up and running with no trainers. beartic is a little easier to get a second out and running as you'll probably be able to get a second on the bench faster than the stage 2 decks can. and youll probaly have a fair bit of water energy so your not always screwed by attacks that discard specials. because the deck plays so few trainers it allows you to max out your hand refresh and evolution searchers. so you shouldnt really have too many issues getting your 2 poke set up and a constant stream of energy. im not saying this is going to be tier one as there are still lots of options to free retreat out of the attack lock but not many that allow you to keep attacking as thats a major slow down
How do you get vileplume up with everyone running catcher, now that it's out? :p I think the card is just overhyped.