Boredom: Most damage possable in the format


Avid Trader/Player
I've calculated the most possible damage to swing for in the format: 4240.

Breakdown: Sceptile AR (30/99) does 20x the number of {G} energy attached to it. The deck must have 60 cards in it, so we have to take out 3 for Sceptile, 3 more for Sceptile GE (it makes all your grass energy count for 2) and one more for the prize card. That leaves 53 cards. Make them all grass energy, then attach them all to Sceptile AR.

Damage Equation: (20*(53*2))*2 (That's how it would be written properly)


(20*(53*2))*2 - The attacks damage is 20 times the amount of {G}

(20*(53*2))*2 - This is to calculate the amount of {G} energy on the Sceptile AR. It is the most possible energy in the deck while attacking.

(20*(53*2))*2 - Let's assume they have a grass weakness.

Final: This is a HYPOTHETICAL amount, the odds of this being done in a real game situation are nearly imposable.

If there is a way to do more damage than this, please tell me!

You need 1-1-1-1 Rhyperior Lv.X
1-1 Weavile SW
1-1 Darkrai Lv.X
5 Fighting Energy
1 Expert Belt
46 Darkness Energy

Basically, with 5 Fighting in the discard, Rhyperior Lv.X's base damage is 250 right there. With 46 darkness energy available, you can stack it all on Rhyperior, and with Weavile SW and Darkira Lv.X you can add 730 damage. That makes it 980 damage. With Belt, that's 1000 damage. Yeah.

EDIT: Do it on a Pokemon with an x2 weakness to Fighting then that's 2000 damage =)
vespiqueen E4 can do more than sceptile. It does 20X the amount of energy but also has a base of 30 and since it is a basic that takes 2 cards out of the deck and turns them to energy cards..making a possible 4310 dmg.
Oh and the most Ive ever seen in modified is..string bomb on exeggutor it does 30 times the number of heads per pokemon. it is only stage one so extra 30 dmg. and well it does a huge amount, 6480 dmg to a gator prime xD
Frozendukie said:
vespiqueen E4 can do more than sceptile. It does 20X the amount of energy but also has a base of 30 and since it is a basic that takes 2 cards out of the deck and turns them to energy cards..making a possible 4310 dmg.

It doesn't do x20. You need to flip.

but...yeah steelix lol

it does 20x for each flip..if we are basing this off of getting 53 energy out of a deck onto one pokemon heads should also be a given
Gliscor said:

You need 1-1-1-1 Rhyperior Lv.X
1-1 Weavile SW
1-1 Darkrai Lv.X
5 Fighting Energy
1 Expert Belt
46 Darkness Energy

Basically, with 5 Fighting in the discard, Rhyperior Lv.X's base damage is 250 right there. With 460 darkness energy available, you can stack it all on Rhyperior, and with Weavile SW and Darkira Lv.X you can add 730 damage. That makes it 980 damage. With Belt, that's 1000 damage. Yeah.

EDIT: Do it on a Pokemon with an x2 weakness to Fighting then that's 2000 damage =)

It would have to be a Pokemon weak to Dark type, not Fighting. Weavile SW shifts the type to Dark ;P
1-1 Pelipper GE
1-1 Weavile SW
1-1 Darkrai LV.X
1 Water energy
52 Darkness energies.
1 Prized card

Damage = ( 30 (Water) + 52 (Dark) * (30 + 10) ) * 2 (weakness) = 4220

20 short. :D

BTW, guys, if we're going to talk about lucky coin flips, this guy would win.
Zyflair said:
1-1 Pelipper GE
1-1 Weavile SW
1-1 Darkrai LV.X
1 Water energy
52 Darkness energies.
1 Prized card

Damage = ( 30 (Water) + 52 (Dark) * (30 + 10) ) * 2 (weakness) = 4220

20 short. :D

BTW, guys, if we're going to talk about lucky coin flips, this guy would win.

lol, that Mamoswine is totally win.

I want to make a deck using that, a Flygon tech, and Nidoqueen RR.
Alright, here's the decklist:
Gengar(SF) 1-1-1
Darkrai LV.X 1-1
Weavile(SW) 1-1
Psychic Energy 1
Dark Energy 51
Expert Belt 1

You use poltergiest when they have 58 trainers in their hand. That is the max because they need to have 1 basic pokemon and a max of 5 prizes taken. You attatch 50 dark energy(assuming one is your last prize) and one psychic, turn gengar dark with weavile and attatch expert belt. Then x2 weakness on Gengar GL(or something). That is a total of 4520. [(30x58)+500+20]x2=4520
Gowk said:
Arceus Geodude + 1 Fighting + Infinite Heads = Winner

Gowk said:
I still do more damage

Infinite Heads is totally unrealistic. The situation I set up, while it wouldn't ever happen, is still completely possible. I like your idea, but until you can flip 226 heads in a row, it's imposable ;P

GHJamesGH said:
Alright, here's the decklist:
Gengar(SF) 1-1-1
Darkrai LV.X 1-1
Weavile(SW) 1-1
Psychic Energy 1
Dark Energy 51
Expert Belt 1

You use poltergiest when they have 58 trainers in their hand. That is the max because they need to have 1 basic pokemon and a max of 5 prizes taken. You attatch 50 dark energy(assuming one is your last prize) and one psychic, turn gengar dark with weavile and attatch expert belt. Then x2 weakness on Gengar GL(or something). That is a total of 4520. [(30x58)+500+20]x2=4520

Oh, nice. Now I need to find a way to one up that... ^_^
GHJamesGH said:
Alright, here's the decklist:
Gengar(SF) 1-1-1
Darkrai LV.X 1-1
Weavile(SW) 1-1
Psychic Energy 1
Dark Energy 51
Expert Belt 1

You use poltergiest when they have 58 trainers in their hand. That is the max because they need to have 1 basic pokemon and a max of 5 prizes taken. You attatch 50 dark energy(assuming one is your last prize) and one psychic, turn gengar dark with weavile and attatch expert belt. Then x2 weakness on Gengar GL(or something). That is a total of 4520. [(30x58)+500+20]x2=4520

This is flawed. With the setup you listed your opponent couldn't have taken any prizes.
Rhincodon Typus said:
This is flawed. With the setup you listed your opponent couldn't have taken any prizes.
this is true, you'd need at least one more pokemon and something to get it out of the discard.

Your opponent has to have a max of 53 T/S/St, because you both have to have 5 KO's. To get the 5 KO's, 5 cards from their deck are lost. Neither of you can get the 5 KO's. The damage would actually be 4080

53*30 + 450 (45 Darkness Energy) * 2 = 4080

So it looks like Sceptile is still the champion with 4250


I have another list for almost as much as Sceptile.

Your List:
1 Ralts
1 Kirlia
1 Gardevoir PT
1 Psychic Energy
56 DCE

Their List:
1 Pokemon
59 DCE

Damage Equation:

You have Gardy active with 1 Psychic and 50 DCE on it (Nobody has/can take/n Prizes)
They have a Pokemon with 53 DCE on it.

(20 + (10 * ((53 * 2) + (50 * 2) + 1))) * 2 = 4180

That's only 70 less than Sceptile!

This was done right before I went to sleep. It's not possible, and I am an idot when I am this Tired.