I don't necessarily care to look any of that up.
Guess it didn't happen then. You shouldn't accuse people of things without proof.
I could have given a wall of text but I knew you'd have a problem with it so I "posted and dipped" like you said but I see that didn't help anyway and you just have something against me when I say anything. How about you roast the guy who thinks Brigette is broken.
1. A wall of text would be preferable; it would have saved me a post and I could have gone straight into tearing apart your reasoning.
2. I only have a problem with the things you post because you post silly things.
3. I don't have a frame of reference for the guy who thinks Brigette is broken. Is he new? Is he young? These are important questions. You are neither of these, so you get roasted more easily
This can always be pulled off but if we are just going to sit here and play the sometimes game, sometimes the opponent can't stop it.
And sometimes they can, which is kinda the whole point. Every strategy will succeed sometimes; Kiawe strats are no different.
Why are we talking about losing? Where did that even come from? If your hand is dead, then you have nothing anyway. Might as well get four Energy down.
tbh I don't know, I wrote that post when I was dead tired. I notice I made a couple typos and left a previous quote there. Anyway the point I was pretty sure I was trying to stumble through is that if your hand is not dead and you opt for Kiawe as opposed to a safer play then you are running the risk of being overwhelmed. Again, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. If it
always won you the game no matter what, then you'd have a stronger case. But since Fire isn't bdif, I guess (as usual) you've got nothing.
Again, what does Counter Catcher does when on your first turn, you're already down two Prize cards with a huge body in the active spot with four Energy?
Nothing useful, I'll concede. Dunno where I was going with that line of reasoning
Vileplume wasn't the problem. It's a good card but not broken. FoGP was the problem and was broken. FoGP let Vileplume come down in a single turn and with all the speed cards they ran, the player going first had a huge advantage, which has been my argument from the start. I don't think I need to sit here and explain to you the reason FoGP is so unbalance. This has nothing to do with gutting the Grass type either. Vileplume decks aren't supposed to run more items than other decks. They are supposed to run very few Item cards and take a while to get Vileplume out.
"Supposed to" according to your own metrics, which don't mean anything to anyone except you. How do you know Vileplume decks aren't "supposed to" use up most of their many Items in the first few turns, then play the rest out with the Supporters they have left? Running a low Item count kills your consistency because you're limiting yourself to, essentially, one card per turn (not including evolving). Every deck needs items, and Vileplume was no different.
The reason FoGP needed to be banned was so they can do interesting things with the Grass-type, otherwise they risk breaking it so rather than making a bunch of sub-par Grass Pokemon, they just ban the problem at the source. This is why Kiawe is a problem because they can't do anything interesting with the Fire-type. I happen to want a good Moltres-GX, which might not happen because of Kiawe and if it is good, then Kiawe breaks it.
What do you define as interesting? There have been a lot of "interesting" Grass Pokemon and none of them saw the light of day, like Vivillon BKT (coin flip energy attachment from your deck), Meganium BKP (Do 120, heal 120, when near death), Shiftry STS (stopped Stadiums and Tools (Spirit Links) for a turn), Jumpluff STS (T1 120 for 1). Forest didn't break any of them. Interesting doesn't have to mean competitive.
No one thinks Vileplume is broken. I have no idea why you keep going on about this. Forest of Giant Plants is broken because you never know how it will interact with future cards and with the Expanded format being as large as it is, the cards existence can cause balance problems. Being able to get down three Decidueye-GX in one turn (something I was able to do) is broken. Being able to put down any Evolved Pokemon the turn the Basic was put down is broken. There is a reason that mechanic is in place and FoGP removes that barrier for one type. You ban FoGP and you don't have to worry about unintended card interactions and future balance of the type.
I'll say that I think getting three owls down t1 now is a bigger deal than it was previously. Starter Pokemon are weaker and more easily donked now.
You mentioned lock decks being everywhere. That's just one Forest-based strategy that contributed to its ban and you're acting like it's the only reason (only now mentioning Decidueye).
The fact they stayed legal means nothing. You can build on a roach nest not knowing it was ever there until you disturb it and when you do, you have to deal with it. The problem was always there but didn't surface until players sat down and did some thinking. Archeops isn't broken and can only be put into play via a very harsh fossil mechanic, something a 1-1 line isn't going to cut. The card was buffed by the existence Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick, which was the problem. Maxie is the broken card and in my opinion, they banned the wrong card but if they both were banned, I would have no problem with it. I also want Archie's Ace in the Hole banned for the same reason as FoGP.
The fact that they stayed legal means they weren't enough of a problem to ban. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to understand. Using your shitty analogy, every card in existence is a roach nest just waiting to be disturbed with the release of a new card or set. Or maybe players just haven't sat down and thought about it enough (lol).
Banning Archeops was the correct play. Instead of preventing players from using it on any other Pokemon in the game, they just took out the one that was causing the most problems. This is not quite the same as the Forest ban; banning Forest would be akin to banning Maxie.
This all depends on the deck build. A deck using Kiawe wants to use it on the first turn but this is no different than playing a Tapu Lele-GX and having to choose between Brigette and a N/Sycamore because of your Supporter-less hand.
In that case you should change your hand with N/Sycamore every time unless you want to blow your first turn with nothing on your board. This is the risk involved with using Kiawe. The reward is your beat stick with four Energy that you better hope carries you through the game. It's good, not broken.
Yes, they can but they are at a huge disadvantage because a Choice Band and Guzma can KO whatever they put the Energy on.
