Best set released so far

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RE: Best uncommon pokemon

Whaddaya mean? Uncommon as rarity??

If it is, mine will be Minun, no, not DX, but EM!!! Electro-guard, ad fighting pokemon will suck against it. :D
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

Not so good, not so bad. Not sure which rank to put Kusajima in, though

Anyway, I found a website showing all the cards Komiya has drawn (to look for cards drawn by others, simply change the name at the back)
Best card ever drawn

My personal fave is

Eevee (DS 69) (Drawn in a nice pale colour for Eevee and also a nice tail. The sky is also a beauty)
Drawn by Atsuko Nishida

Discuss and explain
RE: Best card ever drawn

Not discuss as much as explain.

Mine's a three way tie, tbh.

Entei-* (UFO), Masakazu Fukuda - This card is just stunning. The pose and Fukuda's style of shading makes Entei look even better than it already is.

Milotic (EM), Kagemaru Hinemo - The water splashes, surface reflections and pose of this card make it amazing.

Lileep (LM), Atsuko Nishida - Nishida's old style. Sureal, the petals and pose look great.
RE: Best uncommon pokemon

Yes, I mean by rarity. But I still think liability is too good to be an uncommon card.
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

Tomokazu Komiya said:
Hey monkeys. Here are my top 5 best and worst:
1.) TOMOKAZU KOMIYA!!!!!! (From whom I have snatched my name)

I was laugh so hard when I opened a Frlg pack and found a Weepingbell which I thought may 13 month old cousin had drawen.
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

Come on guys, how can you NOT say that Mitsuhiro Arita is the best artist ever? Just look at Dark Muk (TRR), Dark Houndoom (rare one, TRR), Tyranitar (Delta Species)... the list goes on and on. As for Atsuko Nishida, every time I look at one of those drawings I get nauseous. Half the drawing is white clouds. Looks like something I drew that went through the washing machine. And yes, Masakazu Fuduka is one of the best. Oh, I forgot to mention Sachiko Adashi also. Excellent layers.
RE: Best card ever drawn

I like artwork done by Masakazu Fukuda. His? artwork is nothing short of awesome; UF Feraligatr, Latias *, Raikou *, Groudon *, Metagross *, Torchic *, and Treecko * are great examples.
RE: Favorite set.

Unseen Forces, definitely. It's hard to be disappointed when buying a pack of Unseen Forces cards... only Slowbro, Sudowoodo, and... well, that's it. Just them. They would make me sad; everything else = great.

What a set. Delta Species is a good set, too, but I'd rather have a box of Unseen Forces than any other set.
RE: Favorite set.

Guess who was the rare card in my Unseen Forces pack? Smoochum. You can't get much worse luck than that.
RE: Favorite set.

Well, I don't know about you all, but my favorite set was Skyridge.

Why wouldn't I like it? It's incredibly rare...
RE: Best card ever drawn

Pretty sure I've posted something like this in a similar thread somewhere, but oh well...

I like the holo Neo: Revelations Ho-oh. I remember trading a 1st Edition Neo: Genesis Lugia for a 1st edition Ho-oh. It probably has the most colorful artwork out there, in my own opinion. Its attacks are pretty good, even though you have to flip coins. In just the third turn of the game, you can already start trying to Dive Bomb for 90 damage.

I also like Blaine's Moltres. The semi-holo canyon looks spectacular. I also like Phoenix Flame (90, shuffle Moltres back into deck).
RE: Favorite set.

One time, my UF rare was Elekid. -_______-
Then I got electabuzz >_<
2 blah rares in 2 blah packs.
RE: Favorite set.

jayh272416 said:
One time, my UF rare was Elekid. -_______-
Then I got electabuzz >_<
2 blah rares in 2 blah packs.

Electabuzz isn't all that bad, really. Double Shock has a 75% chance of inflicting paralyze, which is never bad. Luster Blast is a little iffy, but it's Boostable and can score KOs after stalling a few rounds with Double Shock.

And -40 from anything with Special Energy attached to them? Yes please.

Smoochum's only job is to evolve into Jynx, which can be quite nasty when comboed with certain cards.
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

Heh, too soft for you? =P

Mitsuhiro Arita is good, yes. One of my favourites from Arita is Dragonair DS (Twister), but... I guess I'm still trying to get over FRLG Clefairy. ._.

(PS. Don't bother trying to 'convert' people, unless their logic is very flawed.. people's tastes vary, after all.)
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