Best set released so far

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RE: Worst theme deck

well i think it was em theme decks because of bad line ups and bad stars Milotic and others and em set was bad anyways
RE: The Most Intense~

My most intense match ever:

Crawley CC:

Me: Gardevior EX/Wobbuffet SS

Opponent (forgot his name) Blastiose EX/Magneton DR

It was crazy when we found out because we needed a wholly of energy to fuel our attacks (I was at an advantage because he needed his Energy but I needed both our Energy).

We both started well as I had a Wynaut and 2 Ralts and he had Dunsparce, Magnemite and Squirtle.

Next thing I know he has a Magneton out with a Blastiose EX Raining something like 3 Energy per turn and I had 2 R/S Gardevior and an EX laying energy and ready to go.
I kicked off big time and after we exchanged several KO's it was down to 1-1.

My favourite part was the finishing damage: with his Magneton he could do 130 damage to my active Gardevior EX, but it came to my turn and after 2 more PsyShadows and an a Boost Energy I used Psystorm for......250 damage (somebody say YEEEEEEOOOOOWWWZZZAAAA!) to the poor little Magneton.

Not the biggest damage I did with the deck. That was against another Gardevior and racked up 520 damage.

It was my most intense ever because it kicked so fast and carried on forever finishing with a perfect finale. (I won but that is beside the point).
RE: Best card ever drawn

No question, Delcatty from LM and Persian from DS. Simply the best drawings of cats I've EVER seen!
RE: The Most Intense~

The most recent that I can remember was at LM prerelease at Indianapolis. I was playing someone who SOMEHOW got Delcatty and Gorebyss. I had Misdrevius. The whole game for 10 turns depended on whether he flipped heads or not. He finally did, and I lost... -_-
RE: The Most Intense~

my most intense was my Espeon EX vs. a Suicone* and won the beat a kygore* but I beat him up on the bench with Espeons attack
RE: Best uncommon pokemon

Umbreon666 said:
Zapdos ex said:
plusle, magmar, lanturn, magcargo...all that stuff.

Magcargo is rare, or are you talking about the UF one?
the UF one is really good cause you can do i think 280 damage to a steelix ex...and its played a lot around here.
RE: best theme deck

Sandstorm! I love the decks! I trade 2 RH and a spinning tail TTar for one!

B_F: Lay off the caps and the !s. That said, IMO you got ripped =P
RE: Best uncommon pokemon

Liability puts damage counters on the defending pokemon until they are 10 HP away from being knocked out ^^
RE: Best uncommon pokemon

I think the best uncommon card is Gyrados [Dr] its very powerful for a uncommon
RE: Best uncommon pokemon

My vote goes for Weezing DX, liability is easy and straight forward w/ POW! or warp point this can be a good combo.
What is your favorite deck to play?

Just wanted to know, what is YOUR favorite deck to play???

(you know, they deck you know so well you rain as SUPREME ruler of that deck)
RE: What is your favorite deck to play?

Scizorgross, but now really need to check back my deck structure again since the environment nowsadays doesn't benefit Scizorgross much:(
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