Pokemon Being bullied for liking Pokemon

I mostly keep it to myself outside of my best friends. However, at my school, a lot of people play the games, so no one really gets bullied for it unless they sport around their cards/games/ect. That's just asking for it. So no, I don't get bullied for it, outside of one time in fifth grade when one of my game cartridges fell out of my pocket and the girl next to me gave me an odd look :p
My friends tease and joke from time to time but all in good fun. I think the one people I know that disapprove of my pokemon addiction is my outer family. My aunts and uncles and cousins find it weird, and look down on an 18 year old with a hobby that wont kill him. (irony in this society) But most people just get a laugh or two out of it and even a little appraisal here and there.
I agree with AreoLive I have a ton of loose friends that don't know, only my trusted friends know that I play.
@ bpalmer357 Here is my story.
I used to be the King of the Playground when Pokémon was still "acceptable" to play. But one day the "popular kid" started to play, he kept buying starter decks to try to beat me declared it "the stupidest game ever" after his tenth straight loss and walked away. Since he was considered the kid who knew what was cool everyone turned on me and my Pokémon playing bud. One time I heard that he secretly kept playing but he never challenged anyone again. No one remembers the incadent any more. I just deal with it by not talking about it and blowing it off, or when nessary (I have only done this once before in defense, he threw a few punches first because I ingored him) I knock them around and they quit teasing me. (I ain't a wimp, but I hate fighting)
yes, i got bullied. how? well, in belgium, kids really try to act like american high school film kids.

so, if you're not in the gang, you get bullied. of coure, i had friends, but they left. then i got bullied because i love pokemon.
it was first with scolding, not very nice but i igorned it.
but then.... they start to go physical attacking.
i got crushed after this and clossed myself off.
not good, because they bullied me more.
i also became agressive agains them, and once someone scolded me, i just went to them and hitted them in the face.
and, years later, I needed to GO to an OTHER GROUP! and the bullies keeped laughing with me....

once, the said they'll bring a knife.... just because i loved pokemon and was an outsider.... i really hated it.
Anyone who has ever teased me for playing Pokemon never took part in the hobby. Either way, it was just friendly teasing, since the ppl who did are very good friends of mine.
I was bullied for the better part of four years in high school for liking Pokemon, anime, cartoons, and the like. However, as if it wasn't bad enough that taunts included accusations of being gay because I was still into 'childish' things, most of the time it wasn't even people in my class who harassed me (it was upperclassmen and younger students). The only time it ended, though, was when I got the nerve to actually beat one of my worst tormentors up after making a really nasty comment that I really can't write here (just know it was bad...and, ironically, I was the one who got suspended for two days while the other guy just got detention for that afternoon).
well im asian, and grew up in the pokemon daze.
so everyone around my age knew about pokemon and played it as kids. as an adult now (18-22) i went back to the DS pokemon games.
theres really nothing to make fun of.
i also watch anime, but im asian so its okay ^_^
I don't tell anyone at school that I play. Only the kids in my neighborhood that don't go to my school know and they gladly accept me. I would not beat up somebody over a kids game though.
I didn't get bullied for liking Pokemon, moreso for a bunch of other trivial things. There was a video game club at my high school and I saw people still playing Pokemon, so I know I wasn't alone. But I kept the fact I play Pokemon a secret.
In a similar thread said:
Yep. I brag about it - even though I am still not that good at it, my kids both rock at the game. Their friends know too. Why wouldn't they?

Look, being cool is not being what everyone else is. Being cool is being who you are. If everyone is wearing the in thing and doing the in stuff, they are by definition no different from everyone else and that makes them common and ordinary and nothing special.

If you are different, you are by definition unique. You are beyond ordinary and you are irreplaceable.

Listen, in chess you have a grid 8 squares by 8 squares and you are limited to only 6 unique characters that you must play and you only get 16 of them. In Pokemon you have about 500 characters, plus energy, trainers, supporters, tools and machines and you have to pick 60 that work well together as a team. You have to do math. You have to plan strategies several moves ahead using math. You have to be brilliant.

I've been around a long time and I have found that the in crowd kids might have been all that in school, but in the long run they ended up being the employees of the kids that played games like Pokemon.

Don't ever be embarrassed by who you are and what you do as long as it is legal, ethical and moral - it is right, and so are you.

You play Pokemon. Be proud. You rock.
People seem to take advantage over another liking a certain thing.They usually deem others as ''nerds'',the least I can say is the fact nerds shall rule the world and then the folly shall be upon them.Don't let it discourage you,you like what you play.
My whole family and most of the people I work with know I play. My GF likes the art and is an original pokemon fan so she doesn't find it odd at all.

as far as being bullied i'm 20 I haven't been worried about being bullied for about 14 years now.
Basically, no one knows about me liking pokemon. Not even my closest friend I've known for years knows. I'm scared I'll be bullied.
I was made fun of once when I was at my old school. The kid was my friend and he stopped right when I told him I would beat him up if he did it again. I learned to not tell anyone I like pokemon unless they like it. Just don't tell anyone and go to your leagues and tournaments.
Sometimes I get made fun of for liking Pokemon, it doesn't bother me too much. If someone asks me I'll answer yes, but I'm not going to advertise it. High school is a popularity contest, and you really don't want to lose.
Well, when people first learnt that I liked Pokemon, they all thought it was stupid and laughed about it, but they just don't care now. My friends joke about it, and they also think it's really dumb, but I haven't been bullied.
I bully people for not liking Pokémon.
Its not like I've never been made fun of for it though, I mean, I go to a public highschool where some of the freshmen wear all blue every day and have girls names tattooed on the back of their necks.
But I just respond with something like "Yeah you wish you could handle Pokémon, Pokémon is only for real men. YEAH, AMERICA!" then I flip some tables and capture a bear.
Or, I just ignore them. I'm too egotistical to have my feelings hurt.
@Nabby101: But if you don't lose, people will talk to you.