Pokemon Biggest nobody Pokemon

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Tomokazu Komiya

He's cool. Sorta.
A nobody Pokemon is a Pokemon that has simply nothing special about it. It doesn't play a part in the story (e.g. Ampharos [Gold/Silver]), has no gimmick (e.g. Spinda [no 2 have the same spots], Ditto [only knows transform]), has no partner Pokemon (e.g. Zangoose-Seviper), and has no phenomal stats (e.g. Shuckle, Chansey). Also, legendaries, starters, and Pokemon found very early on in the game (like Rattata and Pidgey) are not nobodies, because they usually get worked into your party. Pokemon that get baby versions and evolutions in next generations usually aren't nobodies (Scyther, Magmar), because they get more fame that way. Oh! And Pokemon that would usually be nobodies (Dunsparce), but are very popular in the TCG (EX Sandstorm) aren't nobodies. I think some of the biggest nobodies are Tropius and Lickitung. Absolutely NOTHING phenomenal about them
Dunsparce isnt a nobody. Apart from playing one of the most important roles in the Pokemon TCG since Sandstorm was released it can be pretty good in the GBA games too. With the HP amount, Serene Grace, Paralysis and Flinching moves it learns, then it can be pretty good. I've seen a Dunsparce take down a Suicune... Serence Grace works wonders for it.

Pokemon that are Nobodies IMO:
Farfetche'd (sort of)
Sudowoodo (sort of too, poor Sudowoodo)
Stantler :)( true, but I like Stantler, it's cool)
Chimecho (sort of)

Well that's my list of nobodies. Some may disagree, some may agree, but it's solely my personal opinion.
Tropius I wouldn't call a nobody. It's one of a few possible total HM slaves. I use it myself =D

Gligar's supposed to be godly in UU... but I'd have no idea.

I'd say Nosepass is the biggest... I mean, it sucks majorly. :/
I would have said lickitung from the start, he does NOTHING.

But he's also ma fave pokemon for it, I mean loo at his TONGUE! Too cool!
Actually, Lickitung isn't too bad. I have a Hasty natured one, giving fair speed, and Own Tempo makes him a swagger target, then Double-Edge for the KO! Eh?

And why has no one mentioned Magikarp yet.....sheesh.
magikarp evolves, has many anime appearances and is one of the famous shiny together with his evolution

in my eyes: aipom, almost no anime appearances, a useless card and soooooooo strange
RE:  Biggest nobody Pokemon

Pokémaniac said:
Geodude, Graveler, and Golem. Also, Magnamite and Magnaton

Magneton has been in over 10 card sets. Every time a new set comes out, there is a 50% chance Magnemite and Magneton will be in it.
RE:  Biggest nobody Pokemon

cute-mew said:
magikarp evolves, has many anime appearances and is one of the famous shiny together with his evolution

in my eyes: aipom, almost no anime appearances, a useless card and soooooooo strange
Aipom has been in anime several times, once or twice during johto, and i'm pretty sure he was in a hoenn as well. Though he is useless and strange.:p

Arcanine out.
RE:   Biggest nobody Pokemon

Arcanine 274 said:
cute-mew said:
magikarp evolves, has many anime appearances and is one of the famous shiny together with his evolution

in my eyes: aipom, almost no anime appearances, a useless card and soooooooo strange
Aipom has been in anime several times, once or twice during johto, and i'm pretty sure he was in a hoenn as well.  Though he is useless and strange.:p

Arcanine out.

Also in Pokemon Trozei.
RE:  Biggest nobody Pokemon

Skarratts said:
I would have said lickitung from the start, he does NOTHING.

Well, there was that fun game in Pokemon Stadium, but now I guess I'm contradicting myself.
RE:  Biggest nobody Pokemon

antares said:
murkrow and unown

unown has a nobodys name

Unown is DEFINITELY not a nobody. That whole one-Unown-for-each-letter-of-the-alphabet thing was a MAJOR gimmick.
I guess Tropius does look cool... except for those bananas on its chin. Is it used often in competitive play? I have no clue.
I think that the biggest nobodies here are...Lickitung, Tangela, thingies like that. And we can't forget about Mr. Mime, Tauros, Yanma(Not a big nobody, but it is a bit). And where are Qwilfish and Smeargle here?
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