Best set released so far

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RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

Raichu Lv.X (SF)
Giratina Origin Form Lv.X (GC)
Leafeon Lv.X (MD)
Dialga G Lv.X (GC)
Heatran Lv.X (SF)
Dusknoir Lv.X (SF)
Magnezone Lv.X (LA)
Palkia G Lv.X (GC)
Machamp Lv.X (SF)
Shaymin Lv.X (Land Form) (IFDS)
Uxie Lv.X (LA)
Azelf Lv.X (LA)
Magmortar Lv.X (MT)
Gardevoir Lv.X (SW)
Gliscor Lv.X (LA)
Mesprit Lv.X (LA)
Glaceon Lv.X (MD)
Cresselia Lv.X (GE)
Palkia Lv.X (GE)
Mewtwo Lv.X (LA)
Torterra Lv.X (DP)
Honchkrow Lv.X (SW)
Garchomp Lv.X (MD)
Shaymin Lv.X (Sky Form) (GC)
Infernape Lv.X (DP)
Rhyperior Lv.X (LA)
Empoleon Lv.X (DP)
Electivire Lv.X (MT)
Lucario Lv.X (MT)
Regigigas Lv.X (SF)
Porygon-Z Lv.X (MD)
Dialga Lv.X (GE)
RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

Leafeon Lv. X
Magnezone Lv. X
Darkrai Lv. X
Glaceon Lv. X
Electivire Lv. X
Uxie Lv. X
Mewtwo Lv. X
Gardevoir Lv. X
Dialga Lv. X
Lucario Lv. X
Infernape Lv. X
Rhyperior Lv. X
Torterra Lv. X
Cresselia Lv. X
Palkia Lv. X
Empoleon Lv. X
Magmortar Lv. X
Azelf Lv. X
Honchkrow Lv. X
Porygon Lv. X
Garchomp Lv. X
Mesprit Lv. X

Bad and flippy are different things. Anyone who's putting Dialga at the end of their list clearly hasn't ever seen a good Dialga deck.
RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

Darth Caedus said:
Bad and flippy are different things. Anyone who's putting Dialga at the end of their list clearly hasn't ever seen a good Dialga deck.

A good Dialga deck? Please entertain me. I'm quite interested to see this deck of yours.
RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

The only good Dialga Lv.X deck that I can even recall was StrawHat. Basically you poison your opponent (Vileplume/Venusaur) and then you stall your opponent out by using Dialga's power. After awhile your opponent succumbs to overpoison from the Weezings that flood your bench.

I played it for awhile but it was FAR from being tourney savvy.
RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

I love that list. Nearly all the pokemon below dialgia lvl X have won tournaments on varying levels (in particular, ape, chomp, mespirit, azelf, empoleon, and magmortar) yet dialgia has won nothing. X_x
RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

Zyflair said:
A good Dialga deck? Please entertain me. I'm quite interested to see this deck of yours.

See the post below yours. Not exactly the same as mine (never heard of anyone adding Weezing, and the strategy's a bit more complicated than that, but at least the name caught on), but it is the same deck.

Papi/Manny, okay, what do you think makes something a good deck?
RE: The best Level X | Choose it here!

...A deck that can win constantly. :/ Jeeze. Let's look at the cards you claim are worse then dialgia X:
Lucario Lv. X: Stance is an amazing power, and gives lucario a shread of playablity. It's attack is meh. Won several BRs/other small tournies
Infernape Lv. X: The card helped infernape dominate BRs and is still a viable (though probably not needed, save the new fighting ape) tech in an ape deck.
Rhyperior Lv. X: ATM, he's not that destructive. He can whiff and screw your deck over, or hit is big. However, he has a beastily amount of hp and gives rhyperior a second swing at an opponet. He's only going to get better.
Torterra Lv. X: T4 at nats, winner of multipel BRs. This card will probably be t10 Xs in format from now until it rotates out. It's power is just too powerful to ignore, as is the nearly endless combos that come with him.
Cresselia Lv. X: T4 (I believe) at regs and was used in the winning deck at nats. Its both a healer and a plus power, with potential to win a game thats otherwise out of reach.
Palkia Lv. X: The attack is probably the only X attack that can be considered worse then dialgia's (though its very debateable). However, auto-GOW is amazing and gives decks like magnezone, and the less popular empoleon snipe, the ability to counter threats at any time.
Empoleon Lv. X: I've lost count as to how much this card has won. :/ His power is disrputive and can prevent something next turn (e.g. candy into kingdra, etc.). His attack is pricey but can draw that final prize in nearly any situation.
Magmortar Lv. X: O_O Come on, this card doesn't need to be defended at all and is clearly above dialgia.
Azelf Lv. X: Helped win multiple BRs. His body is probably going to be more common, espically with dusknoir coming out, as well as his attack being used against tyranitar and other beasts.
Honchkrow Lv. X: Won a few cities as I recall. Not really playable right now, but was ALOT better last season, espically because it could easily beat up on claydols.
Porygon Lv. X: In all honesty, this card gets a bad rep just because he doesn't have an attack. His first power is pretty much unusable right now (though last season....*shivers*), but he makes up for it with his second one. He has more then enough consistancy to get anything going. He just needs an attack.
Garchomp Lv. X: Power=potential OHKOs easily. Attack=Techs. Enough said.
Mesprit Lv. X: Won alot of BRs, though is the most overhyped X around. However, that second attack is....a free prize. lol.

