Best set released so far

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RE: best card in legends awakened

T-Tar Master said:
Armaldo. Shuts down anything that can't do more than 60 damage (kingdra, vileplume, gliscor X) and it alsodoes +40 the next turn. Do I hear, PWNGE?

kingdra can do alot with its first atack and all u need is bucks training or a plus power to do more
RE: best card in legends awakened

trevorispro said:
cacgbass said:
trevorispro said:
in my opinion is kingdra nothing else caught my eye
wut do u all think?

So you are blind? There are various pokemon that worth play, tm- evoluter, bucks training, cynthias feelings...

I meant pokemon...>_>...those trainers r good as well but im not gunna be a **** about my answer lyk u were...

Hahahaha i misunderstood you. sorry. you can use a comma for me (a foreing person) to understand better. Sorry about that.
RE: best card in legends awakened

Houndoom is rather nice as well.

But I like Armaldo, Azelf Lv.X, and Kingdra too.
RE: best card in legends awakened

cacgbass said:
trevorispro said:
cacgbass said:
trevorispro said:
in my opinion is kingdra nothing else caught my eye
wut do u all think?

So you are blind? There are various pokemon that worth play, tm- evoluter, bucks training, cynthias feelings...

I meant pokemon...>_>...those trainers r good as well but im not gunna be a **** about my answer lyk u were...

Hahahaha I misunderstood you. sorry. you can use a comma for me (a foreing person) to understand better. Sorry about that.

its cool bro i wasnt specific about my question shoulda realized.
RE: best card in legends awakened

They are all strong but

Power: Rypherior Lv.X, Mewtwo Lv.X
Effect: Luxray,Armaldo,Azelf Lv.X
Attack: Kingdra, Luxray(on a Lv.x), Rypherior Lv.X, Mewtwo Lv,x and JIRACHI!!
Trainer: Poke Radar, Cynthia Feeling and Buck Trainning
Sucky Attack: Mesprit Lv.X, Reggigigas 15/146
Sucky Card: Giratina
RE: best card in legends awakened

Kingdra's not THAT great.

*Sends up a Leafeon Lv.X*

'"You've been countered!"

Hands down, Luxray.

Why? Can outspeed Kingdra, OHKO's most Lv.X's, free retreat, and a recharging type attatck.

I have to say, the Poli's are amazing, Froslass is cool, and Groudon is nice, too.

But Cynthia's is the best hand refresher we've seen in a while.
RE: best card in legends awakened

IDK... I don't think that there is one... Because each of them all has weaknesseas to different types, so Kingdra is weak to electric... let's say Lanturn (can't think of another) which is weak to Gliscor lv. X... and so on and so forth.
RE: best card in legends awakened

ya know luxray isnt good at all actually for the fact it discards all the energies
u attack 1 shot my kingdra then i 2 shot /ohko ur luxray with my other kingdra will u build him back up again u send out another rinse lather repeat u lose.
so.... luxray=not amazing but playable
houndoom was pretty cool
i lyk yanmega/leafeon lv.x it spreads and switchs around it takes 4 so leafeons attack is powerful and the body is even more useful idc wat anyone says
frosslass is way overrated in my opinion
azelf is azelf
RE: best card in legends awakened

btw, if you have a Magnezone Lv X and Electivire in play, Luxray can deal consistent Shock Bolts. Shock Bolts KO almost anything in the format.
RE: best card in legends awakened

I like Froslass. Great spreading, and I think Magnezone X deserves credit.
RE: best card in legends awakened

The best card in Legends Awakened should be Cynthia's Feelings
It is the BEST Trainer i have ever seen
sure, you will claydol, draw 3 or more cards (+3 new cards or more)
Play Cynthia's Feelings (assuming something died last turn, and you now have gone through 11 NEW cards)
now if your looking for this one particular card in your deck, Cynthia is the best card to look for it
In my opinion, its THE best card in LA
RE: best card in legends awakened

I'm surprised less than 10 people said kingdra.

I'd have to say magnezone lv.x.
RE: best card in legends awakened

Shedinja is best card of la. and giratina is good too. but this set is nothing without regigigas rareholo.

Edit: kingdra sucks.
RE: best card in legends awakened

hevi arska said:
Shedinja is best card of la. and giratina is good too. but this set is nothing without regigigas rareholo.

Edit: kingdra sucks.

Yea, you're right, Shedninja is sooooooo much better than kingdra. -__-
RE: best card in legends awakened

This one of the few sets that doesn't actually have 2-3 stand out cards in it. Everything in this set is good in its own way. All the holos and rares are awesome (with a few legendary exceptions) and even the uncommons have Unown R, Eggs, Lanturn, Tentacruel etc. This is ju7st an overall awesome set, though I really like Armaldo, Unown R and Yanmega.
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