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Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and FA's W: CYL

RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Landorus EX! W: CYL

Sorry Will, I'm liking Fluttershy's offer better right now. I'm still interested in Gold Potion and Blastoise though, so if you see anything else you like I'd be glad work out a trade with you.

Fluttershy, I'll PM you work out the details.

Edit: Hooray for not-epic post 1500.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's! W: CYL

Hmmmm...is there anything smaller that you want? I'm interested in some of your small stuff like Skyarrow and Level Ball, but neither of those are going to come close to Raikou or Mew.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's! W: CYL

Do you have any Dark Patches? I could trade some (2) for the stuff you want.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's! W: CYL

Bump. I'm interested in Tropical Beach especially now, and I have a lot of unlisted stuff that I might be willing to trade for it (Catchers and playable EX's).
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's! W: CYL

Do you maybe have keldeo EX you would wanna trade for shining mewtwo 7/10?
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Sorry, I'm not interested in that. Thanks for showing interest though :)

On another note, updated with Plasma Storm cards! Request anything you need or make an offer for FA Articuno EX or the SR Random Receiver.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Hmmm....I'm interested in the Rayquaza EX's but I don't feel as though they add up to enough value and I'm more interested in just getting Promo Rayquaza EX's.

If you get any stuff from Plasma Storm though, LMK.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

CML for Articuno EX FA and Shiny Random Receiver. thanks!
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Afrodaddy said:
CML for Articuno EX FA and Shiny Random Receiver. thanks!

Didn't see anything, thanks for showing interest though :)
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

hey I'm looking to upgrade my Promo Darkrai to a set one. can you CML for stuff? I value promo at 7 and set at ~15 (its on my thread, idk).

Or if your not interested in the promo one check for other stuff.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

I didn't see enough that I wanted for the Darkrai, but is there anything else you're interested in? I'm interested in Garbodor DRX from your haves. I'm thinking my Eelektrik for your Garbodor would be a fair trade but you value Eelektrik much lower.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Do you have any reverse holo BW Energy Switch?? And how many Eels? Id do 3 Eels for 2 Garbodor, if you have that many for trade.


I'm also interested in Raikou EX. maybe we could work something out with the 3 Garbos and some other stuff?
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Interested in the shiny Reciever and 2x Groudon EX. CML for them?
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Hi I was wondering if you have any Crobat PS or Klingklang PS/BW, if you do please cml for them. Thanks! :)
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Mate please CML.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and PLASMA STORM!!! W: Hypnotoxic Laser

Alan said:
Do you have any reverse holo BW Energy Switch?? And how many Eels? Id do 3 Eels for 2 Garbodor, if you have that many for trade.


I'm also interested in Raikou EX. maybe we could work something out with the 3 Garbos and some other stuff?

I don't have any RH Energy Switch, and I have 2 Eelektrik. Eels do sell on eBay now for 2-3 dollars so I think 1 Eel for 1 Garbodor is still a fair trade.

I unfortunately JUST traded away my Raikou EX, sorry about that.

numberonewill said:
Interested in the shiny Reciever and 2x Groudon EX. CML for them?

I'm interested in Cobalion FA and 2x Garbodor RH. Could you do all of that for 1x Groudon EX?

The Pikachu Mafia said:
Hi I was wondering if you have any Crobat PS or Klingklang PS/BW, if you do please cml for them. Thanks! :)

I have 4 Crobats, 2 PR promo, 1 RH and 1 regular. I'm interested in the Landorus EX...but I'm not sure the values add up. What do you value the Crobats at, and is there anything else you want?

zega90 said:
Mate please CML.

I don't ship to Europe at this time, sorry about that. Thanks for showing interest though :)