Best set released so far

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RE: Strongest cards

I think the strongest card is
swampert ex (team aqua magma and the miracle crystal one)
luiga ex
scizor ex and
mew ex (both)
RE: Strongest cards

Lugia EX
Charizard EX

c'mon, 200 is enough to eliminate ANY pokemon in TCG.

Best Sniping

Steelix EX
Manectric EX
Blaziken EX

100 from Blaziken or Steelix EX is the best sniping here. Followed by the honourable T2 Manectric EX and finally beautifly, 20 for 1 energy, solid. But when hunch is activated, 60 for 1 energy!!! Plus strength charms and solid rage, look at the possibilities!!!
RE: Strongest cards

I'll say:
My Gatr Ex!
All newbies hate it...
I'm not jokeing.....just ask: PikaFlash...if u don't believe me!
RE: Strongest cards

Beautifly DX (Hunch)
Dustox EX LM (immune to EXs)
Raichu EX EM (resistant to EXs)
Ninetales HL (immune to EXs)

and so on
RE: Strongest cards

anything that's in LBS

Blastoise ex (powers stuff up)
Lugia ex (200 duh)
Steelix ex (do i have to say something?)
Meganium ex (see blastoise)
Mew ex LM (see steelix)
Arcanine ex (100 for 3 energies that can be of the same type while healing, BROKEN!)
Dustox ex (immune to stuff)
Manectric ex (see mew and steelix)
Rare candy (see above)
Charizard ex (see lugia)

yeah that stuff up there^

Arcanine out.
RE: Best common Pokemon (for power)

This thread is over a month old. Typhlosion ex fans, again, please do not revive dead topics where the last post is a month older or more.

This topic is now closed for discussion.
The worst thing that has happened in a card game

what would yours be? mine would be... probably the time when i went to a tournament and running a deck with walrein EX in it didnt get neither 2 copies once every time they were either in my prizes or in my deck

p.s i came 3rd in that tournament
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

It's not mine, but...

Last year at states, I was up against a Gardy deck. 3 of his Ralts were prized, and he didn't pick any of them before I won. Ouch.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Mine was,

Feraligatr(genesis) deck VS. SlowMuksel

Imagine using trainers with 4 SLOWKINGS at your opponent's play.
Muk stops my downpour too. And 2 of my feraligatr and 1 Totodile was in my prize. Sneasel's just active, taking 10 damage, per turn while it just toss coins and damage me.

RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

When I misread Aqua's Walrein and so I lost (if I read properly I should have won) :(
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Playing Zapturndos and not drawing any trainers, zapdos' or good pokemon for over 15 turns, simply stuck with energy, voltorbs and elektrikes the entire time.
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Abhorsen, That's kinda strange, and funny, lol.

Don't Zapturndos usually run 4 Dual balls and lanette's net search???
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

i played my METANITE and got only 3 beldums and 2 dratini on my bence and the oppenent just use his dustox ex do 70 cause my dragonairs and metangs are prized!i will get my revenge whoever are you!
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

mine was Crobat vs Vilepume...

That time where mine deck is lack of golbat & gotta rely on rare candy.... However the vilepume ex is the active & another one in the bench.... It makes me can't evolve .... That's SUCK....
RE: The worst thing that has happened in a card game

armaldoEX said:
Abhorsen, That's kinda strange, and funny, lol.

Don't Zapturndos usually run 4 Dual balls and lanette's net search???
Yes I did have those in the deck, and I didnt draw 1 of those cards in 15 turns.
RE:   The worst thing that has happened in a card game

Abhorsen said:
armaldoEX said:
Abhorsen, That's kinda strange, and funny, lol.

Don't Zapturndos usually run 4 Dual balls and lanette's net search???
Yes I did have those in the deck, and I didnt draw 1 of those cards in 15 turns.

Tough Luck, ha?? What deck was your opponent using???? If it was ZRE, OUCH...
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