Best set released so far

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RE: which ex is the best & which is the worst in DF???

Papi/Manny said:
wow, your lists are pretty off.
10) Ray ex (Hes only okay, 70 for 2 is nice, but having to be losing to use it and done by an ex makes it not that great compared to the rest of the set).
9) Kingdra ex (He has nothing really special about him, besides his body).
8) Laitas ex (only works well with latios ex).
7) T-tar ex (2 shots anything....but what can't nowadays?)
6) Sally ex (2 types is good, and bench hitting is good)
5) Nite ex (Only reason why he beats sally ex is because he can lock down decks)
4) Latios ex (Such a nice tech in any deck that plays mew, anti ex is just too good to bypass)
3) Altaria ex (Makes alot of older exs that were thought to be slow now very playable)
2 and 1 are a toss up. I personally like gardy ex d more then flygon because it can lock, but flygon has won more, its really close.
I like your list. So, that means I'd use this list. But I don't like the 4,5,6 lineup, so here's my switch:

6: Dragonite EX D
5: Latios EX D
4: Salamence EX D

And I go for Flygon EX D as the #1. But, overall, nice list.

Arcanine out.
RE: best and worse CG ex's

Papi/Manny said:
Hmmm, again, your lists are all weird.
10) Blaziken ex (just terrible, unless the reprint damage swap and rocket's mewtwo ex...X_X)
9) Groundon ex (rather use lugia tech over him)
8) Kygroe ex (steelix is better, but kygroe is a basic, making it more playable...and cheaper energy cost)
7) Aggron ex (Its body is good, but its attacks are pretty terrible and are very hard to sync up)
6) Jirachi ex (Honestly, people should play this more often in mew decks. Its first attack is very disruptive)
5) Swampert ex (Its power is okay, best with metal pokes)
4) Exploud ex (I'm really waiting for this thing to bust out. It just has soooo much potential in it)
3) Delcatty ex (Its best attribute is its power. That can destroy many decks set-ups. This is another card that should be played more...just not with bannette)
2) Shiftry ex (Mind you, this is a terrible card to base a deck off of. However, tech it in to your deck, and you'll see good results)
1) Sceptile ex d (Its just too good. Body is awsome and its attack is very potent).
If I wanted to include stars, I would zam* near the 5-6 place and celibi* at the end...
I like your list but why is shiftry ex not a good card to base a deck off of?
RE: best and worse CG ex's

It just doesn't have enough fire power in its belt...Even with darks, I still wouldn't use it more then a 2-1-2 line.
RE: best and worse CG ex's

Sakon said:
Ardoptres said:
Off-topic: Why is Celebi always bad?? There isn't any good/near good celebi card.

well, at least Celebi* is better than Blaziken ex(i think:))...

Celebi* is NOT better than Blazkien ex, unless you are comparing prices between them. Celebi* is obviously better in that way.
RE: What is the weakest card in the world?

Mudkip101 said:
mysterious fossil

true, but they can evolve into ferocious pokemon.

btw, how can some pile of bones evolve into good pokem]on???
RE: What is the weakest card in the world?

I know it doesn't exist, but the Imukini (sp?) card from the Pokemon TCG for Gameboy. Confuses your own pokemon XD Although, that really isn't weak, just stupid...
RE: What is the weakest card in the world?

Caterpie! It doesn't evolve into something Ferocious, and it can only learn tackle, string shot, and grow!
Wait, after seing that episode where a caterpie ate an enlargement block... Bugzilla...
RE: What is the weakest card in the world?

Magikarp. Oh, and gastly weak?! With the destiny bond, it can knock out anything!
RE: best and worse CG ex's

Blaziken ex is HORRIBLE. It almost has NO combinations and hurts itself! Although the effect of no weakness or resistance is all right.
RE: What is the weakest card in the world?

lapras ex - lame attacks, hi retreat, no evo, 2 prizes for your opponet. This should be like a punishment card for players who misbehave. ~ "So you cheated on the league! Now will be forced to use 4 lapras on your deck! MUHAHAHAH!"
RE: What is the weakest card in the world?

LOL teekay. Story below is off topic and related to the Unlimited format.

So you're at cities and you REALLY need to use that extra Gardy ex for your Mercury. You look around to check if anyone is looking... and slip your prized possession in.
"Hey you kid!" the judge says. "What do you think you're doing!?"
"Uh...." you stammer.
"Because you cheated by putting in that extra card, you will now take out that one card and 4 others, and replace them with LAPRAS EX!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" he cackles devilishly.
"NOOOOOO! Not Lapras ex! Why couldn't it be a MAGIKARP!?!??!"
RE: best and worse CG ex's

the reason blazikene x is better than celebi* is because they can KO it so easily
RE: best and worse CG ex's

Charity allows you to reduce the amount of damage that you do by any amount.
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