Best set released so far

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RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

DF actually had a ton of good cards, but the only good thing I can get out of CG is Cessation Crystal and a bunch of lame exs.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

I hated Emerald and most of Holon Phantoms.... Most of the 2nd generation sets did'nt live up to my expectations. And personally my favorite ex set is Power Keepers (despite the fact that I bought 60 packs of it and got no pokemon ex).
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
DF actually had a ton of good cards, but the only good thing I can get out of CG is Cessation Crystal and a bunch of lame exs.

dmaster out.
Swampert ex is by far the most overlooked ex in history.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Many people disregarded the exs in CG. Blaziken ex, WTF?

dmaster out.
Whats the best deck in the metagame?

What do you think is the best deck in the metagame? I'm looking for something solid, that might last out for a couple of sets. I've been searching for days, and I still haven't decided what to play...

Also, is it possible for G&G to work without Gardevoir Lv.X? I could play it, but I don't have Lv.X...

Also what about Blissey? Is that a good deck to play, or is it destroyed by G&G?
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

G&G is the best, altho Gardy X is VERY important to its success.

But yeah, wait for GE. Lotsa new decks there.
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

GG will still be popular. Due to the arrival of Lunasol.
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

to beat bannette, just run a sabeleye. 1 for 30....nice and then shutoff the second attack gg.
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

Could I run G&G for a bit without Gardy X, until I get the money for Gardy X?
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

You could. Wont work as good as it could but it'd still win you some games.
RE: Whats the best deck in the metagame?

Gallantry would work without gardy lv.x just that gallade would be doing all the work and there won't be much of a combo.
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