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Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H:Regigigas EX! FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

Please check my list for:
1-2 Tornadus Full Art
1-2 Shaymin UL
Maybe some Primes

Let me know if you find anything you want. Thank you!
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

captain.mongoose said:
Do you have any Black and White or HGSS energy?
I have: (All Black and White)
1x Grass Energy
2x Fire Energy
2x Water Energy
2x Lightning Energy
1x Psychic Energy
2x Fighting Energy
4x Metal Energy

Let me know if you're interested in any of it.
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

@ Afro-G - Nah, I actually just got all the energy I needed, sorry. Thanks for checking, though! I didn't see anything else on your list.

@ Man - Sorry, didn't see anything that I really needed.
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

Yeah, cause I definitely want to trade an $18 card for a $10 card... Could you make a more reasonable offer?
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!



I was actually off on the prices, Mew is $20 and Reshiram is $9. My bad.

I would honestly trade the Mew if it was just worthwhile to me.
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread!

Hey guys! Updated, with MOAR wants!
Pleeease help me with some of those RH wants! Thanks much!
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

Interested in:
4x Mew Prime

Have from your Wants:

Typhlosion x3 (2x Promo {1x Used}, 1x Set)
Machamp x3

Would you do...

4x Mew Prime

3x Machamp Prime
3x Typhlosion Prime
1x RH Twins (have more)
1x RH Sage's Training

If not, please CML & LMK if there's anything else I could add, thanks.
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

Im not really wanting to trade Mew Prime for collection wants right now, except if theres a Tropical Beach involved. :p
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

Oh ok, didn't realize they were for collection. Thanks for your time & for letting me know!
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

So now that part one of our trade is completed, let's move on to part two!

Other haves of mine, in addition to what we've discussed...

RH Reuniclus x2
RH Twins (just one?)
RH Sage's Training x1
Emerald Psychic Energy x12-15


Typhlosion x1
Kingdra x1
Houndoom x2
Gengar x1

I'm after the Mew* delta (non-WC), Charizard * delta, and the Latios* (non-WC) as we've discussed. I also have several more of your "wants" you weren't able to get in the last part of our trade.

Per our PMs, I think I will do 8 Emerald Psy for a Mew* d (once again so long as it's not WC). We still have some more work to do, though. >>;;
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

Would you do the Kingdra Prime and four energies for the Mew?
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

captain.mongoose said:
Would you do the Kingdra Prime and four energies for the Mew?

Sorry, but I'll have to pass on that - for the same reason your Latios* and Charizard* are reserved for playable wants, so too are my playable haves reserved only for star pokemon I'm actively searching for (Mew* d is coming in the mail in a few days). I'm happy with the 8 psy deal, but if you want the Kingdra, then I could do it + for psy for the Latios*.

Here's a fat offer for the Charizard star (assuming it's exc condition or better). LMK what you think:

Grass Energy Matrix Emerald
Blissey Prime
Gengar Prime
Kingdra Prime
Typhlosion Prime
x2 Houndoom Prime
x2 RH Reuniclus
x1 Sage's Training RH
x1 Twins RH (did you really say you needed just one? 'Cause I have more I think, lol)

P.S. Also, rofl at this exchange:

"Could you make a more reasonable offer?"

"No, I can't, Sorry."
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

Would it be possible for you to acquire more Typhlosions? I need them more than the other Primes (they're just for collection purposes) I could do that deal if you had three Typhlosions instead of Gengar, Blissey, and the Energy...

Yeah, I lol'ed a bit at that as well...
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

I only own two Typhlosions, so would you meet me half-way and do our current trade sub Gengar? That would mean...

My -

Grass Energy Matrix Emerald
x8 Psychic Energy Matrix Emerald
Blissey Prime
Kingdra Prime
x2 Typhlosion Prime
x2 Houndoom Prime
x2 RH Reuniclus
x1 Sage's Training RH
x1 Twins RH

For your:

Mew* or Latios*

(This is on top of the trade we have agreed to already. Also, I threw on your PM offer from earlier, with the added consideration for Latios*)

Alternatively, if you don't mind waiting on your cards for a few days longer, I can check at league on Monday to see if anyone can hook me up with a third Typhlo.

LMK soon, thanks! Profile would be good. :D
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

I think I would rather wait to see if you could get a third Typhlo... I would like to build ReshiPhlosion so that I could deck test against it
RE: Captain.mongoose's Trading Thread! H: Magnezone Prime, FULL RDL, Mew Prime!!!!

All right, sounds like a plan. Would you mind reserving the Charizard * until then? Everything I have up for trade can be reserved, too.

Also, could you confirm the eight emerald psychic energy portion of the trade? Mew's (exc or better) fine, but Latios (exc or better) would better - either way, lmk which one it is.