Best set released so far

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RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

T2B, Gardallade, and Magmortar have to be some of the greatest decks out there!
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

Well, here is how I see it...

DBW - No way it won't be a good deck. It works horribly, and Comboing Blissy and Darkrai is asking for A Gallade to come eat you...

GG - Yes, that is definately in our metagame, and rocks. Even though there are counters, it is a genius combo and there is always alternate versions.

Some rouge deck - Definately -there always is one, My bet would be it involves Gallade.

Some Cresselia combo - Pretty good chance of seing it, Cresselade works like a dream.

T2 bannette - Well Bannette got errated, so it aint so good no more. It is still great, you just need to play risky, combo it well, and play very defensive, if it is possible using Bannette.

Blissy - There will be some but gallade will pwn them.

magmortar - A brilliant deck that is an underdog so far, it could be major in the metagame.

T2 Doom - Another Brillaint, Fast deck. I like the idea of it.

Lunasol - Oh yeh, its back baby!
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

I would just like an explantion of why Lunasol is good. Not saying its bad, I would just like to know what it is and why its good.
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

G&G is one of the best decks out there! i thought i would never get into it, but its spreading like a virus and im working on it right now! im hoping to see a huge stall deck with cressilia and leftovers.
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

G&G by far....

But, I also think DWD is good.

If you want the worst deck in format, that is DWB.
(Note: The following is not spam: I'm just going to post it at the end of all my posts made today.)

Spread the cheer, Great Encouters is here!

Happy Great Encouters Day!
RE: Whats your favorite.pokemon cards?

My fav. cards are:

Pidgey LV.8(base)
Pidgeotto LV.36(base)
Pidgeot Lv.40(jungle)
Onix lv.22(D&P)
Steelix Lv.50(D&P)
Mewtwo lv.53(base)
Moltres lv.35(fossil)
Zapdos lv.40(fossil)
Articuno lv.35(Legendery Collection)
Kangaskhan lv.40(Jungle)
Tangela lv.8(Base)
Tangrowth lv.38(Great encouters)
Machop lv.20(D&P)
Machoke lv.40(Base)
Machamp lv.67(base)
Magnemite lv.10(D&P)
Magneton lv.35(D&P)
Magnezone Lv.48(D&P)
Squirtle lv.15 (Secret Wonders)
Wartortle Lv.22(Base)
Blastoise Lv.52(Base)
Piplup Lv.9(D&P)
Prinplup lv.20(D&P)
Empoleon lv.42(D&P)
Empoleon Lv.X (promo)
Mankey Lv.14(Rocket)
Primeape LV.41(Great Encouters)
Bulbasaur Lv.14(Secret Wonders)
Ivysaur Lv.24(Secret Wounders)
Vensaur lv.51(Secret Wonders)
Geodude lv.16(Fossil)
Graveler Lv.29(Fossil)
Golem Lv.36(Fossil)
Murkrow lv.20(Mysterious Tresures)
Honchkrow Lv.42(Mysterious Tresures)
Taillow (Ruby & Saphire)
Swellow (Dragon Frontiers)
Scyther Lv.25(Forest)
Scizor LV.36(Promo)
Vulpix (Power Keepers)
Ninetales Lv.32(Base)
Tyrogue Lv.7(Neo Discovery)
Hitmonchan LV.33 (Base)
Hitmonlee LV.30 (Fossil)
Hitmontop Lv.31 (Neo Discovery)
Eevee lv.7 (Promo)
Flareon Lv.28(Forest)
Vaporeon (Delta Species)
Jolteon (Delta Species)
Espeon (Delta Species)
Umbreon (Delta Species)
Glaceon Lv.46(Majestic Dawn)
Leafeon Lv.42(Majestic Dawn)
Entei Lv.43(Secret Wonders)
Pidgey (Fire red and Leaf Green)
Pidgeotto (Fire red and Leaf Green)
Pidgeot (Fire red and Leaf Green)
Onix LV.12(Base)
Steelix Lv.50(D&P)
Mewtwo lv.60(Promo)
Moltres Lv.33(Promo)
Zapdos Lv.30(Promo)
Articuno Lv.34(Promo)
Treecko Lv.7(Great Encouters)
Grovyle (R&S)
Sceptile (R&S)
Torchic (R&S)
Combusken Lv.24(Great Encouters)
Blaziken EX(Crestal Guardians)
Beldum (Hidden Legends)
Metang (Hidden Legends)
Metagross (Hidden Legends)
Aron (R&S)
Lairon (R&S)
Aggron Lv.49(D&P)
Palkia lv.69(D&P)
Palkia LV.X
Electabuzz LV.32(Secret Wonders)
Electivire Lv.46 (D&P)
Shellos west sea Lv.25(Secret Wonders)
Gastrodon west sea LV.44 (Secret Wonders)
Pidgey Lv.8 (Secret Wonders)
Pidgeotto (Secret Wonders)<----LOOKING FOR ONE!!!
Pidgeot Lv.50 (Secret Wonders)
Magby Lv.5 (Mystious Tressures)
Magmar Lv.37 (Neo Genisis)
Magmortar Lv.52 (Secret Wonders)
Charmander Lv.10 (Base)
Charmeleon Lv.32 (Base)
Charlizard Lv.76 (Base)<----LOOKING FOR ONE!!!
Abra Lv.14 (Rocket)
Kadabra Lv.38(Base)
Alakazam Lv.42(Base)
RE: Whats your fav.pokemon cards?

If you have any of my needed ones plz contact me asap!!!:)

will pay a fair amount!
RE: Whats your favorite.pokemon cards?

  1. I am VERY sure you haven't read the Forum Rules yet. Please read them now. Anyone who has not read them thoroughly is liable to be banned.
  2. Posting more than once in a row is against the Forum Rules. If no one posts, it means no one wants to reply to the thread.
  3. "What is your favorite blah" type of threads are not allowed.


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greatest card ever

i want to know what viewers think is the greatest pokemon card. i dont mean trainers supporters or energies. just the pokemon
RE: greatest card ever

Greatest is defined as broken? Theres absolutely no way to determine that. Theres pokemon, such as gallade and sneasel, with absolutely broken attacks. Thens theres pokemon, such as pidgeot, blastoise, and vileplume ex with insanely broken powers. But theres no single-broken pokemon, just a long line of amazing ones.
RE: greatest card ever

IFITDS stellix

Steelix LV.63 – Steel – HP130
Stage 1 – Evolves from Onix

[C] Exert Strength: Choose a number of your opponent’s Pokemon, up to the number of Energy cards attached to Steelix. Then, do 20 damage to each of the chosen Pokemon. (No matter how many times you choose a Pokemon, it only takes 20 damage.)
[M][M][C][C] Iron Tail: Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 100 damage x the number of heads.

Weakness: Fire (+30)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 4
bad thing is the weakness
RE: greatest card ever

How is stellix broken? Its first attack is okay, except that it can't stack (if it could, I could see a slight debate, though very short lived), but its second is bad.
RE: greatest card ever

flip till tails 100x per heads 2 heads witch is avreage can ko pretty mutch anything that doesnt have restince to steel
RE: greatest card ever

50% of the time it does 0. For 4 energy, I expect to do damage, or a damn-good effect. 100 for 4 is decent, but not with flips. And 200 happens only 25% of the time, usually meaning the opponet has taken 2-3 atttacks before you overkilled it.
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