Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo-EX Discussion Thread

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RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

Smeargle is a really nice tech because of Skyarrow Bridge. You don't need more than one though
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

Ever think about Twins since Celebi is kinda frail a lot and EX's are your main attackers?
I know you have Bridge but it might be worth running a small amount of twins.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

I prefer Cleffa to Smeargle because it can get me un-stuck even when my opponent is stuck.

However, I really like Smeargle as its own deck. If they get stuck with an Oak's/Juniper in their hand, I get to draw 18+ cards on my turn. It's a great mechanic for comeback decks.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

I'm thinking Cleffa has to be a new addition to this deck. I hit dead draws way too much.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

Stuart Hayden said:
Ever think about Twins since Celebi is kinda frail a lot and EX's are your main attackers?
I know you have Bridge but it might be worth running a small amount of twins.

You should never be behind on prizes with this.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

Personally, I like 3 Mewtwo, 2 XTransceiver, 3 Judge and 1 Cleffa.
And I think Tornadus is more of a secondary attacker.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

Tornadus = 1st Attacker. 2 Mewtwo cuz ud never use 3. XTranceiver = Bad, you need just 1 draw supporter, not a specific one, if random tranceiver is in this set it is better. Judge is counter productive, because you need to draw as many cards t1. Cleffa us't needed you have 12 draw supporters and 2 supporter searchers.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

You don't use Judge t1 with my 8 other draw supporters and two supporter searches. I prefer Judge over N because lategame when I have a few prizes left and I want to draw for than 2 cards. ( when I have only N in my hand )
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

What about when you start with Judge in hand? "You don't use Judge t1" isn't a valid statement, because if it's the only draw supporter in hand your gonna use it. Sages>Judge, but I still like N>Sages>Judge
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

HenryP said:
What about when you start with Judge in hand? "You don't use Judge t1" isn't a valid statement, because if it's the only draw supporter in hand your gonna use it. Sages>Judge, but I still like N>Sages>Judge

Yes, but:
PONT>Juniper>Copycat>N>Sage's>Bianca>Judge>Cheren>Bill JK
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

Not really.... Most of the time your opponent will be using so many resources to catch up to you. The Japanese list that has been winning in Japan runs 4 PONT 4 Juniper 4 N
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

But if they're using a billion resources, you don't want to put them from a 1-2 card hand to a 5-6 card hand.

I'd rather run 2 Receiver, 4 Oak, 4 Juniper, 2 N. Even a Bianca or two might work better. The N works okay, but I don't like it very much.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

My point is that copycat may not be the best choice, but N isn't worth it. It would be more worth it to Bianca, Sage, and Cheren as your draw cards (Still keep PONT and Juniper of course)
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

HenryP said:
The Japanese list that has been winning in Japan runs 4 PONT 4 Juniper 4 N
They've had this set for over 4 months, I think that they've tested it and figured out that N isn't that bad.....
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

N is good.

When it is 2-2 or lower in prizes, N + Shaymin EX is a game sealer most of the time, especially in decks that are hand reliant (instead of being board reliant, such as The Truth).

2 Random Receiver 3 PONT 3 N 4 Juniper.
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

With this deck can search be substituted for draw? (I prefer not to reveal my list, but it runs more search cards than draw cards)
RE: "Leaf Tornado" Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo EX

What do you mean by "search"? The only search card i see there is Dual Ball
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