Best set released so far

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RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

Why do you hate Midori Harada? I think that work is really good! The Pidgey-Pidgeotto-Pidgeot evolution line is amazing.
RE: Best card ever drawn

Actually, I change my favorite. Regice EX from Hidden Legends is definitely the best card ever drawn. It looks just like real ice, and if you hold it up to the light the right way, the illuminated holofoil gives it the perfect outline. Trust me, you have to HAVE the card to know. Also, there is a perfect balance with the nice green Poke-body, the blue energies for attack, and the quiet gray for the retreat cost, complemented by the white in the opposite corner. There is also the perfect amount of text, so it has plenty of free space. I know I sound pretty weird...
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

I like Hikaru Koike or something like that since he did Arcanine ex and Blaziken ex. those are 2 of my top 5 pokes. No possible way Hikaru Koike is the 2nd worst of them all. where'd you get your pictures, I mean look at Blaze and Arcy, UNBELIEVABLE!

Arcanine out.
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

I like all artists but some of their cards just suck. *****COUGH*****Grimer LM *****COUGH*****.
RE: Best card ever drawn

Right, thanks for reminding me. =P

Add another one: Regice EX from Emerald. Sucks, yes. Definitely the masterpiece of Hikaru Koike's artwork, though. The lighting is perfect, and it just looks so evil..
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

Arcanine 274 said:
I like Hikaru Koike or something like that since he did Arcanine ex and Blaziken ex. those are 2 of my top 5 pokes. No possible way Hikaru Koike is the 2nd worst of them all. where'd you get your pictures, I mean look at Blaze and Arcy, UNBELIEVABLE!

Arcanine out.
Yeah, Arcy and Blaze are cool.. and Kingdra and Regice (EM). But what about Typhlosion ex SS and Lugia ex? *dies*
RE: Best card ever drawn

Mine is the only Espeon from Neo discovery ,not only the best card ever drawn but is the most beautiful espeon card ever bcoz espeon from later on series cannot compare with it.
If japanese version are counted,i would prefer the pokemon fanclub ADV Espeon* .It was so shinning making the pokemon become so elegant.Very dissapointed with espeon ex,dun even have any cuteness at all.
RE: Best card ever drawn

I am not sure who the author is but it is one the fossil card and I can't see it very well.:)
RE: Favorite set.

Another favorite is EX deoxys because deoxys is so awesome.:)
RE: best theme deck

Ya he is and I have that card and he can prevent swiching with clutch.:)
RE: Best Unlimited Card

The one from the FR?LG set because he has good HP and his water attack can do 80 pretty easily.:)
RE: Favorite set.

I think this will be my final favorite and it will be emerald because the pokemon in that set are awesome especialy blaziken and garevoir I have both cards and they do some pretty good damage.:)
I would EX Legend maker because there is alot of good pokemon in that set.:)
RE: Best Unlimited Card

I would have to say Dark Charizard from TR (NOT TRR)
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