Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

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RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Birthday Charmander and Character Fair Milotics!

Can I have your shiny zubat from the future? Check my trades for it.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With Birthday Charmander and Character Fair Milotics!

Week-old bump!

I'll look legend.
Edit: need more information on your shinies.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With NZ Manaphy!

Bumped with NZ Manaphies! I'm looking for the Worlds Crobat if anyone on this thread has one.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With NZ Manaphy!

It has to be a pretty good shiny because the Moltres was RNGed by me and has good IVs.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With NZ Manaphy!

I can offer shiny modest Mewtwo (touched), modest Groudon, Naive Lugia, Bold Suicune lvl 100 Ev'd, adamant Rayquaza, timid Raikou. Non of them has excellent IV's but non of them have very bad either.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With NZ Manaphy!

I do not trade for T Pokemon. I also need the OT and ID of any Pokemon you are offering me.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With NZ Manaphy!

Which of those three was legit checked and do any have an unusual date?
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With 7-11 Pikachu!

I don't want to risk trading one of my legit shiny legends for what might be a hacked shiny legend, sorry.

Updated: 7-11 Pikachus and more RNGed shiny non-legend Pokemon!
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With 7-11 Pikachu!

I've got:
Shiny Collossum Glisor (I recived it as a Glisor).
I'd like: 7-11

But, could you put it on hold for me until I can get my WiFi working plz.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With 7-11 Pikachu!

Alvin - sure. I will help you when I get back.

bloom - the only way to check a Pokemon is to turn it into a file and check it on Pokesav or some other program. I can do it but I do not want to take any Pokemon from you without giving you something in return.

LV - do you mean you recieved it as a Gligar? I don't trade for T Pokemon however.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With 7-11 Pikachu!

^Nope, I got it as a Glisor (from one of the Mods over on SPPF)....coz they evo'd the Gligar.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With 7-11 Pikachu!

could i get the UK arceus? or is that wat u r looking for... if not, ill trade u my Deoxys or Celebi or Jirachi (wifi) deoxys and celebi are not hacked except i used action reply to find it thats it if so email me at [email protected] with ur friend code, wat day, and wat time. anyone else with an arceus and would like to trade the same pokemon just email me with the same info i reeeeeeeely want arceus thanx :D
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. With 7-11 Pikachu!

tyler - I have no idea what you are saying, so I decline the trade.

legend - ok.

Edit: updated with WORLD10 Crobats!
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