Call of Duty: Bulletproof Soldiers

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I'm gonna update my last class.

RPD (ftw) @ grip
- As shadoworganoid said, this thing has so much ammo, you could shoot a harrier down and still have some left. Yes, I have done that.
PP2000 @ FMJ
- This makes a solid choice if the enemy ever catches me reloading, and FMJ gives me a boost, because sometimes, it feels like I'm throwing pebbles instead of shooting.
- Frags need to cook, and by the time they're ready or they finally blow up when I throw them uncooked, the guy's probably already gone. semtex ftw lolol
stun grenades
- They slow the enemy down so that I can mow them over with the RPD.
sleight of hand pro
- Aiming the RPD without this is a pain in the butt. And don't even get me started on the reload time. DX
stopping power pro
- You kill with less, you save up more ammo.
steady aim pro
- It's nice to know I'll still shoot accurately if I ever get caught by surprise and don't have time to aim.
- It makes for a fun payback every once in a while. >:]

Predator missle - Remote-controlled missles are fun to use. :]
Harrier Airstrike - In a game of free-for-all, where not that many carry anti-vehicular launchers, this killstreak reward is awesome.
Pavelow / Chopper Gunner - Pavelow + Harrier = oodles of kills. I'm still learning about how to affectively use the Chopper Gunner, but it's still very fun to use.

I'm still iffy on what to use as a secondary to the RPD. I don't want anything like a launcher or a shotgun, so could I get some recommendations?

Oh, and I think it's high time we change our topic and/or announce when we'll have our clan ranking match.
I would if I had it for that console. Does anyone want to play with me online? (PS3)
[edit] IF anyone wants play send a message to Explorer200.
I have spring break from last Friday to the 11th. If anyone wants to play together on live, just send Matt Man 2253 a message.
jboy said:
I would if I had it for that console. Does anyone want to play with me online? (PS3)
[edit] IF anyone wants play send a message to Explorer200.

I'll add you on PSN network.
Maybe I will see anyone online?
We could, but remember our timezones are different :p
If you just say how many hours from the moment you PM me, it'd be better :p
It's 15:12 (in hours) here now (3.12 PM)
Mr. Random said:
I have spring break from last Friday to the 11th. If anyone wants to play together on live, just send Matt Man 2253 a message.

All this week is my spring break. I am usually always online (xbox) in the evening from 8:00 to about 11:00 PM.
I would be online during the day, but Im working on my senior project.
We are both in WA state so our time zones are the same. If your on this evening, you should look me up.

My game tag is: Kallen27

And im almost lv 70!
Im currently at lv 68.

Oh, I have a question.
Yesterday I got a 12 kill killstreak. Thus earning myself my AC130. I used it and killed 3-5 people before it ended.
Yet me killstreak record is still only 12....
Why is that? It should be at least 15.
Uhh... it could be a glitch? Anyway, I'm gonna send you a friend request. See you tonight.
Mr. Random said:
Uhh... it could be a glitch? Anyway, I'm gonna send you a friend request. See you tonight.

Okay sweet. Be warned, my performance is very random. Half my games are good, half are bad. lol

WHats your gamertag? I get random requests some times....
Alright, just a little update on my CoD adventures. I am currently 2nd prestige rank 39 and have been using an UMP and occasionally Intervention during this whole prestige. I used SCAR-H a couple games but seriously, the UMP is amazing. In a Demolition game I got 2 predators and 2 harriers in one round just by using the UMP. It is a crazy-sick gun and I'm almost at the 1000 kills veteran challenge for it.

I'm also CoDing right now for about one more hour. If anybody wants to CoD with me, I'm OmegaBlade7. Just friend request me. I accept everyone. But tell me who you are in your friend request. :)
I friend requested you this afternoon, correct?
Nice doing on your prestige :p

I have been trying to get on quickscoping lateley, and it's really hard.
I am getting better at it now though.
Hey, at 10.30 (11.30 your time) wanna play me RB?

Quick scope or normal your choice. Pm me with specifications :)
Sorry, I couldn't then, as I ahev only seen your post now.
Before I went to bed last night, my PS3 said you where last online 8 minutes before :(
so it really was bad luck, sorry.
Hey guys, some big things regarding my future are going to take place in the near future and I may not have time to be here as often as I'd like or play as much Call of Duty as I want. I'm going to need 2 volunteers who are willing to take care of this place while I am gone. I know this is short notice and some of you may not be able to handle the responsibility, but if you can, please volunteer yourself because currently, I cannot take care of this place. School is overwhelming and I need to focus more, which CoD is distracting me from.
Lenny said:
Hey guys, some big things regarding my future are going to take place in the near future and I may not have time to be here as often as I'd like or play as much Call of Duty as I want. I'm going to need 2 volunteers who are willing to take care of this place while I am gone. I know this is short notice and some of you may not be able to handle the responsibility, but if you can, please volunteer yourself because currently, I cannot take care of this place. School is overwhelming and I need to focus more, which CoD is distracting me from.

I guess I could volunteer :p
I'm on most of the time.
YES! I have finally Prestiged. (however you spell it)

It was a pain to get there. Now Im just sad I dont have my RPG-7 anymore....
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