Best set released so far

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RE: best card in legends awakened

Papi/Manny said:
trevorispro said:
Papi/Manny said:
...Go read the kingdra article. I think I've proven that kingdra does not deserve the hype it gets. Its not a bad deck and can win some brs, but its not that amazing of a card.

y do u say that if its not amazing then it shouldnt win much of anything .
high five on the whole contradicting urself in the same sentence btw.
High five on your lack of understanding. I said its not a bad deck. How does that make it an amazing deck? You're just shoving words in people's mouths. Its not a great card but it can make a good deck. Jeeze thats a contradiction? Go back to school.

my point is why say its not a great card but can make a great deck?
people always say its good but not that good and oh yea it will win a bunch of stuff it just doesnt make sence to me so you know if would like to relieve me of my anger with a reason please do so..
RE: best card in legends awakened

It can make a great deck a) in the hands of a good player, b) in the hands of a lucky player, and c) with the right metagame. I'm not saying anything about it will make a good deck. Simply that it can win tournies, but its not a specacular card.
RE: best card in legends awakened

Papi/Manny said:
It can make a great deck a) in the hands of a good player, b) in the hands of a lucky player, and c) with the right metagame. I'm not saying anything about it will make a good deck. Simply that it can win tournies, but its not a specacular card.

it is spectacular its unique its amazing
it can KO a pokemon on first turn in a no DRE format
its got 130 hp
its got 1 retreat cost
it takes 1 enrg to attack
its a beedrill that does not need 3 beedrill in play to be effective
there r very few down sides to the card
RE: best card in legends awakened

... Kingdra isn't anything like Beedrill. Like, at all. It can swarm, sure, but any deck can do that (AMU, Bellawesome, etc.). Beedrill gains power for every Beedrill on the field, can't snipe, and has virtually no mid-late game power. Where are you getting Beedrill comparisons from?
RE: best card in legends awakened

No down sides? Do you actually play Kingdra? Its:
1) Too reliable on draw engines.
2) Extremely vulnerable to grass (with water resistance) and thunder.
3) Has a troubling matchup Armaldo if you have a bad start.
4) Damages 60 tops (with the 20 snipe), meaning a rare OHKO.
RE: best card in legends awakened

Azelf is really good
Azelf Lv x can fit into almost any deck
Poke Radar is one of the best trainers in a while.
Buck's training has a fantastic effect.

The amount of playable cards in this set more than makes up for the few cards that aren't.
RE: best card in legends awakened

trevorispro said:
Papi/Manny said:
It can make a great deck a) in the hands of a good player, b) in the hands of a lucky player, and c) with the right metagame. I'm not saying anything about it will make a good deck. Simply that it can win tournies, but its not a specacular card.

it is spectacular its unique its amazing
it can KO a pokemon on first turn in a no DRE format
its got 130 hp
its got 1 retreat cost
it takes 1 enrg to attack
its a beedrill that does not need 3 beedrill in play to be effective
there r very few down sides to the card
Umm, its not spectacular, its definately not unique...and amazing is your choice.
And alot of pokemon can KO a pokemon t2 of the game. :/
Standard for a stage two.
Most decks take 2. Oh boy, a whole energy advantage (with nothing to power up in the meantime).
Beedrill is hot but bellosome is better (and better then kingdra too).
Takes 2 cards from the hand and dumps them, has to hope no damage reduction/healing is happening or it scoops, loses badly to grass decks, mr. mime eats his head off, and its VERY relient on claydol (dead claydol=no hand=no way for kingdra to win).
RE: best card in legends awakened

Azelf lv. X...

A. no {P} pokemon have weakness
B. Snipe...snipe...snipe... I get a prize...
C Extra Azelf HP
D. Azelf's amazing poke-power
RE: best card in legends awakened

Rhyperior Lv.X maybe?
But may I suggest Shedinja, only if you have Ninjask. It destroys so many decks out there, it's not even funny *coughGARCHOMPcough*.
RE: best card in legends awakened

Papi/Manny said:
trevorispro said:
Papi/Manny said:
It can make a great deck a) in the hands of a good player, b) in the hands of a lucky player, and c) with the right metagame. I'm not saying anything about it will make a good deck. Simply that it can win tournies, but its not a specacular card.

it is spectacular its unique its amazing
it can KO a pokemon on first turn in a no DRE format
its got 130 hp
its got 1 retreat cost
it takes 1 enrg to attack
its a beedrill that does not need 3 beedrill in play to be effective
there r very few down sides to the card
Umm, its not spectacular, its definately not unique...and amazing is your choice.
And alot of pokemon can KO a pokemon t2 of the game. :/
Standard for a stage two.
Most decks take 2. Oh boy, a whole energy advantage (with nothing to power up in the meantime).
Beedrill is hot but bellosome is better (and better then kingdra too).
Takes 2 cards from the hand and dumps them, has to hope no damage reduction/healing is happening or it scoops, loses badly to grass decks, mr. mime eats his head off, and its VERY relient on claydol (dead claydol=no hand=no way for kingdra to win).

ok have fun losing to it at BRs
RE: best card in legends awakened

i like unown V for the 30 damage T1 and it can combo with gyarados, mothim, unown Z, anything that needs damage counters...
RE: best card in legends awakened

airconditioning said:
trevorispro said:
ok have fun losing to it at BRs

I lol'd heartily. Kingdra is not the new GG- it's quite beatable. :p

i understand that it is not the next gardallade my point in tellin him/her they would lose to it was it seemed they underestimated its potential
i no the deck is beatable
RE: best card in legends awakened

And you seem to vastly overestimate its potential. It has plenty of downsides, none of which you seem notice.
RE: best card in legends awakened

airconditioning said:
And you seem to vastly overestimate its potential. It has plenty of downsides, none of which you seem notice.

read the new thread ill be writing to tell you why you r very wrong and why everyone who thinks kingdra is underestimated is very wrong about it.
i would tell you here but im tired of explaining my views on this every time someone tells me i over estimate the card/deck
RE: best card in legends awakened

Okay, I'll welcome that new thread. Back on topic (haha, yes, this thread isn't about kingdra), Rayquaza is definately an overlooked energy excelerator and can give alot of decks potential (as well as a rediculous attacker).
RE: best card in legends awakened

^ i have to agree with you on this one
i built a fun deck with the rayquaza and fire heatran from la
Best decks in the format

:)What are the best decks out there and witch ones will get out there in (SF)

I think they are :
And will be :
all the preveus ones
RE: Best decks in the format

You totally forgot Torterra!

And Scizor/Cherrim would also be nice
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