Best set released so far

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RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Slowking actually made your opponent flip a coin when they played a trainer. However, if you got a heads, it went back to the top of their deck, meaning that they'd basicly miss out on like 4 turns of drawing to use a trainer.

The thing is, it was meant to say "If Slowking is your Active Pokemon", which made the card virtually useless. But rather than giving an errata, it was simply banned.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Which is why it is utterly broken. The "Active Pokemon" errata was never issued, letting you stack these guys on each other.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Lugia EX. It won worlds in the LBS deck we all just loved so much. I mean, seriously, 200 for 3 energies, at the price of 2 damae counters. I'll take that any day.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Ugh, Darkrai LV. X wasn't even close to evil last format. Gallade just smears it into the ground, and now so does Machamp. Hippowdon BET will also do the same darn thing....

Darkrai has too many problems for it to be considered the best card ever.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Blue Thunder said:
Ugh, Darkrai LV. X wasn't even close to evil last format. Gallade just smears it into the ground, and now so does Machamp. Hippowdon BET will also do the same darn thing....

Darkrai has too many problems for it to be considered the best card ever.

I pulled my only 4th place in Regionals last season thanks to that card. And, I had defeated Gardi-Gallade twice in that day.

Of course, the top 2 was Gardi-Gallade.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Aerodactyl Fossil.

Great combo card, get this out T1, your opponent does almost nothing unless they have Sneasel Neo.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Pidgeot FRLG was a great search engine back in the day. Definately a main rival for Claydol now.

dmaster out.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

I say that in most cases, Pidgeot beats Claydol. The only time Claydol would be use over Pidgeot would be if your deck burns through your hand like no tommorrow.

Though Claydol (if you have 2+ in play) can use its Power more than once...unlike Pidgeot
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Blue Thunder said:
Ariadosguy said:
Zyflair said:

80+ damage T2 constantly is scary. Combined with Slowking, you're pretty much locked up for sure.

Sneasel is extremely overrated.

Doesn't Mightyena LA do the same thing? lolololol

Seriously, Sneasel only 2HKO's most stuff. That's pretty meh-ish for two energies.

As Zyflair said, Sneasel is a Basic, which makes it easy to swarm. Also, while on average it does 60, if it dealt 100, you would be in big trouble. And if it dealt 40 or less, you'd be laughed at Stages 2s in that day has around 100HP. Also, you can account for some Special Darks in the attack cost as well, which averages to 80 Wow, 80. Misses the KO on almost anything. 80HP was also more common than it is now. 4 heads and 2 Special Darks reaches the magic 1004 heads?!?! The average is 3! Relying on 4 heads seems a bit funny, y'know.

Not to mention it has access to the best locker in PTCG history: Slowking....

What deck doesn't?!??!?!

Another thing about Neo was that attacks did not do 60 and 20 spread or 40 or auto-KO Basic (for 1) in those days. Those things would probably cost three energy in Neo.

We're talking Unlimited here. Of course when Sneasel was released it was far beyond broken. But Unlimited has acces to many combos broken-er than this.

Sneasel also didn't have a Weakness (Mightyena does) or a retreat cost, but a Psychic Resistance of 30. This stats are waaayyy better than Mightyena's.

Mightyena was half a joke. I wouldn't play Mightyena. Sneasel is better than Mightyena. My point was that Sneasel is not much better than Mightyena, a card I know we all wouldn't use in Unlimited.

Bottom line: In its time, Sneasel outsped and OHKO'd almost everything.
So it can T2. Big deal. We have decks now that can T1. OHKO'd almost anything? How does 80 damage KO almost anything?!?!?! Not to mention it only has a measly 60 HP.

Answers in boldddd.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Oh, but you forgot something else I said. 80HP was much more common in Neo. I'll give you that it isn't common in Unlimited as a group. (BS-PK)

4 heads is.....not that hard to do. Odds are still pretty high for 4. After that, though, I would not really consider it to happen.

I'll give you this one. I say Blasticune is a better deck in Unlimited, but my post had more of a Neo view in it more than an Unlimited.

Back in Neo, you didn't have 130HP guys that deal 60-80 damage on T1. Back then, you were lucky to have 110HP and have a 1 energy attack that did 30. Yes, 60 HP is a problem, but it can be fixed, especially if we look at it from an Unlimited view.

I will agree, however, that Sneasel is not that strong when we compare it to today's standards. However, I was more of refering to Neo in that post.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Oh, right. Yeah, it's pretty obvious why Sneasel was banned back in the day LOL.

Blastcune was exactly the deck I was thinking of. :)
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

I think Bannette EX, it may not be the best but i think it should atleast up there? it has T2 possibilities when played with Shuppet CG, it also can do lot of damage relativly fast just for two energies, providing you play it with discarding cards such as TV reporter, Felicity's, sableye CG, etc etc..., it hasn't got a bad Poke power either.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Ariadosguy said:
Oh, right. Yeah, it's pretty obvious why Sneasel was banned back in the day LOL.

Blastcune was exactly the deck I was thinking of. :)

That is exactly why I named as the best was the only banned due to overpowering. It was 10x worse then PLOX last format.

If this was the best combo thread, I'd say Blasticnue. Name 1 other combo that has potential to dish out 200+ damage on T2 (or even T1) onwards.
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Blue Thunder said:
If this was the best combo thread, I'd say Blasticnue. Name 1 other combo that has potential to dish out 200+ damage on T2 (or even T1) onwards.

What's Blasticnue?
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Blasticune is a deck the uses Blastoise from Base Set with Suicune ex from EX: Team Magma Vs. Aqua.

The strategy was to use Blastoise to give tons of energy to Suicune ex, and then use its attack to return them all to the hand and do massive amounts of damage with it. I actually misraed the attack, thinking it did 50+50 for each energy instead of 50+10. Still, there is a huge damage potential. It starts off in the 80-110 range, but as it gets mid game, the average is around 120-140. By late game it could be over 150, and maybe even as high as 180 or 200.

Quite scary...
RE: The BEST pokemon card ever-BS-BET

Yeah...same here. I was told about the combo myself, and when I went to look at both of them, my jaw dropped at how broken that combo is.

On topic, another dangerous card in Vileplume ex. A potential to stop all Trainers from T2 (even T1)-on? *cries*
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