Best set released so far

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RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

TOOL deck:
have a porygon on your bench, 4 scrambles and no psychics in your hand and active killed, and wait or a pory2, but I only got a lot op pokémon to old, unown and slowking, which where useless, I has to sacrifice my unown, after playing for 15 turns I had my pory2, but I didn't have a chance anymore, I lot against one of the worst player in the league, I still feel devastaded.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

worst thing? with my flareados beginning with 4 flareon ex in my hand, no supporters for 5 turns and 2 spinarak as basics. and that was in my match for top 8 netionals....
damn, ah was my first nationals anyway (good thing was i was the only one who beated the number one :p).

btw im new to these forums so hello to eveyone!!! XD
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

See, all these experiences is because the game lacks decent draw. We're stuck with the crappy drawing supporter cards now which get absolutely jack all when you use them. We need Elm and Bill at least to stop stupid hax-draw losses. This is a reason why so many people have already left the game. Even the best players lose, not because of skill levels of both players, but because they lose in the 1st 5 turns of a crappy starting hand and no good draw cards after.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

I've seen LOTSA people QUITTING pokemon eventhough they have like 9 Charizard EXs. ALL of them went to Yu-gi-oh as it seemed interesting for them to actually be able to play with COOL creatures and monsters.

At least, I've seen like 10 people to yu-gi-oh, and 12 to MTG.

So it's

12/ 22 X 100 = 55.??? % to MTG.

Like Abhorsen said, Elm, Bill, Oracle, and Computer Search should be 'REVIVED' as it increases the number of pokemon players. This could be a loss to the pokemon spirit. IMO, Nintendo should do something to attract EX pokemon players back to pokemon.

Pokemon TFG didn't do much as it will/might be released at certain places. I think 1 booster would be expensive and WAY off the players budget, for only TWO FIGURES.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Abhorsen, I think we all know that already, I've read this over 5 times, but yeah, this really increases the luck factor of the game. And gives room for very bad experiences, but that's not my reason, I used mary's request, 2 other mary's requests and a bill's maintenance The was my worst battle EVER.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Well then it's nice to know you've read it 5 times. I keep on reposting it since people dont learn and think it's not an issue... well it IS an issue, a major problem for the tcg. Once people start to realise the truth then i'll stop posting it.

Elm and Bill could comfortably return as non-supporters and not affect the game as much. Computer search/Item Finder however would have to be supporters. Picking 1 card from your deck/discard pile for free (the 2 card sacrifice is insignificant) is broken for a non-supporter at this point in the game.

Meh, anyway, let the people talk about their poor games and see how the tcg screws up the fun of it all. I'll stop reposting about the supporter issue since everyone seemingly gets annoyed with it (too bad, you'll all have to live with it)
RE:  The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Clmnt_86 said:
mine was Crobat vs Vilepume...

That time where mine deck is lack of golbat & gotta rely on rare candy.... However the vilepume ex is the active & another one in the bench.... It makes me can't evolve .... That's SUCK....

That's why you should run at least 1 Golbat in your deck... silly...
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Mine was with my Ludicargo at States. My starting hand:

-Lum Berry
-Water nrg

Got stuck there until turn 7 or whatever...Quagsire was prized...then, I drew Steven's Advice, and with that, I drew Lotad, Magcargo and Rare Candy! Then, I searched for alot of cards and won. But that gave me creeps >.<
RE:  The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Abhorsen said:
Well then it's nice to know you've read it 5 times. I keep on reposting it since people dont learn and think it's not an issue... well it IS an issue, a major problem for the tcg. Once people start to realise the truth then i'll stop posting it.

Elm and Bill could comfortably return as non-supporters and not affect the game as much. Computer search/Item Finder however would have to be supporters. Picking 1 card from your deck/discard pile for free (the 2 card sacrifice is insignificant) is broken for a non-supporter at this point in the game.