Obviously, but I didn't mean in the mirror; I meant going second, using Fire, against any other deck.
Play a N, that not a better Supporter you're playing and I still have a 180+ damage beat stick, of course assuming I didn't draw anything of the N. Also, why assume the opponent will get set up? Can I assume I drew a Sycamore of my N to two cards?
Well I specifically said "better hope you topdeck a way to take 2 more prizes" so sure.
They might get set up and they might not.
It doesn't matter about who went first for Maxie. The player who went first playing Decidueye/Vileplume is infinitely favored in a game because they can prevent the opponent from doing anything. No one player in the world wants to go second playing against Decidueye/Vileplume.
You shouldn't want to go second against any deck.
No one is forcing me to play anything. The point is to never make a silver bullet to be a silver bullet or you create a meta where you need to make silver bullets to beat silver bullets, which doesn't fix the problem because you break something else.
That's not the case here. Kiawe and Gardevoir are from the same set.
Being forced to play a deck or realizing you have to play it is the same thing to me. It's just word play at this point.
The only time players were anywhere near forced to play a certain deck was just before the emergency rotation. Everything else, as I said, is opportunity cost. If you're not going to play one of the best, most consistent decks in the format, then you have to be prepared to face players who are and know what your game plan is for when (not if) you find yourself across the table from it. That's all there is to it. For every person playing Gardevoir there's probably three or four people who aren't, and I'd wager at least two of those people are not playing it by choice. Not playing a deck because it has a poor matchup with the current most popular deck isn't stifling creativity or whatever, it's smart.
Most Colorless Pokemon are bad because they have to balance them for every other type. The isn't even about Colorless Pokemon but those with a large amount of Colorless cost, which includes every type. Kiawe will be in the game for another two years. That is two years worth of sets that can interact with that card.
Okay but those Pokemon are all colossally bad. Who cares if you power them up? The only time you should ever be paying five Energy to attack (excluding attacks that do more damage based on your energy) is if you're about to announce Dragon Ascent.
Alolan Exeggutor-GX is neat in theory because his first attack snipes based on your Energy count, but again this means you're either throwing four Energy onto an Exeggcute or sacrificing one of your attacking turns to do it for mediocre payoff. No serious player is going to do this though because they aren't idiots.
This is why you don't get to decide whether or not I can post. I mean, you can always ban me. That will shut me up for true.
It was a suggestion, broseph. I never said I had any say in it. Even if I did have the power to ban you, posting bad arguments is not a bannable offense.
Colorless cost doesn't care what you use to power it. Snorlax-GX like Kiawe, because he can sit on something next turn. Actually yes, I don't think PCL test their cards, other wish Lysandre's Trump Card wouldn't have been printed. Vileplume and FoGP wouldn't have been and the same set and a card that is hard to future proof like Kiawe wouldn't have been printed.
Snorlax-GX is completely outclassed by Ho-Oh-GX, so enjoy using your Z-tier deck.
Most Pokemon in their type is bad. Not every Colorless-type has to be playable. You just always need one example from any type to case some kind of buzz. Gyarados-GX needs only one Water Energy to attack. A.E.-GX only needs one Grass Energy to attack. They don't card what else you fill them with. Remember Turbo Dark and how DDE/Rainbow Energy was used to get that extra damage? I guess you need someone to win a Regionals with it before you open your eyes to it but I'm not such player.
You're really gonna go all in on this meme? Okay.
Both of these decks are kept in check by spread decks specifically, Espeon-EX, who has already been checking evolution decks anyway. It's even easier because both of these guys are Stage 1 Pokemon-GX which means you don't even get something like Metang to help keep you alive. Exeggcute has 50 life and Magikarp has a whopping 30. It's not going to be hard to wipe your board clean. Even if you tech in Mr. Mime, a single hit is all it takes to open you up for a devolution KO next turn and now you're out five Energy that you can't Aqua Patch back (in Gyarados's case) because instead of trying to build a consistent deck, you built a meme.
Someone winning a regs would cause me to respect the deck, but I guarantee you 100% no one good is going to use Kiawe in these decks.
Good design is not not print a card like Kiawe. The problem isn't the Colorless- or Fire-type, it's anything with large Colorless cost for their attacks. This also include most Dragon-type Pokemon going forward. I would hate to see a Moltres-GX with a five Energy attack that discards all Energy because of Kiawe.
Nothing with a large Colorless requirement is even remotely good, even with Kiawe.
re your wishmon: You won't, because PCL aren't idiots. Ho-Oh and Kiawe are in the same set, so any other basic Fire Pokemon-GX we get will be as good or worse. A five-Energy attack that discards all sounds like a GX attack. Even if it wasn't, you would likely only be able to do it once anyway; good luck getting ten Energy on a single target over the course of a game.
You don't always need to attack. Do you have any idea how good it is to use two turns getting two Ho-Oh-GX up? You don't have to attack with it. Anything with large Colorless cost will be much better off with the card. Even playing it when you can do anything is super good. It's not a power at this point but still puts on a lot of pressure. I know the card won't be banned, since it's new and a full art of it exist but it doesn't mean this card isn't broken. I've made my case for why it is.
Also, is it okay to swear or something now? Did a rule chance I'm not aware of because I'd love to cuss people out
If using Kiawe on a turn other than one is ever an appealing option then you are probably getting your ass kicked and I'm not sure how much it'll help. It puts on pressure, yes. That's the whole point of the card.
You have been able to curse (basically anything but the "f word") for a long time. Some of the older filters were removed thanks to me, and no, that's not a joke. You're welcome