RE: * C A T B U S * [H] All HGSS Legends, Greats, Lithographs [W] Clear Arceus Sleeves
shadoworganoid said:Flygon IS worth a bit more, so can I throw in like 10 bucks and get the Amparos Great as well?
Shakespeare said:I need:
x1 Luxray GL Lv X RR
x1 Snorlax Lv X RR
x1 Flygon Lv X RR
x1 Dialga G Lv X PT
I have:
x2 RH Moonlight Stadium
xX RH Poke Turn
xX RH Energy Gain
xX RH SP Radar
xX Luxray GL RR - have RH
x2 Garchomp C RH
xX RH Great Balls
xX Unown G RH
xX Warp Points RH
xX Roseanne's Research RH - I really hate to offer these...
xX Foil Energy HP
Let me know what you think.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:skipped.
eevee said:My Salamence LV X for your Uxie LV X?
eevee said:I don't mind. I just really need an Uxie X.
Shakespeare said:Snorlax X in the mostly wanted out of that huge list.
Need any of the stuff I listed for just that?
I will have Arceus stuff posted soon...
konter_j8902 said:cml for garchomp x
shadoworganoid said:Hey, I recently found out I can actually use that Japanese Typhlosion Great...
With that in mind, I don't really want to trade off Flygon X for it.
Im willing to trade Flygon X am possibly somthing else for your Lugia Legend (top and bottom) Or Ho-oh Legend (top and bottom)
I would love to work out a deal.
shadoworganoid said:Okay, let me try this....
What are the different options avalible to me in hopes of getting your Legend??? (either)
richkid50000 said:do you happen to have another Pika X? just to let you know it is only worth about $20. and that is what I would trade in value for it. more interested in that then HGSS.
HeatRotomFTW1997 said:Hi Catbus! I have 1 RH Double Colorless Energy From HGSS. Would you be interested? I am interested in your Smoochum 1stED mint from HGSS. Let's work out something! LMK.
Catbus said:Well, check my wants and make a fair offer to those. The two-card legends are worth about $40-50 compared to a Gengar X that's worth $25-30.