Call of Duty: Bulletproof Soldiers

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Me and Mr.Random just played a couple of games, shall we evaluate each other, Lenny?
If the PS3 users here post their PSN ID's, I can add them and we could also play a few games.

BTW, I gave my own copy of the game now :D

Add me if you want, but Im only allowed to play on the weekends and Im on the verge of my exams so yh be patient with that game lol.
Dark Marc said:
Me and Mr.Random just played a couple of games, shall we evaluate each other, Lenny?

Sure, I guess. I'd like to see some scores, too, if possible.
Username: Ensiger
System (PS3/XBOX360): PS3
Online username: knightoftime
Call of Duty games owned: MW1, MW2, W@W
How good do you think you are?: I'm pretty good, although I'd have to do a touch up on my skills as it's been a few weeks since I played.
Favorite gun(s): ACR, Intervention, UMP 45
Highest Killstreak: I believe it was 21.
Which Prestige are you currently on? (If you have not prestiged yet, what rank are you?): I'm first prestige (only did it for the unlocks), around rank 30? I don't remember off the top of my head.
What happens when you do the "prestige" thing?

It resets your level, so do your weapons go bye bye?

Basically, what are the Pro's and Con's of doing it?

Currently Im level 48 so im quickly approaching it. (sort of)
Dark Marc said:
Me and Mr.Random just played a couple of games, shall we evaluate each other, Lenny?

I hope you don't say anything too bad about me. Those were terrible games that we played together.

Anyway, NEW CLASS! And I love it!

RPD @ grip
M93 Raffica @ akimbo
stun grenades
Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro
Painkiller (Or was it Martyrdom?)

Anything I need to change? I wasn't too sure about the secondary, so I just put akimbo rafficas. What do you think works best with the RPD?
Sorry ShayminSky, forgot to check my PMs. You're on the list now. Feel free to discuss : )
I'm going to be away this weekend, so I'm hoping that you guys can control yourselves and not do anything stupid while I'm gone. I'm putting both DarkMarc and dragon9 in charge, so listen to them and make sure you follow the rules.
shadoworganoid said:
What happens when you do the "prestige" thing?

It resets your level, so do your weapons go bye bye?

Basically, what are the Pro's and Con's of doing it?

Currently Im level 48 so im quickly approaching it. (sort of)
Sorry for not answering dude.

When you prestige it resets your level and you get a better rank.

The pro's are a better rank and possibly better titles and emblems (you "get third time charm", "the prestige" titles). All of your weapons get reset and your perks pro's, however you don't lose your titles and emblems.

Yes, you are near the lvl so keep on going and you can get there ^__^, it's your choice if you want to prestige.
Here is my new favorite gun setup I use

AK-47@no attachment


Perk 1 Scavanger
Perk 2 Stopping power
Perk 3 Ninja
Death streak Martybom

I don't use any attachments on the Ak because it sways when your aiming, it doesn't sway when using the Acog scope though. Right now I'm using FMJ on it to unlock extended Mags and the title( then I'm not usin anything). I use the thumper for campers( and for having fun) since I don't use the grenade attachment on the Ak.
My favorite class:
UMP45 w/fmj
stun grenades
perks(all pro)-Marathon, Lightweight, Commando
Death streak-martyrdom?
kill streak-Pred, Chopper, Nuke
My fave setup:
ACR @ silencer and red dot
Javelin (fur da lols)
Bling pro
Cold blooded Pro
UAV, Care package, Pave Low
Alright, I'm back but I don't like what I'm seeing. Give some reasons why you chose what you chose, even if it is self explanatory. I don't want to see sets especially when I don't understand why you chose what.
red blastoise said:
My fave setup:
ACR @ silencer and red dot because red dot is good for headshots, and silencer keepd me "under the radar"
Javelin good to start off, and it helps against choppers
semtex Doesn't roll away like frags, and they just need to be thrown
Stun If you first throw a stun and it hits, the enemy can't escape your semtex
Bling pro I want both silencer and red dot :p
Cold blooded Pro for help with javelin, no UAV, and thermal.
Ninjagood against Heartbeat sensor. I am not sure if I should change it to commando
Martyrdom I usually don't reach my opponents before painkiller runs out, don't need to copy class' and final stand doesn't work for me
UAV, Someone needs to get them :/
Care package, Lucky me get's lucky things, or not
Pave Low theire great :p

I tried lenny sorry, it was right before school when I posted that.
Im going to update my Fav Set up as Ive unlocked more now.

Primary: RPD @ Grip and FMJ.
-I love this set up. FMJ gives me an edge as I can hit through walls now. Those snipers up in the windows of buildings are annoying. Now I can hit them even if they move. As for the weapon itself, it has so much ammo per clip that you rarely live long enough to use it all. So in other words, very little time spent reloading.

Secondary: Javelin @ no attachments.
-I find it a real pain to be pined down or spawn killed by enemy Harriers or Choppers. Shoot em down. Nuf said.

-These are fun. They are good protection from running classes when I choose to camp. Also good for that random kill if they arent paying attention.

Stun Grenades.
-Good for pausing Sentry Guns and disorienting groups.

Perk 1: Bling Pro
-What can I say? Need that double attachment.

Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
-Very handy with FMJ. I have found many occations where shooting through walls gets me random kills.

Perk 3: Ninja Pro
-Good for basic sneak attacks and stealth.

DeathStreak: Last Stand.
-I like this one. Its proven usefull. I can get kills still when in last stand and half the time survive too. Plus I love the false sence of security they get when they see me fall over. Im not really dead yet. Haha.

Killstreak rewards;
1. Care Package.
-Gets you anything at random. Love the random Chopper Gunners.

2. Preditor Missle.
-A guided missle is great. I can hit hard to reach targets or groups for nice multi kills.

3. Emergency Airdrop.
-Same as the care package. Love the random items.

I have Chopper Gunner and AC130 Unlocked, but dont use them as I never get that many kills in a row....

Maybe its because the way I play. I camp in places where they are likly to show up and just let loose when they do.
Like in skid row, the main hallway with the book case on the ground floor is a perfect place to do that.

I usually end up like.... 20+ kills and around 10 deaths.
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