Your turn to make a case for dialgia, a card who has above average HP for a basic and a good resistance, but a bad weakness to have at any time, a terrible retreat, a HORRIBLE attack (80 for 4 is horribly below average, and not being able to attack? and a power that is interesting but not reliable.

Oh, and when exactly is that torterra article going to be published on the gym, that I spent all that time editing?
RE: Best decks in the format

Machamp SF is too broken. I think it will be massive.

And as Scotty chose Magleaf, I'll go for Empoleon.
<The Best Magnezone discussion>

What do you think the best Magnezone variant is (DP-SF)? I'm going to outline some of the cards (this is a discussion, not an article) so we can see the synergy.

  • Free retreat is a must because of Magnezone's high retreat
  • Its attack is alright, and can do a lot of damage, but requires a lot of energy

  • Magnetic Search is a great way to setup
  • Speed Shot is a bad attack most of the time
  • {C} {C}retreat is doable with out free retreat in a pinch

  • Super Conductivity is a great poke power, and can let Magnezone run by itself
  • Gyro Ball is a great attack, and gives you the opportunity to have your opponent switch their active
  • Magnezone is {L} so it is strong against Kingdra

  • Magnezone Lv. X. Self explanatory.


  • Once set up, Heatran Lv. X will let you paralyze each turn, but it is very slow because you will have to get out 2 Lv. X's

  • Electivire can get you your lightning back each turn, but you will still need to attach a metal
  • It is just a stage 1, which will be much faster than Heatran X

  • IMO, Jirachi is the best starter for this deck because it can get you any card you want

  • According to percentages, every other turn you will get an extra energy
  • Great counter stadium to Dawn Stadium, which can render Cyber Shock useless

If you would like to see my deck list, it is right here:
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

With 1 Magnezone DP and 1 LV X in play, Heatran LV X is exactly as fast as Electivire.
Also I'd run 2 DP Magnezone and 1 Metal SF one, it has a cool non-damaging Power and more useful attacks.
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

^How is this? Heatran is not steel and does not have a free retreat cost.

I would go with all forms of magnezone and then 1 LV X.

Electivire's motor drive is great for the deck and should be played over heatran in MHO
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

Heatran's effect works on Fire AND Steel Pokemon. Magnezones power works on all pokemon with a metal energy on it.

2 Electric Magnezone
1 DP Magnezone
1 Lv.X
seems to be the best IMHO. I would like to also say that Drifblim is a better start then almost anything else in a Magnezone deck. Here's my pokemon list for the deck

3-2-2/1-1 Magnezone
3-3 Drifblim
2-2 Claydol
1-1 Cleffable
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

I'm going to run x1 DP and x2 {L} Magnezones in my deck.

I don't like drifblim because it makes this deck run slower than it already is.

Heatran is slower than Electivire because it has to be active to level up.

Heatran's power works on Metal and Fire pokes.

Heatran can be given free retreat by Magnezone DP if Heatran has any {M} on it.

And DawnofXatu, why Clefable???
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

i think hetran>electivire because it doesn't waste your energy attachment per turn and it's easy to set-up with the DP zone and a warp point/switch. also i would go 2 DP one electric just because free retreat is needed a lot in the deck and the extra energy can help when you don't have anything out.
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

I feel that having to get out a Magnezone DP, then a Heatran, then switch Heatran to your active and leveling it up, then switching back, leveling up Magnezone, is slow. Does anyone see a way to make it faster?
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

All three Magnezone's have merrit, and the best deck for it will find a way to incorperate that, as well as an Azelf or 2 to get what needs to be gotten.

The deck will be a lot better with Palkia G X. Magnezone is a remarkable pain to kill, and simply removing it will cause major pain for the opponent (especially after Magnezone X recovers all the energy you had on that pokemon). Potentially using Raichi to blitz and clean-up might also not be a bad idea.
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

TCC Co-Founder said:
I'm going to run x1 DP and x2 {L} Magnezones in my deck.
Good Move
I don't like drifblim because it makes this deck run slower than it already is.
How? You can survive Sableye with the DP Drifloon. You can bring up a whole lot of Pokemon and then when the Lv.X becomes active just move them all around. If your Lv.X dies and you have a prize to spare you can just bring out Drifblim and get the Lv.X from the discard pile. He can recycle any Zone, Candy, Lv.X, anything.
Heatran is slower than Electivire because it has to be active to level up.
Unless you play 4 Switch
Heatran's power works on Metal and Fire pokes.
Heatran can be given free retreat by Magnezone DP if Heatran has any {M} on it.
That is why the combo works...
And DawnofXatu, why Clefable?
Clefable is an amazing card in a Magnezone deck. When your opponent has out a heavy hitter and you realize that if you KO that pokemon with a Zone then they are just going to hit you with a fully charged bench. Play down Cleffairy and Evolve to Clefable (suprise) free retreat, and then move 3 energies to Clefable. Complete suprise metrinome. It doesn't work on all pokes, but it is an interesting and sometimes game changing suprise.

Answers in bold.
RE: <The Best Magnezone discussion>

I don't like Drifloon because it will have to take the place of my starter, and what good is a Drifloon start?

And Clefable can do that in every deck...and no surprise metronome, because it takes {C}{C}{C} which is wasting energy.
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