Meh, anyway, let the people talk about their poor games and see how the tcg screws up the fun of it all. I'll stop reposting about the supporter issue since everyone seemingly gets annoyed with it (too bad, you'll all have to live with it)

Remember Nintendo is reading this but that might not change anything *cough*expect old cards revived in the set after TFEOOD wow i virtually coughed
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

For me, either forgetting to take my prize cards after knocking out a Pokémon (it will sting if you have taken out an ex card and you didn't take your prizes.) or someone who tries to purposely misread a card text to give them an advantage (Like the Aerodactyl delta vs. Deoxys (Defence) delta on this thread.)

Edit: Oh yeah, and people who choose to forfeit even before playing a match.
RE:  The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Lord9511 said:
Mine was with my Ludicargo at States. My starting hand:

-Lum Berry
-Water nrg

Got stuck there until turn 7 or whatever...Quagsire was prized...then, I drew Steven's Advice, and with that, I drew Lotad, Magcargo and Rare Candy! Then, I searched for alot of cards and won. But that gave me creeps >.<

I did have AT LEAST 1 Golbat & I did have a only golbat in my deck but it was evolved...
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

My hand in the last round of city championships. I was 3-0.

mewtwo (DS)
dragonite (DS)
3 pikachu (FRLG)
2 dragonair (DS, 1 twister, 1 slam)

I was stuck until turn 7 when I drew tv reporter. I then had dratini, rare candy, lightning and fire energy, and holon research tower. I ended up winning, though.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Endnote: Do you think it's fair if kids choose to forfeit before they even play? I find it ruins the fun of playing the game.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Sorry, but due to the request of Pokedoll, all posts concerning her were removed/edited as it was not a relevant issue to discuss. It was also spam since it didnt relate to the topic. That issue should not be carried on anymore here. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused anyone.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

oh where do i begin. okay this 1 time at band camp *sniggers* and no i have not actually seen that movie if you are wondering. but anyway i was at the weekly tournament and playing a rogue dragtrode with blissey ex in it. well i was playing zapppy and i went first, lone voltorb, 6 energy. his turn, 1 chansey, 1 dratini, 1 dre, 1 candy, 1 dark draggy, 1 dark energy, 1 copycat. well he gets the T1 dragon and does 20. my turn, 1 energy in the draw, recharge, next turn he copycats so he can be mean, and then he attaches the dark and does the 50 and KO's me, it's not horrible, but it's my worst that i can think of.

Arcanine out.
RE:  The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Abhorsen said:
See, all these experiences is because the game lacks decent draw. We're stuck with the crappy drawing supporter cards now which get absolutely jack all when you use them. We need Elm and Bill at least to stop stupid hax-draw losses. This is a reason why so many people have already left the game. Even the best players lose, not because of skill levels of both players, but because they lose in the 1st 5 turns of a crappy starting hand and no good draw cards after.

Amen brother.
RE: Best and Worst artists in the TCG

My top 5(And why I like em):

5:Ken Sugimori
4:Kouki Saitou
3:Mitsuhiro Arita
2:Mazaku Fukida

5:Classic Pokemon art,who could say more?
4:He did AWESOME UF and LM Lugia,Ho-oh and Mew!
3:He/she did a brilliant Latios and Latias in HP.
2:He/she did an AMAZING job with the Latios/Latias in HP

I don't really hate any artists...
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

i know someone else got very unlucky today. I had my second draft of HP today and i flipped 11/12 head with electrikes thundershock. hehe i koed 1 Pokémon and dmged one other so much that my dark deoxys d knocked out the remaining ones.
Ya i think your right about the crappy starting hand stuff and supporters. I hope they will fix it. but with the new EX cards they need to look out with cards as computer search and item finder because they will have a major impact on the metagame. You can already see more Pokémon with special pokepowers for searching specific cards. to implement such a change into the metagame could ruin it. and trainers have a much bigger effect on the game then pkmns.
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