Pokemon Being bullied for liking Pokemon

Sadly, since last school year, almost every day, I am made fun of for liking Pokemon. But it's more of an annoyance than harassment, because it never gets physical.
I did when I was in 3rd grade to 5th grade, now I just keep it a secret.

I bet people wont really bully you about it though if you are popular and strong.
I used to have this problem way back in middle school... and let me tell you, all of the people who bothered me about it either dropped out of high school/college, or went to the only college that would accept them (ranked like 1000) and are now unemployed.

The 'popular' kids usually don't do well in life. It happened in my parent's lifetime, and it's currently happening in mine. One of my best friends, who played pokemon with me back in middle school, is graduating from the same university i am and is going to work for Microsoft when she graduates. MICROSOFT!

I know at that age it's hard to do, but you really have to ignore what other people say. The reason they make fun of you is because they're insecure. They want you to 'join in' to whatever they're doing so they feel less insecure. Don't fall into that trap. Do things because you like them, not because of what other people like. We only have one lifetime!
I hate twelve year olds at my school who think they're so cool just because they own an Xbox and play Call of Duty.

Having a wide variety of interests is healthy, hanging out with these guys is not.

Of course, I like Pokemon, I admit it, nobody else at my school likes Pokemon, but I'm still popular. I don't get it lulz.
There is as much reason for getting bullied for liking Pokemon as there is for liking football. If I went up to someone and said "your stupid because you like football,"(which I don't) would they care. No. This should be the same case for Pokemon.
I'm not bullied in the slightest. I keep it very hidden and if anyone did find out, they would be scared of me with my cocky attitude and how scary I've been lately. Trust me, I'm an actor and chose to act this way this year. I can act anyway I choose too. Just not an athlete when it comes to the upper body. If I'm not helping, I'm sorry.
I had to present my essay that i titled "Pokemon and Prejudice" and strangly everyone congradulated me for having the guts to present an essay about Pokemon infront of a class of 40 students. Thanks to everyone who shared there stories it really helped with the emotional and ethical appeals in my speech.
I get minorly teased, but it's more of Nintendo than Pokemon. Saying Mario or Zelda or whatever would result in the same thing.
I was made fun for liking Pokémon once. The kid who bullied me was the kid who bullied me for 2 years in a row! 2 years! Anyway, I have a friend who knows he will be made fun of and is hiding his likeness for Pokémon currently. Nowadays, I'm not bullied 'cause the kids know I could body slam them and have a 33.9% chance of killing them. :D ~JS
I was teased a little bit by some ex-pokemon guy who quit because he wasn't so great.

But I'm (Not bragging) the best battler in my year, because I'm the only one who comes to places like this and learns about the game.

For example, 2009's biggest pokemon fan in the year has been coming to me all through 2010 asking for tips and what-not, and he uses a slaking in his main team. (lol protect).

I think the worst it got was one incident when I was sitting in the library playing Diamond a couple years ago and the guy I mentioned before came over and popped the game out of my DS.

Even then I was more angry about the 3-4 levels of grinding that I'd lost rather than some idiot bullying me.

Anywho, congrats on the project.
two years later, i don't get bullied for it anymore. sure, some annoying comments, but yeah.... those guys are worth nothing XD

now i have the guts to show i like pokemon. why? because i draw them digital and print it out. adding good effect.
my drawing make even those bullies quiet. they only say "wow" or "good" and then walk away.

but i'm kind of a loner.... i rather stick to people who like pokemon too, than go around the others who think they are cool (yes, that is what the pupils on my school say and act like)
I personally have kept my pokemon interests to myself. Not because if being bullied, just because I'm going into high school next year and things like this have a tendency to get around. And I'm positive if not certain that I would get beat up daily. Therefore I find it more effective to just lay low, when people start making fun of pokemon I sort of fall to the back of the croud.

The world can be a cruel place. I'm just surviving in it.
I used to, but I just ignored whoever was making fun of me, and in a week or 2, everyone just stopped, and left us Pokemon/Nintendo/Anime(whatever you want to call it) freaks alone...
I've been teased before, in a joking manner of course. But never bullied or anything like that.
I keep my interest in pokemon, anime, etc. a secret (anime not as much) except to my close friends who also have similar interests. And because of this I've been in a few teasing situations but nothing serious.

Congratulations on the essay.